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Author Archives: Gordana Vlahović
Opportunity for Students: International Quant Championship 2025
Brain Bar team, which has been organizing Europe’s biggest festival on future for the past 11 years, invites you check out the partner WorldQuant’s International Quant Championship (IQC) – a competition for STEM, Finance and Computer Science students and put your quantitative skills to the test and build financial forecasting models.
Top-performing teams’ universities will have the opportunity to be featured on the prestigious Global IQC University Rankings TOP 100 list. Students might enjoy rewards such as a potential journey to the Singapore finals, cash prizes or career opportunities.
Why participate in the IQC?
- Contestants have the chance to travel to Singapore and represent their country in the global finals.
- They can win up to $100,000 in prizes.
- Become part of a global STEM community.
- Participate in free webinars to get help with the competition.
Who can apply?
- University students, professors, or alumni.
- Participants can compete individually or in teams (maximum 4 members). However, all team members must be from the same university.
Apply at this link.
Thank you for your attention to the development of the next generation. We hope to welcome many talented participants from your students in the competition.
Best regards,
Community Manager | BRAIN BAR

Studenti PMF-a učestvovali u NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program 2025
Studenti Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu su od 2-14. marta 2025. učestvovali u programu NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program na Državnom univerzitetu Tajvana u Tajpeju.
Luka Divjaković, student računarskih nauka, Andrej Rajkov, student informacionih tehnologija, Pavle Tepavčević i Mihailo Milenković, studenti master programa veštačke inteligencije, imali su priliku da steknu dragoceno iskustvo u oblasti mikroprocesora, veštačke inteligencije i robotike.
Učešće naših studenata u ovom programu rezultat je saradnje Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta i tajvanskog partnera, što je našim studentima omogućilo da uče od vodećih svetskih stručnjaka u industriji mikroprocesora.

Tajvan je globalni lider u proizvodnji mikroprocesora i poluprovodnika, a njegova ekonomija u velikoj meri zavisi od ove industrije. Više od 60% svetske proizvodnje čipova dolazi upravo iz Tajvana, zahvaljujući kompanijama kao što su TSMC i Mediatek, koje snabdevaju najveće tehnološke gigante širom sveta.
Tokom programa, studenti su prisustvovali predavanjima uglednih profesora i stručnjaka iz oblasti mikroprocesora, veštačke inteligencije i robotike. Takođe su imali priliku da posete vodeće tehnološke kompanije kao što su ST Microelectronics, TSMC, Mediatek i Delta, gde su iz prve ruke mogli da se upoznaju sa najnovijim dostignućima u industriji čipova. U Istraživačkom centru Univerziteta studenti su imali priliku da rade sa silicijumskim pločicama, osnovnim materijalom za proizvodnju mikroprocesora.
Pored akademskih aktivnosti, učesnici su istražili i bogatu kulturnu baštinu Tajvana, uključujući i posetu muzejima u Tajpeju.
Posebnu zahvalnost dugujemo kompaniji Sixsentix i platformi za učenje SixCube University, koji su svojim sponzorstvom pokrili veći deo troškova puta do Tajpeja, omogućivši našim studentima da budu deo ovog programa.
Luka, Pavle, Mihailo i Andrej su jednoglasni u preporuci budućim generacijama da iskoriste ovakve prilike, jer će stečena znanja i kontakti biti neprocenljivi za njihov dalji akademski, profesionalni i lični razvoj.
LUNCHTIME TALK #7 O VEŠTAČKOJ INTELIGENCIJI održan je 4. marta 2025. na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u organizaciji Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju
Pričom o fenomenu veštačke inteligencije smo nastavili tradiciju održavanja skupova koje smo nazvali lunchtime talks, a koji su savršen način da o aktuelnim temama i uspešnim projektima čujemo iz prve ruke – od naših uspešnih profesora. Moto ovih skupova je ,,Kolege – kolegama” a cilj razvoj kulture deljenja, povezivanja i promocije nauke u okviru PMF-a.
Kolega, profesor Miloš Radovanović, redovni profesor na Departmanu za matematiku i informatiku je podelio deo svog znanja i istraživanja o veštačkoj inteligenciji i približio nam šta jeste i šta sve nije veštačka inteligencije, šta sve može, ali i ne može da uradi za nas. Tako je i naslovljeno održano predavanje: Artificial Intelligence: What It Is (Not), and What It Can (Not) Do – With Case Studies in Graph Embedding.
Prof. Radovanović je na interesantan i praktičan način predočio šta su veštačka inteligencija (AI) i mašinsko učenje (ML), kakvi su različiti tipovi AI sistema i koje su mogućnosti i slabosti najsavremenijih AI i ML tehnika. Takođe, profesor je govorio o AI metodama za ugrađivanje grafova, što nam omogućava da koristimo “klasične” AI i ML tehnike razvijene za tabelarne podatke na grafovima, otvarajući ogromne mogućnosti za izgradnju inteligentnih sistema koji rade na podacima grafikona, uključujući aplikacije za klasifikaciju, grupisanje, predviđanje veza i detekciju anomalija.
Kolega je takođe predstavio rezultate svoji uspešnih projekata finansiranih od strane Fonda za nauku: završeni projekat pod akronimom GRASP i tekući pod akronimom TIGRA (FN (FN Program za razvoj projekata iz veštačke inteligencije).
Demistifikacija veštačke inteligencije kao vruće teme je mnogima od nas dala ideju o trenutnim pristupima AI, kao i o onima koji su još daleko od „rešenih“. Jednako važno, ovim pedavanjem smo osvestili koliko je, pre svega, važno koristiti AI odgovorno, svrsishodno, etično i na dobrobit čovečanstva.
Stay tuned za najavu teme lunchtime talk #8!
Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a
Check out PMF IRO TikTok: @iro.pmf

UNSPMF welcomed colleagues form Ningbo University, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, People’s Republic of China
Faculty of Sciences welcomed the delegation form Ningbo University, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering on October 10, 2024. The Chinese delegation was represented by Dr. Chuanfan Ding (Dean), Dr. Mingjiong Zhou (Vicedean for science), Dr. Jie Shu (Director of the Institute for Energy Materials and Industrial Catalysis) and Dr. Yinghua Yan (Associate Professor). UNSPMF delegation was represented by Dean Prof. Srđan Rončević and his team: Prof. Dušan Mrđa (Vicedean for science and international collaboration), Prof. Jasmina Agbaba (Head of Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection), Dr. Snežana Papović, Prof. Milan Vraneš, and members of the International Relations Office.
UNSPMF signed a collaboration agreement with Ningbo University School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering in April this year and the concrete goals of the visit were oriented towards articulating the next steps. It was concluded that the first activities in collaboration will be: joint research projects, joint publications, academic exchange on all levels, joint conferences, networking events, etc. In addition, exchange of students will be continued as it was successfully started by UNSPMF hosting PhD student Zhu Lipeng, who is conducting his research at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection supervised by Dr. Snežana Papović and her colleagues.
Both delegations presented their institutions, shared a vision of this collaboration and further discussion was continued during the visit to the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection. Both partners expressed their belief that this collaboration has an excellent potential for creating joint impactful research.

Horizon Europe project Restore4Life launches a Call for Associated Regions

Restore4Life (GA number: 101112736) has recently launched its Open Call for Associated Regions
Restore4life is looking for at least 5 Associated Regions to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region with up to 100 000 Euros per project to create new opportunities and collaborations that will shape the future.
We are looking for at least 5 Associated Regions that we can provide with technical assistance to use the outcomes and knowledge of Restore4Life to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region.
The aim is to share the results and knowledge of the project on an ongoing basis with the selected ‘associated regions’ and to provide them with scientific and technical support for the implementation of wetland restoration solutions in their territory. This will involve the twinning of each Associated Region with a similar demonstration site and the provision of technical advisory services necessary to prepare roadmaps, plans and projects to restore ecosystems in the associated regions addressing possible barriers and showing the feasibility of implementing innovative solutions.
For more info on the Open Call, please visit the official Restore4Life website and click HERE
and download the call text further down in this post.
Deadline for submitting your application: 29 May 2024.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Промоција ОТВОРЕНИХ Еразмус+ конкурса за студенте ПМФ-а 14. фебруара у 11 часова
Драги студенти,
Канцеларија за међународну сарадњу Природно-математичког факултета одржаће промоцију 2 тренутно отворена јавна позива Универзитета у Новом Саду за ЕРАЗМУС+ одлазну мобилност студената (мобилност у сврху студирања и у сврху стручне праксе; РОК ЗА АПЛИЦИРАЊЕ: 3. МАРТ 2023):
Промоција ће се одржати у уторак 14. фебруара 2023. у 11ч у Клубу наставника на Департману за физику (2. спрат, сала десно у дну ходника).
Студенти ће имати прилику да сазнају више о начину планирања и реализације мобилности, о припреми конкурсне документације као и да чују искуства својих колега који су већ учествовали у Еразмус+ програму.
Дођите да чујете веома позитивна искуства и савете својих колега са ПМФ-а!
Дан заљубљених је права прилика да се заљубите у Еразмус+!

ISWinT (International Student Week in Timișoara, Romania)
ISWinT (International Student Week in Timișoara) is an educational intercultural festival organized by the student organization Liga AC with the support of Politehnica University Timișoara and its Department for International Relations.
The 28th edition of ISWinT will take place between 25th of July and the 2th of August and is centered around the theme “Reunite. Rebuild. Restart” . The direction is “Post pandemic struggles and opportunities”as we encourage our participants at the end of the festival to develop a project based on the knowledge gathered from the workshops and be the change needed in their communities.
The applications are open until the 2nd of May and to be eligible to participate you have to be a student between 18 and 30 years old.
Below, there is a poster with additional information regarding the project and the workshops you can attend as a participant. For some frequently asked questions, visit https://iswint.ro/
For any questions please feel free to write to contact@iswint.ro , on Facebook , or on Instagram
GO STYRIA RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP at the University of Graz 2022/23
GO STYRIA RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP at the University of Graz 2022/23 – call open now!
In cooperation with the University of Graz, the Province of Styria has been offering a new grant for outstanding students from South-Eastern European countries Go Styria.
Go Styria is a scholarship program for master and doctoral students as well as post-docs interested in a short term research stay (max. 4 months) in the context of their master, doctoral thesis or post-doc research.
The target region includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. Candidates selected for the program will be given the opportunity for a research period at the University of Graz in order to then continue and conclude their studies / research at their home universities.
WHO can apply?
- currently and also in 2022/23 enrolled at an accredited university in the target region
- currently already working on their master or doctoral thesis
- who are academic staff members at an accredited university in the target region
- the completion of the doctorate should not be older than 1 year at the time of application
Details on the program call: https://international.uni-graz.at/en/incoming-exchange/go-styria-scholarship-programme/
Your steps to becoming a grantee:
- check the program website to see if you are eligible to apply
- join us for an online info-session on 17 March 2022 or 7 April 2022, 1pm CET
- master/PhD students: provide the relevant information (see program website) for access to the application tool by 19 April 2022
Fulbright Non-Degree Research Program for Doctoral Students 2023-2024

Application Deadline: APRIL 11, 2022
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students competition for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students enables young professionals from Serbia who are already enrolled in a PhD program at a Serbian university to conduct research at a U.S. university related to their PhD thesis. Grants last 6 to 9 months, and the PhD students from the following fields can apply:
Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism / Media Studies, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics
For more info visit: https://rs.usembassy.gov/fulbright-non-degree-research-program-for-doctoral-students-2023-2024/
UNS Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju organizuje onlajn prezentaciju poziva za Erazmus+ mobilnost – stručne prakse u inostranstvu
U ponedeljak, 10. januara 2022. godine, s početkom u 12 časova, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu organizuje onlajn prezentaciju Erazmus+ mobilnosti radi obavljanja stručne prakse, u okviru koje će biti predstavljene detaljnije informacije o konkursu. Zainteresovani studenti će biti u mogućnosti da u neposrednom razgovoru sa predstavnicima Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a saznaju važne pojedinosti u vezi sa prijavom na konkurs, uslovima učešća i realizaciji mobilnosti radi obavljanja stručne prakse u inostranstvu.
Detalji za pristup onlajn prezentaciji su OVDE