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U okviru Alijanse EUGLOH, Univerzitet u Hamburgu organizuje virtuelnu radionicu pod  nazivom Take the step with Beiersdorf and Knokcare namenjenu studentima, nastavnom i  nenastavnom osoblju.

Interaktivna radionca je osmišljena da okupi studente, univerzitetske  nastavnike i predstavnike kompanija radi diskusije o najboljim praksama i inovativnim  pristupima EUGLOH partnerskih univerziteta u negovanju veština potrebnih za uspešan  ulazak na tržište rada.

Mogućnost učešća je otvorena za sve članove akademskih zajednica EUGLOH partnerskih  univerziteta, među kojima je i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu.

Rok za prijavu je 30. oktobar 2024. godine, a radionica će se održati u utorak 05. novembra  2024. godine.

Prisustvo radionici je onlajn, besplatno i bez ograničenog broja učesnika.

Detaljnije informacije i registracija na: https://www.eugloh.eu/courses-trainings/activities/take-the-step-with-beiersdorf-and-knokcare/

Sa Eurodesk-om o Erazmus Mundus master programima

Fondacija Tempus – Nacionalni Eurodesk centar, u okviru kampanje Time to Move, organizuje prezentaciju na temu Sa Eurodesk-om o Erazmus Mundus master programima. Prezentacija će se održati uživo u prostorijama Fondacije Tempus (Terazije 39, I sprat, Beograd) u utorak, 22. oktobra 2024. godine od 16 do 17.30 časova.

Događaj je namenjen svim aktuelnim i svršenim studentima koji su zainteresovani za konkurisanje za celokupne stipendirane master studije na nekom od Erazmus Mundus zajedničkih master programa.

Učesnici će imati priliku da čuju o pravilima sprovođenja zajedničkih master studija, opštim uslovima prijave i dokumentaciji, katalogu dostupnih Erazmus Mundus master programa, utiscima drugih studenata, kao i o Eurodesk mreži koja okuplja mlade iz 36 zemalja Evrope i promoviše sve otvorene prilike za mlade na jednom mestu.

Prijava za učešće vrši se popunjavanjem kratkog prijavnog formulara najkasnije do 21. oktobra u 15 časova.

Elektronski formular dostupan je na ovom linku.

Open WBF MOVE Grants for Regional Projects

Western Balkan Fund MOVE Grants are open for new applications!

The October Call 2024 will be open only to individual grantees that aim to enrich their personal and professional experience in the Western Balkans.

Program is dedicated to enhance individual mobility in the Western Balkans and researchers, lecturers, academic staff and students are a prime target of our intervention.

Grant cover the expenses of mobilities, study visits, research work, papers, etc.

Please find here below the guidelines to apply for a grant to MOVE 5th Call:

Guidelines for Applicants


Želite da otkrijete adute studiranja u Francuskoj, saznate sve o stipendijama Vlade Republike Francuske i drugim programima stipendija, kao i o proceduri DAP vezanoj za upis na prvu godinu studija u Francuskoj?

Zakazujemo vam sastanak na Filozofskom fakultetu (sala 114) u 📆 petak 18. oktobra od ⏱ 13.30 do 15.30 časova!

Na programu su :

📍 Prezentacija studija u Francuskoj i raznih programa stipendija

📍 Prezentacija stipendija Vlade Republike Francuske

Čekamo Vas! 

🌟 Odaberite i Vi Francusku za svoje studije!

UNSPMF welcomed colleagues form Ningbo University, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, People’s Republic of China

Faculty of Sciences welcomed the delegation form Ningbo University, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering on October 10, 2024. The Chinese delegation was represented by Dr. Chuanfan Ding (Dean), Dr. Mingjiong Zhou (Vicedean for science), Dr. Jie Shu (Director of the Institute for Energy Materials and Industrial Catalysis) and Dr. Yinghua Yan (Associate Professor). UNSPMF delegation was represented by Dean Prof. Srđan Rončević and his team: Prof. Dušan Mrđa (Vicedean for science and international collaboration), Prof. Jasmina Agbaba (Head of Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection), Dr. Snežana Papović, Prof. Milan Vraneš, and members of the International Relations Office.

UNSPMF signed a collaboration agreement with Ningbo University School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering in April this year and the concrete goals of the visit were oriented towards articulating the next steps. It was concluded that the first activities in collaboration will be: joint research projects, joint publications, academic exchange on all levels, joint conferences, networking events, etc. In addition, exchange of students will be continued as it was successfully started by UNSPMF hosting PhD student Zhu Lipeng, who is conducting his research at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection supervised by Dr. Snežana Papović and her colleagues.

Both delegations presented their institutions, shared a vision of this collaboration and further discussion was continued during the visit to the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection. Both partners expressed their belief that this collaboration has an excellent potential for creating joint impactful research.


EUGLOH Alijansa pruža niz novih kurseva, koji su namenjeni studentima različitih nivoa studija, kao i nastavnicima, istraživačima i nenastavnom osoblju, u zavisnosti od konkretne oblasti i teme.

Pozivaju se zainteresovi članovi akademske zajednice Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, studenti i zaposleni, da se prijave i iskoriste mogućnost sticanja dodatnog znanja u međunarodnom okruženju devet partnerskih univerziteta Evropske univerzitetske alijanse EUGLOH.

What is the role of marketing in the non-commercial world? Studying patient orientation in public hospitals
21 Oct 2024, Online
Target group: Undergraduate, Masters and PhD Students
Registration: Open (Deadline: 11 October 2024 23:59)
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series Climate Change & Health
17 Oct 2024-30 Jan 2025, Online
Target group: Undergraduate, Masters and PhD Students
Registration: Open (Deadline: 12 October 2024 23:59)

Let’s Talk: Culture and Technology
14 Oct-25 Nov 2024, Online
Target group: Undergraduate Students
Registration deadline: 13 October 2024, 23:59

EUGLOH 3D printing and its medical applications*
4 Nov-6 Dec 2024, Online
Target group: Academic Staff, Administrative Staff, Undergraduate students, Master students, PhD students, Post-docs, Researchers
Registration deadline: 20 October 2024 23:59)

Spotlight on Education: ABC Learning Design – A seminar for staff members

Date: 23 Oct 2024, Online
Target group: Academic Staff, Administrative Staff
Registration deadline: 22 October 2024, 23:59
Importance of intercultural competence in student mobility
4 Nov 2024, Online
Target group: Undergraduate and Masters Students
Registration deadline: 30 October 2024, 23:59
Multidisciplinary and International Workshop on “Water, Environment and Global Health”
Date: 21-22 Nov 2024, Location: Online
Target group: Academic Staff; Administrative Staff; Master students; PhD students; Post-docs; Researchers; Undergraduate students
Registration deadline: 31 October 2024, 23:59
The Right to Health
Date: 13-24 Jan 2025, Location: Blended
Target group: Undergraduate students, Master students, PhD students, Post-docs
Registration deadline: 10 November 2024, 23:59
EUGLOH Certificate of Advanced Studies in Global Health Info Session
Date: 26 Nov 2024, Location: Online
Target group: Undergraduate students, Master students, PhD students
Registration deadline: 18 November 2024, 23:59
Commercialisation: From concept to market
Date: 31 Mar-3 Apr 2025, Lund, Sweden
Target group: Master students, PhD students
Registration deadline: 1 December 2024, 23:59
Introduction to Outbreak Investigation – Infection Prevention and Control Measures
13 Jan-7 Mar 2025, Online
Target group: Master students, PhD students
Registration deadline: 16 December 2024, 23:59
EUGLOH Certificate of Advanced Studies in Global Health Second Info Session
14 Jan 2025, Online
Target group: Undergraduate students, Master students, PhD students
Registration deadline: 10 Jan 2025, 23:59

Detaljnije informacije dostupne su klikom na linkovane nazive pojedinačnih kurseva.

Celokupnu ponudu kurseva, koja se kontinuirano ažurira, možete pratiti na sajtu EUGLOH-a www.eugloh.eu, u sekciji Courses and Trainings.

Grant Writing School – 25-29.11.2024. University of Milano-Bicocca.

Writing a proposal for research funding is a very specific skill. The School of the University of Milano-Bicocca offers the opportunity to PhD students and early-stage researchers to explore how to write a proposal that stands out among the others combining both theoretical and practical sessions.

With a special focus on interdisciplinarity, we will explore how this approach can enhance the value and impact of project proposals. The School is designed to equip participants with the tools and skills needed to tackle the challenges of grant writing with a collaborative and innovative mindset.


The school has 30 available places. GSS is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers, other applicants will also be considered. People from different research fields are welcome. Gender balance will be taken into account.

Application Deadline

27th Oct 2024

The call with all the detailed information and registration options is available at the following link:

Program stipendija nemačke privrede dr Zoran Đinđić 2025

Kraj tvojih studija se približava? Šta je sledeće? Da li si spreman da napraviš korak koji će ti promeniti život i otkriješ gde će te tvoj profesionalni put odvesti?

Iskoristi ovu jedinstvenu priliku da unaprediš svoju buduću karijeru kroz profesionalnu plaćenu
praksu u Nemačkoj.

Sledeća generacija stipendista će početi praksu 1. Jula 2025.

Ko može da se prijavi?
• Studenti osnovnih akademskih studija koji su upisali bar peti semestar u trenutku prijave
• Studenti master i doktorskih akademskih studija
• Mladi diplomci koji su diplomirali posle 1. januara 2024.
• Ne stariji od 28 godina
• Kandidat ima dobru znanje engleskog i/ili nemačkog jezika

Kako se prijaviti?
Možeš se prijaviti online od 1. Oktobra 2024 do 14. Novembra 2024:

Saznaj više o programu stažiranja „Internship Programme of German Business“ i proceduri aplikacije ovde

Testiranje iz hrvatskog jezika za potrebe Erazmus+ mobilnosti

U okviru tekućeg Erasmus+ konkursa, Centar za jezike Filozofskog fakulteta organizuje testiranje iz hrvatskog jezika, koje će se održati 21. oktobra u 10 časova na Filozofskom fakultetu. Detaljne informacije možete pronaći ovde.

Takođe, centar organizuje proveru znanja iz drugih jezika, u terminima koji će biti dogovoreni sa profesorima. Više informacija studenti mogu pronaći na ovoj stranici.

Studenti na Promociji Erazmus+ poziva na PMF-u

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta je održala promociju Erazmus+ konkursa za odlaznu mobilnost studenata (u svrhu prakse i u svrhu razmene) koji su raspisani na nivou UNS-a.

Promocija je održana u ponedeljak, 7. oktobra 2024. u punoj sali Kluba nastavnika na Departmanu za fiziku.

Ivana Pejović iz Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a je predstavila program mobilnosti, njegove ciljeve i neophodne korake i administrativne zadatke za konkurisanje. Studenti su imali priliku da saslušaju iskustva sa razmena u Španiji i Italiji od koje su predstavile Andrea Đurđev i Lenka Stević, studentkinje PMF-a koje su bile korisnice ovog programa u prethodnim semestrima.

Studenti su imali i iskoristili priliku da postave pitanja i da u interaktivnom okruženju započnu pripremu za konkurs.

Konkurs je otvoren do srede, 23.10.2024. do 23.59

Svi koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da prisustvuju događaju mogu da preuzmu održanu prezentaciju ovde.

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju je na raspolaganju za podršku svim zainteresovanim studentima, svakim radnim danom od 9.00 do 10.00 (Dekanat, prizemlje, Kancelarija br. 6 )