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Each quarter, offers travel grants up to 500€ to help cover the cost of attending conferences.
These travel grants are open to PhD candidates, lab managers, and post-docs from academic research institutions across Europe.
ORGANISATION NAME:, The United Kingdom
FUNDING TYPE: Funding Travel Grants
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD); Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
For more information visit
ORGANISATION NAME: Regional Studies Association, The United Kingdom
FUNDING TYPE: Travel Grants
DEADLINE: 29/05/2020; 30/11/2020
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Humanities, Natural sciences, Professions and applied sciences, Social sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD); Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent); Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence); Leading Researcher (R4) (Researchers leading their research area or field)
N.B. You must be a member of the RSA when applying (non-members are encouraged to apply and join at the same time) and when the event takes place and be presenting a paper at the event in the field of regional studies (sub-national).
For more information visit:
ORGANISATION NAME: Universität Hamburg, Germany
FUNDING TYPE: Funding Mobility Incoming
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 31/07/2020
RESEARCH FIELD: Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 05/06/2020
Smart Light: Machine Learning control of lasers and applications in nonlinear optics
Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that applies advanced techniques from statistics and numerical analysis to carry out tasks without explicit programmed instructions. Recent years have seen dramatic impact of machine learning in society, with commonplace applications in health-care, autonomous vehicles, and language processing. The impact of machine learning on basic research has been just as significant, and the use of advanced algorithmic tools in data analysis has resulted in new insights into many areas of science.
Contact Information:
Please contact Professor John Dudley
For more information visit:
ORGANISATION NAME: University of Trento, Italy
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences, Professions and applied sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 16/06/2020
All the details are available at
The application must be completed and submitted by the above deadline, solely by the online system:
Please note that applicants who do not have an account at the University of Trento must register in advance at
Attachments: ICT Call 2020, 36 Cycle – 1st Call (645.18 KB)
For more information visit
ORGANISATION NAME: Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
RESEARCH FIELD: Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 31/08/2020
The Master program in Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich requires a bachelor of science degree in either chemistry, biochemistry, or related fields.
Students can enter the master’s program in chemistry either in the summer or the winter semester. Courses are held predominantly in German.
The University of Aberdeen is currently accepting applications for its Global program for the academic year 2020-2021.
The grant is awarded to students from all around the world for further reduction in their tuition fees.
Application Deadline: July 20, 2020
For more information visit
Erazmus+ virtualne razmene (Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange – EVE) je inovativni pilot-projekat koji Evropska komisija od 2018. godine sprovodi kao deo Erazmus+ programa, kako bi se proširio njegov tradicionalni opseg i obuhvat koji podrazumeva fizičke mobilnosti.
Pored prilike za razvoj, Erazmus+ virtualne razmene pružaju jedinstvenu priliku mladim ljudima za inter-kulturološko učenje.
Projekat virtualnih razmena se realizuje putem onlajn aktivnosti interkulturalnog učenja studenata i mladih iz Evrope i južnog Mediterana, podstičući njihovo uzajamno razumevanje i razvoj kompetencija ključnih za 21. vek, kao što su kritičko razmišljanje, empatično slušanje, medijska i digitalna pismenost, timski rad, znanje stranih jezika i slično.
U projektu Erazmus+ virtualnih razmena mogu učestvovati i studenti i mladi iz Srbije (18-30 godina), ali i zaposleni na visokoškolskim ustanovama u Srbiji (pre svega nastavno osoblje). Sve aktivnosti programa su besplatne.
Moguće su virtualne razmene različitog trajanja i tematskog obima:
Više informacija o inicijativi i temama mogu se pronaći OVDE
Nakon puštanja u rad CEEPUS institucionalnih mreža za 2020/21.godinu, omogućeno je i prijavljivanje studenata i nastavnog osoblja sa državnih visokoškolskih ustanova za mobilnost na partnerskim institucijama u okviru mreža.
Prvi poziv za mrežne mobilnosti trajaće do 15. juna, nakon čega se očekuje da će, u skladu sa uobičajenom praksom, zaključno sa 31. oktobrom trajati sledeći konkursni rok, takođe za boravke unutar mreža.
Više informacija o Pozivu mogu se pronaći OVDE