Na osnovu sporazuma između Kineske akademije nauka (CAS) i Svetske akademije nauka (TWAS) za unapređenje nauke u zemljama u razvoju, do 200 studenata iz celog sveta dobiće stipendiju za doktorske studije u trajanju od maksimalno 4 godine u Kini.
Stipendije će biti realizovane na University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) ili institutima koji su vezani za Kinesku akademiju nauka širom Kine.
Oblasti studija koje su relevantne za studente PMF-a:
- Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
- Biological Systems and Organisms
- Chemical Sciences
- Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physics
Ključne detalje konkursa prenosimo u originalu:
The fellowship provides:
- Travel from the awardee’s home country to China
- Visa fee (lump sum of $65 USD)
- Monthly stipend of RMB 7,000 or RMB 8,000 to cover accommodation and other living expenses, local travel expenses and health insurance
- Tuition and application fee waivers
Applicants must:
- Be maximum age of 35 years on 31 December 2017;
- Not take up other assignments during the period of his/her fellowship;
- Not hold Chinese citizenship;
- Applicants for doctoral study should also:
- Meet the admission criteria for international students of UCAS/USTC (criteria of UCAS/criteria of USTC).
- Hold a master degree before the beginning of the fall semester: 1 September, 2017.
- Provide evidence that he/she will return to their home country on completion of their studies in China according to CAS-TWAS agreement.
- Provide proof of knowledge of English or Chinese language.
Svi uslovi i pravila konkursa nalaze se na sledećem linku. Molimo vas da ih detaljno pročitate pre nego što aplicirate.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava: 31. Mart 2017.