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Author Archives: Ivana Pejović
Eurydice konferencija 2020: „Stručno usavršavanje nastavnika i stručnih saradnika“
Fondacija Tempus i Eurydice mreža u periodu od 24. do 26. juna 2020. godine organizuju konferenciju „Stručno usavršavanje nastavnika i stručnih saradnika“.
Konferencija se održava onlajn a na događaju će biti predstavljen nacionalni kontekst i politike koje se odnose na stručno usavršavanje, kao i aktuelne studije mreže Eurydice na ovu temu.
Konferencija je namenjena pre svega nastavnicima i stručnim saradnicima, ali i studentima koji se obrazuju za nastavnička zanimanja. Prijave drugih pojedinaca i predstavnika ustanova koji su zainteresovani za ovu temu takođe će biti razmotrene. Učešće na događaju je besplatno, a svi učesnici koji budu pratili događaj u celosti dobiće potvrdu o učešću.
Za prijavu za učešće na ovom događaju potrebno je popuniti registracioni formular najkasnije do 17.06.2020. u podne.
Više informacija o sadržaju i programu konferencije mogu se pronaći OVDE
Open call for Predoctoral Researcher on 2D/Molecular devices
The CIC nanoGUNE Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, located in Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, is currently looking for a PREDOCTORAL RESEARCHER to work on 2D/Molecular devices.
The successful candidate will have a Master degree in Physics, Materials Science or equivalent discipline. Experience in experimental techniques such as lithography, characterisation of materials, and electrical measurements will be positively evaluated.
The deadline for application is July 31, 2020.
For more information please visit: https://www.nanogune.eu/open-positions/op-1146-predoctoral-researcher-on-2d-and-molecular-devices
For further information you can contact:
- Luis Hueso l.hueso@nanogune.eu
- Fèlix Casanova f.casanova@nanogune.eu
European Science Diplomacy Online Course
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) participates in the S4D4C project (Using Science for/in Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges), which is supporting science diplomacy as a means to foster EU´s commitments to the SDGs.
European Science Diplomacy Online Course aims to provide participants with the relevant training, knowledge, and insights necessary to understand and navigate the European science diplomacy interface.
The course is FREE of charge and offers eight modules (that can be completed in around 15 hours) which provide students with basic to more specific content on science diplomacy answering questions such as what it is, who are the stakeholders, how it is done in the EU, what approaches exists, what skills are needed, and some insights coming from S4D4C empirical case studies.
The successful completion of the course is rewarded with an S4D4C certificate.
You can join the course here: https://www.s4d4c.eu/european-science-diplomacy-online-course/
17 open PhD positions at the Marti i Franquès COFUND Doctoral Programme at the University Rovira i Virgili, based in Tarragona, Spain
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in Spain, is announcing a call for applications from master’s graduates (or equivalent) who would like to pursue a doctoral degree at their university.
This year, 17 PhD selected candidates (1 reserved position for a researcher with disabilities) will be the beneficiaries of a 3-year employment contract, that will also include a high level of interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training, alongside personalized career development plans.
Over 50 partner organizations actively support this programme.
The positions are based on individual projects encompassing all areas of research: Sciences, Health Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Social and Legal Sciences.
The European H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie MFP-COFUND Doctoral Programme offers:
One of the best salaries at doctoral level in Europe. In addition to the salary, the URV will contribute up to €7,500 each year to the doctoral student’s research costs.
- An international environment, supported by the adherence to the European Charter & Code.
- Enrolment in excellent doctoral programmes.
- Secondments at international (and in some cases intersectoral) partner organizations.
- Access to a comprehensive research training package, together with an attractive transversal skills programme.
- An international environment, supported by adherence to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
- The opportunity to undertake research in one of the top 500 universities in the world (78 in THE Young universities ranking).
Access to high-quality facilities and infrastructure for research & innovation. - Gender balanced, Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment.
- Equal opportunities for all.
For more information please visit: https://www.urv.cat/en/research/support/programmes/marti-franques/cofund/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=mailing&utm_campaign=cofund20_governesp
Aktivnosti Informativnog centra Fondacije Tempus u junu 2020. godine
Informativni centar Fondacije Tempus u sklopu svog mesečnog programa aktivnosti tokom juna 2020. godine organizuje vebinare i individualne konsultacije.
Više informacija o planiranim aktivnostima tokom juna mogu se pronaći OVDE
Više informacija o događajima, prezentacijama i vebinarima mogu se pronaći OVDE
Travel Grants Program
Each quarter, Antibodies.com offers travel grants up to 500€ to help cover the cost of attending conferences.
These travel grants are open to PhD candidates, lab managers, and post-docs from academic research institutions across Europe.
ORGANISATION NAME: Antibodies.com, The United Kingdom
FUNDING TYPE: Funding Travel Grants
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD); Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
For more information visit https://www.antibodies.com
RSA Travel Grant (Regional Studies Association)
ORGANISATION NAME: Regional Studies Association, The United Kingdom
FUNDING TYPE: Travel Grants
DEADLINE: 29/05/2020; 30/11/2020
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Humanities, Natural sciences, Professions and applied sciences, Social sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD); Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent); Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence); Leading Researcher (R4) (Researchers leading their research area or field)
N.B. You must be a member of the RSA when applying (non-members are encouraged to apply and join at the same time) and when the event takes place and be presenting a paper at the event in the field of regional studies (sub-national).
For more information visit: https://www.regionalstudies.org/funding/travel-grant/
Scholarships for Master Students within the Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe”
ORGANISATION NAME: Universität Hamburg, Germany
FUNDING TYPE: Funding Mobility Incoming
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 31/07/2020
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/funding/scholarships-master%E2%80%99s-students-within-cluster-excellence-%E2%80%9Cquantum-universe%E2%80%9D-0
PhD POSITION – Machine Learning and Photonics
RESEARCH FIELD: Natural sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 05/06/2020
Smart Light: Machine Learning control of lasers and applications in nonlinear optics
Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that applies advanced techniques from statistics and numerical analysis to carry out tasks without explicit programmed instructions. Recent years have seen dramatic impact of machine learning in society, with commonplace applications in health-care, autonomous vehicles, and language processing. The impact of machine learning on basic research has been just as significant, and the use of advanced algorithmic tools in data analysis has resulted in new insights into many areas of science.
Contact Information:
Please contact Professor John Dudley john.dudley@univ-fcomte.fr
For more information visit:
ICT International Doctoral School 2020 OPEN CALL – 29 PhD Positions
ORGANISATION NAME: University of Trento, Italy
RESEARCH FIELD: Formal sciences, Natural sciences, Professions and applied sciences
CAREER STAGE: First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD)
DEADLINE: 16/06/2020
All the details are available at https://ict.unitn.it/education/admission/call-for-application
The application must be completed and submitted by the above deadline, solely by the online system: https://webapps.unitn.it/Apply/en/Web/Home/dott
Please note that applicants who do not have an account at the University of Trento must register in advance at https://www.unitn.it/account
Attachments: ICT Call 2020, 36 Cycle – 1st Call (645.18 KB)
For more information visit https://ict.unitn.it/