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Author Archives: Gordana Vlahović

Antibodies.com Travel Grants Program

Each quarter, Antibodies.com offers travel grants up to 500€ to help cover the cost of attending conferences. These travel grants are open to PhD candidates, lab managers, and post-docs from academic research institutions across Europe. The grant is intended to help cover the costs of registration, accommodation, and travel to conferences of choice.

For a chance to win, simply complete the online application form; including a summary of your research or abstract for the conference.

Get Your Math PhD in Berlin!

The Berlin Mathematical School is the graduate school of the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ (http://www.mathplus.de) and a joint endeavor of the mathematics departments at the universities in Berlin: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt-Universität (HU) and Technische Universität (TU).

BMS offers an excellent doctoral program taught in English in a broad and active research environment together with mentoring programs, language courses, soft-skills seminars, funding for summer schools and conferences, a buddy program and funding for students with children. Committed to equality and diversity.

“Mathematics as a whole“ is a leading principle of the BMS. Its focus encompasses fields that are traditionally termed “pure“ or “applied“ mathematics, though we prefer not to make that distinction. Instead, research topics are grouped into eight parts, each covering a broad, but coherent, part of mathematics:

  1. Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics
  2. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory
  3. Stochastics and mathematical finance
  4. Discrete mathematics and optimization
  5. Geometry, topology, and visualization
  6. Numerical analysis and scientific computing
  7. Applied analysis and differential equations

For applicants with a Bachelor, Phase I offers a basic graduate phase of 3-4 semesters completed by a qualifying exam. Phase II is the research phase and open to candidates with a Master‘s degree. It lasts 4-6 semesters in which candidates conduct specialized research and attend at least one advanced course per semester.

All you need to know about applying to the BMS is available online:


You can apply at: http://www.math-berlin.de/application

Online courses at Faculty of Science (PSU, Thailand)

Faculty of Science (Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand) is offering online courses in different fields and for different levels of study. This semester, the courses available are:

  • General Chemistry II
  • Geohazards (Physics)
  • Computational Physics I
  • Plasma Physics
  • Advanced Controlled Fusion (Physics)

There is a processing fee for every course of 10 USD per person. Detailed information about each course can be found HERE.

Important dates:

Registration: until 16 Nov. 2020

Transaction: until 20 Nov. 2020

Course period: 30 Nov 2020 – 5 Apr 2021




Stipendije vlade Mađarske za školsku 2021/2022 godinu

Vlada Mađarske u saradnji sa Tempus fondacijom raspisala je konkurs u okviru programa Stipendium Hungaricum za dodelu 50 stipendija studentima osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija.

Rok za dostavu prijava je 15. januar 2021.

Kontakt osoba u Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja: jelena.pazun@mpn.gov.rs

Više informacija o konkursu i procesu prijave možete naći na sledećim linkovima:



[DGT] Copernicus Master in Digital Earth – Call for Applications open!

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth (CDE) is a two year full-time integrated Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Programme. The English language Master of Science Programme is jointly offered to outstanding candidates as double degree by Palacky University, University of South Brittany and University of Salzburg. Students study Earth Observation and Geoinformatics in year one. Two Specialization Tracks provide a pathway towards excellence in GeoData Science as well as GeoVisualization in year two.

Participation is possible either as a self-funded student or Erasmus+ EMJMD Scholarship holder. Candidates with a “Geospatial” background are welcome!

For further information regarding the study programme, scholarships, application procedure and deadlines please check out the Call for Applications.

Takmičenje SPACE4WOMEN 3.0: Galaksija novih ideja


Studentska asocijacija Univerziteta u Novom Sadu objavila je poziv za učešće u takmičenju Space4Women 3.0: Galaksija novih ideja, koje je namenjeno studentkinjama osnovnih, master ili doktorskih studija svih fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu koje žele da preuzmu inicijativu, razmišljaju kreativno i zakorače u svet preduzetništva.

Na takmičenje mogu da se prijave studentkinje koje imaju inovativnu ideju za razvoj novog ili unapređenje postojećeg proizvoda odnosno usluge iz bilo koje oblasti (kultura, ekologija, turizam, poljoprivreda, IKT, tehnologija i dr).

Ideje se prijavljuju u timu koji treba da se sastoji od najmanje dva, a najviše pet članova. Članovi tima ne moraju biti sa istog fakulteta/departmana i timovi mogu biti mešoviti (da ga čine studenti i studentkinje) s tim da tim lider mora da bude studentkinja.

Rok za prijavu na takmičenje je 15. novembar 2020. godine.

Takmičenje će biti realizovano u četiri faze: prijava ideja (do 15. 11. 2020. godine), selekcija ideja (do 20. 11. 2020. godine), mentorstvo i obuka (od 25. 11. do 15. 12. 2020. godine) i finale takmičenja (u drugoj polovini decembra 2020. godine).

Vrednost nagrade za pobednički tim je 2.000 evra, a pored glavne biće dodeljene druge vredne nagrade timovima koji osvoje drugo i treće mesto.

Poziv za učešće u takmičenju

[DMI] New Erasmus Mundus Master Programme EDISS – scholarships available!

EDISS is a new joint Erasmus Mundus Master programme offered by Åbo Akademi University, Mälardalen University, University of L’Aquila and University of the Balearic Islands. It aims to bridge the gap between data science and software engineering by bringing together data scientists and software engineers in order to engineer data-intensive intelligent software systems.

For the first generation of students, with studies beginning in August 2021, the application period will open on December 1st 2020, 8:00 and close on January 15th 2021 at 15:00 Finnish time (EET).

EDISS offers very attractive scholarship opportunities to allow all students with outstanding academic background to join their programme. Applications to the EDISS program and for Erasmus Mundus scholarships are completed simultaneously through one single online application.

The scholarships are available for non-EU and EU students, and the total amount of the scholarship varies according to the students’ nationality and place of residence. The EDISS participation cost is covered by the Erasmus Mundus scholarship through the participation costs for two years (24 months). Moreover, Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders will get subsistence, travel and installation costs.

For further information on the curriculum,admission requirements and scholarship details, please check the official programme web site.


Promocija aktuelnih Erasmus+ konkursa u organizaciji Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a organizuje u petak, 23. oktobra u 13 časova, Webex prezentaciju trenutno otvorenih konkursa za Erasmus+ stipendiranu mobilnost studenata i zaposlenih.



Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je produžio trajanje Javnog poziva za prijavu kandidata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost. Novi rok za podnošenje prijava je utorak, 3. novembar 2020. u 23:59 časova.

Svi detalji poziva dostupni su na sajtu UNS-a: JAVNI POZIV

Za podršku tokom procesa prijavljivanja možete se obratiti vašem departmanskom akademskom koordinatoru, kao i Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a (kancelarija 6 u prizemlju “plave zgrade”). Termini za konsultacije su od ponedeljka do petka između 9 i 10 časova, uz najavu posete prethodnog dana na adresu erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs.


Za sve one koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da prisustvuju današnjoj prezentaciji aktuelnih Erazmus+ konkursa za stipendiranu mobilnost – imamo snimak! 🙂


Prezentacija u .ppt formatu: Prezentacija


Drugi javni poziv za prijavu kandidata – Erazmus+ odlazna mobilnost studenata i zaposlenih UNS-a prema programskim zemljama (KA 103)

Jagelonski univerzitet za bionauke u Krakovu, Poljska (studenti, KA 107)

Prvi javni poziv za mobilnost zaposlenih UNS-a prema partnerskim zemljama – NR Kina (KA 107)


Pravilnik o učešću Univerziteta u Novom Sadu u Erazmus+ projektima mobilnosti

Pravilnik o mobilnosti studenata i akademskom priznavanju perioda mobilnosti

Kriterijumi za bodovanje i rangiranje (izvod iz Pravilnika o učešću UNS-a u Erazmus+ projektima mobilnosti)

Srećno prijavljivanje! 🙂