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Author Archives: Gordana Vlahović
New Call for GSSI PhD Applications 2021/22 now open – 7 PhD Fellowships in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in November 2021
This is to announce the opening for 7 PhD Fellowships in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in November 2021.
The application must be submitted through the online form available at https://applications.gssi.it/phd/
by 14 June 2021 at 5 pm (Italian time zone).
The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation, free luncheon vouchers and use of the canteen.
The official language for the PhD course is English.
The PhD programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences at GSSI identifies its priority in mathematical modeling, both towards the traditional areas of application, such as Physics or Engineering, and towards emerging issues in Biology and in the Social Sciences.
Students and researchers in Mathematics at GSSI are encouraged to interact with other scientific communities. At GSSI, we believe that the interdisciplinary endeavor is the most effective way to do science and benefit society. Mathematical models are ubiquitous in physics, engineering, information theory, social and life sciences, as they provide a formidable framework to describe the time evolution of deterministic, stochastic and complex systems, which is one of the main goals at GSSI.
GSSI mathematics researchers are interested in tackling many problems with complementary perspectives and methods. The area of Mathematics is characterized by four large macro-sectors: Applied Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Analysis, Numerical methods and Continuum Mechanics modeling. Within these sectors there is a shared interest in problems related to fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and also its applications to data science. Important ideas of classical analysis, probability theory, mathematical physics and theoretical physics are used also for less traditional applications. Numerical linear algebra and numerical optimization help to design new models and accompanying numerical algorithms for applications in data mining, machine learning and network science. Continuum mechanics models, computational methods in fluid dynamics are used not only in their traditional field at the boundary between applied mathematics and theoretical engineering, but also in nonconventional problems like modeling the full heart function.
See Also: https://mathhire.org/jobs/1192
Turku Åbo Summer School (Finland) goes online: Second round for applications open!
Turku Åbo Summer School goes online – Second round for applications now open! Due to the uncertainties related to Covid-19 and traveling restrictions, the Turku Åbo Summer School will be organised fully online in 2021. We hope that a stress-free online execution will allow all interested to take part in Finnish world-class education from a safe distance. There are still a few spots open for the fully credited online courses. If you haven’t applied yet, see the course selection and apply before 19 May! |
Free Social Program We may be online, but we’re not out of reach! All participants are welcome to join a fun social program free of charge. You’ll get a glimpse of Finnish culture and get to know your fellow students around the world. The new social programme will be updated on the website during June. |
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#Study in Turku Turku is home to 40,000 students and six higher education institutions. #Study in Finland Finland’s world-leading higher education system offers more than 400 English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in 13 universities and 22 universities of applied sciences (UAS). turkusummerschool.fi CONTACT US: summerschool@utu.fi |
HERCULES specialized course (May 31st – June 9th, 2021)
“The multi-technique approach of CERIC-ERIC as a tool for Nanoscience”
Kurs je namenjen pre svega mlađim istraživačima, doktorandima i post-doktorandima, iz oblasti fizike, hemije i biologije, kao i drugih disciplina. Istraživači iz Srbije se kvalifikuju za CEI grant.
The event is offering the possibility to the researchers to gain analytical knowledge about synchrotron, neutron methods and more during both theoretical and practical online sessions. Support from the Central European Initiative as well as from CALIPSOplus-ESUO will be available for the participants in order to cover their registration fees. More details about the event can be found here: https://www.ceric-eric.eu/events/hercules-specialized-course-2021-the-multi-technique-approach-of-ceric-eric-as-a-tool-f or-nanoscience/ .
The registration deadline is on May 3rd, 2021.
JCI (Junior Chamber International) – Program TOYP – konkurs za mlade
JCI (Junior Chamber International) je međunarodna organizacija mladih lidera i preduzetnika. Ima preko 200.000 aktivnih i milione počasnih članova koji učestvuju u projektima, konferencijama i seminarima. Broji više od 5.000 lokalnih organizacija u preko 100 zemalja širom sveta.
JCI pruža mogućnost svojim članovima za lični i profesionalni razvoj kroz treninge, liderske prilike, umrežavanje, društvene događaje i rad na projektima koji doprinose poboljšanju lokalne zajednice.
TOYP konkurs Srbija amenjen je promociji mladih ljudi. U okviru ovogodišnjeg TOYP konkurs u organizaciji JCI Novog Sada raspisane su četiri kategorije za koje kandidati mogu da se prijave. Odluku o najboljima donosi žiri u čijem sastavu se nalaze stručnjaci iz datih oblasti. Nacionalni projekat završiće se 30. aprila, nakon čega će svečanim uručivanjem nagrada biti proglašen pobednik iz svake oblasti. Pobednicima će biti omogućen nastavak apliciranja, ali ovog puta na međunarodnom nivou, gde ih – ukoliko se istaknu među najboljim kandidatima iz celog sveta –u novembru čeka nagradni put na JCI Svetsku konferenciju u Johanesburgu u Južnoafričkoj Republici. Tamo će imati prliku da upoznaju mlade lidere širom sveta, razmenjuju svoje ideje sa njima i steknu mnoga poznanstva koja će im sigurno biti značajna u budućnosti!
Više o konkursu, načinu aplikacije i pravilima saznajte OVDE
Rok za prijavu
Aplikacije traju u periodu od 5. do 23. aprila!
University of Turin (Italy) – Scholarships for International Students in 2021-2022
The University of Turin funds 13 two-year scholarships in order to support deserving students.
Scholarships are awarded to international students enrolling for a.y. 2021-2022 in the first year of a postgraduate degree program offered by the University of Turin.
More info on UNITO website: https://en.unito.it/studying-unito/scholarships-international-students
Applications shall be submitted by Wednesday April 28th, 2021 (11:00 a.m. Italian time) through the online procedure.
Download the notice of the call for application as it contains active links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bi6LiCZhxx-3s4IkgFia1LxDbx-RICqu/view?usp=sharing
EXTremeClimTwin project announces a call for application to workshops on climate data analysis for climate extremes (for Early-stage Researchers and Experienced Researchers) – APPLY NOW!

ONLINE Workshop for Early-stage Researchers (MSc and Phd students in geography, climatology, GIS, computer science, physics, applied mathematics and similar fields) – MORE INFO HERE
ONLINE Workshop for Experienced Researchers (geography, climatology, GIS, computer science, physics, applied mathematics and similar fields) workshop – MORE INFO HERE
Email your application by sending a brief personal introduction and a short motivation letter to: extremeclimtwin@pmf.uns.ac.rs
Learn more about EXtremeClimTwin
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952384
Marie Curie Alumni Association ONLINE Spring School “From Research to Innovation” (DEADLINE to register: 24.03.2021)
MCAA Spring School “From Research to Innovation” for the early-stage researchers (Masters and PhD students) in Montenegro goes online and opens up to wider participation.
20 places can be offered to young researchers from the Western Balkans, who are currently living/working in the region.
The deadline for registration is Wednesday 24th March.
Register here:
Once the full capacity is reached, the registration will close.
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) Virtual Summer Programs – 100 hrs intensive German language course
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) will offer its Eichstätt Summer School as a brand new virtual program. We will offer participants the opportunity of an intensive German program with a personal atmosphere, professional teachers, exciting workshops and many entertaining virtual activities and discussions. What will be new and different this year is that the KU Summer School is also suitable for absolute beginners. We offer German courses from levels A1 to B2, complemented by workshops and social activities as well as interactions with German students. The duration is four weeks (100 course hours), this means that participants will receive an official Transcript of Records worth 5.0 ECTS (or 6.0 US credits) upon successful completion. The WFI Summer School 2021 will also take place in a virtual format. The detailed program will be published soon on the website. For both programs, the application will open on 1st April 2021 Foe any questions, please contact: summerschool@ku.de |
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu vas poziva na onlajn prezentaciju Erasmus+ KA107 konkursa za razmenu u Ukrajini.
Datum: 12. mart 2021.
Vreme: 12:00 h
Online prezentaciju možete pratiti preko linka niže:
Meeting Information: Erazmus+ KA107 Ukrajina
Meeting link: https://ppma.webex.com/ppma/j.php?MTID=md07b805de1746b8fe4d76f089db7b4b6
Meeting number: 181 025 0778
Password: NoviSad2021
Join by video system
Dial 1810250778@ppma.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

The programme is intended for young researchers and staff from universities in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood (Serbia included).
Coimbra Group universities are offering more than 70 scholarships for young professors and researchers that are both national and residents of Latin American, Sub-Saharan Africa or European neighbourhood countries. With the aim to enable scholars to internationalise the research they perform at their home institution and help them establish academic and research contacts in Europe, the initiative will specifically support short term research visits to one of the 19 participating universities on the European Continent.
Theapplication call is now open until April 16, 2021 midnight (Brussels time, UTC+01:00) at the Coimbra Group’s website: https://www.coimbra-group.eu/scholarships/
Deo koji se odnosi na vas je podnaslov: Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood