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NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program

Scholarship Opportunity for Top Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Students!

The National Taiwan University Taiwan Chip-Based Industrial Innovation Program offers an incredible opportunity to enhance your knowledge of cutting-edge chip technologies, build intercultural skills, and expand your global network.


Exchange programme – “Best of South – East”

Best of South – East is an exchange programme that offers excellent students of their fields of study an exchange year at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). Sponsored by Steiermärkische Sparkasse the scholarship offers students the time they need to concentrate on their studies📚.

The scholarship is € 1.000 each month for one academic year (2025/26).

Best of South – East students are students who are willing to pose questions every day anew; who are searching for innovative solutions; simply put: students who are striving to become the best they can be. The scholarship holders have the chance to get to know a different university setting, to exchange ideas and compete with their peers and moreover, improve their German skills in one of the offered German courses. An internship during the summer enables students to gain work experience. It often opens up career opportunities for the time after completing their degree programmes.

Best of South – East is:

  • support along the way during your study abroad stay (support via the International Office – Welcome Center at TU Graz)
  • once in a lifetime opportunity
  • building bridges between countries

👉The call for applications for the study year 2025/26 is open NOW until December 5, 2024.

UGRAD program – otvoren poziv za studentsku razmenu u SAD (2025/2026)

Biro za obrazovanje i kulturu Ministarstva spoljnih poslova SAD objavio je konkurs za stipendirane studentske razmene na univerzitetima i koledžima u SAD u akademskoj 2025/2026. godini kroz program Global Undergraduate Exchange Programme – Global UGRAD. Prijave su otvorene za studente osnovnih studija iz Srbije, a rok za prijavu je 15. decembar 2024.


Trening za pripremu i pisanje projekata programa IDEJE 2024

18. novembra 2024. godine, u prostorijama Departmana za matematiku i informatiku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, održan je trening za pripremu i pisanje projekata iz programa IDEJE 2024 Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije.

Trening je obuhvatio pregled dostupnih poziva Fonda za nauku, specifičnosti tekućeg poziva IDEJE 2024, zahteve aplikacionog formulara, kriterijume za evaluaciju, primere uspešnih projekata sa PMF-a, kao i radionicu za identifikaciju zainteresovanih strana – krajnjih korisnika rezultata projekata u cilju očekivanog uticaja projekta (impact).

Učesnici treninga imali su jedinstvenu priliku da od profesorice Jelene Purać, koordinatorke projekta B-Health, čuju dragocena iskustva stečena tokom rada na projektu podržanom kroz program IDEJE. Njena prezentacija obuhvatila je ključne preporuke koje mogu olakšati rad budućim timovima na sličnim projektima.

Ovaj trening predstavlja važnu priliku za razvoj i usavršavanje priprema projektnih predloga, primenjljivih na različite pozive sa posebnim akcentom na Horizon projekte.

Trening predstavlja važan oslonac i podršku naučnim radnicima Fakulteta. Sproveden je u organizaciji Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju, vodila ga je Šef Kancelarije Gordana Vlahović.

Konferencija – “Kako do veće zapošljivosti mladih – izazovi i prilike 2024.”

Kancelarija za mlade Grada Novog Sada poziva sve zaiteresovane učenike/ce, studente/kinje i druge mlade da se prijave i posete konferenciju “Kako do veće zapošljivosti mladih – izazovi i prilike 2024.” koja se bavi razvijanjem usluga i mehanizama koje pospešuju preduzetnički duh, zapošljivost i zaposlenost mladih.

Konferencija se održava u ponedeljak, 18. novembra 2024. godine, od 12.00 časova, u Amfiteatru Rektorata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Agenda Konferencije sa detaljnom satnicom

Prijavi svoje prisustvo na konferenciji OVDE, ili putem QR koda:

Informacije i pitanja u vezi sa realizacijom konferencije možete dobiti slanjem upita na mejl adresu: kzm@uprava.novisad.rs

KAUST Global Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is accepting applications for the KAUST Global Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (kgfp.kaust.edu.sa/). This is a great opportunity, for talented young investigators with breakthrough ideas, senior PhDs or recent graduates, and early-career postdocs ready to transition to independent research.

KAUST seeks to be a catalyst for societal and economic change in Saudi Arabia and the world, addressing national and global needs under four research priorities: Economies of the future, Health & Wellness, Sustainable environment & Essential needs, Energy & Industrial Leadership.

Global Fellows have access to the exceptional infrastructure available at KAUST, including one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, a comprehensive suite of electron microscopes, nuclear magnetic resonance machines and other imaging instruments, a class 100 cleanroom for nanofabrication, a series of research vessels to explore the Red Sea, and much more.

Our vision is to support and empower early career scientists and engineers through a prestigious fellowship to unlock their full potential and shape the future by turning their research into real-world solutions for the benefit of the Kingdom and the world.

For further information or clarifications, check the program’s website or contact our team at: kgfp@kaust.edu.sa

ONLINE Otvorena vrata za studente

Povodom Međunarodnog dana studenata, Informativni centar Fondacije Tempus organizuje onlajn otvorena vrata za sve koji su zainteresovani za učešće u programima studentskih ili omladinskih razmena, a imaju nedoumice ili konkretna pitanja u vezi sa ovom temom. U okviru informativne sesije razjasnićemo nedoumice u vezi sa Erazmus+ i CEEPUS studentskim razmenama, predstavićemo Erazmus Mundus zajedničke master programe, kao i razmene i volontiranje u kojima mogu da učestvuju i mladi koji nemaju status studenta, kroz Evropsku inicijativu za solidarnost. Pored toga, učesnici će imati mogućnost da postave pitanja o konkretnim nedoumicama u vezi sa navedenim kategorijama.  

Otvorena vrata su namenjena svim zainteresovanima za učestvovanje u razmenama – studentima i mladim osobama.

Na otvorenim vratima biće reči o sledećim temama:

  1. Erazmus+ studentske razmene i prakse − od 15 do 15.30 časova;
  2. Erazmus Mundus zajednički master programi − od 15.30 do 16 časova;
  3. CEEPUS studentske razmene − od 16 do 16.30 časova;
  4. Erazmus+ omladinske razmene i volontiranje kroz Evropsku inicijativu za solidarnost − od 16.30 do 17 časova.

Sesija se održava uponedeljak, 18. novembra, od 15 do 17 časova. Prijava za učešće vrši se popunjavanjem kratkog prijavnog formulara najkasnije do 17. novembra u 15 časova.

Elektronski formular je dostupan na ovom linku.

Six Weeks of Purpose in Germany: Join Bauorden’s 2025 Volunteer Work Camps!

Try something new in 2025?

The Bauorden in Germany offers a six-week program next year: You will spend six weeks at three different work camps in Germany. You will live and work in international teams with young volunteers from all over Europe and help associations and organisations that want to build or renovate their facilities.

If you want to experience Germany in a non-touristic way and do something meaningful, you can apply. Just write an email to info@bauorden.de with a few sentences about yourself and your motivation.

You can find more information on our website: http://new.bauorden.de/ich-will-anpacken/6-wochen-programm/

Or check out our Instagram account: Instagram

Bioeconomy Art Competition

Are you or someone you know passionate about the environment and creativity? The GenB Bioeconomy Art Competition is calling for entries from young people (4-30 years old) to use art as a powerful tool for promoting sustainability and the bioeconomy.

This is your chance to express what the bioeconomy means to you—through painting, drawing, video, music, digital art, or any other form of creative expression.

Some ideas to consider:
How can bioeconomy contribute to a more sustainable society?
What bio-based products or practices are making a difference in your community?
How does bioeconomy impact your everyday life?

Prizes include:
– GenB bio-based gadgets
– Educational toolkits on bioeconomy and sustainability
– Recognition as a “GenB Ambassador”
– The chance to showcase your work at the GenB final event or at large-scale European events!

Key dates:
Submission deadline: 30 November 2024
Winners announced: 20 January 2025

Source: Bioeconomy Art Competition | GenB (genb-project.eu)

Erasmus + chat

Pozivaju se svi zainteresovani za Erazmus+ program koji žele da čuju informacije o programu i iskustva (bilo da je razmena u svrhu studiranja ili obavljanja stručne prakse) da se pridruže Erasmus+ chat-u.

Cilj ovog programa je informisanje studenata našeg grada o Erasmus+ programu, benefitima programa i mogućim destinacijama. Teme će uključivati informacije o programu i prethodna iskustva sa programom.