Home » News and Opportunities » Ph.D. Opportunity in Experimental Solid-State Materials Science at Jožef Stefan Institute

Ph.D. Opportunity in Experimental Solid-State Materials Science at Jožef Stefan Institute

The Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics (K5) at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia is looking for a motivated Master’s graduate to pursue a Ph.D. in experimental solid-state materials science, physics, or chemistry. The research focuses on materials with exotic electrical properties, such as ferroics.


  • Synthesis of advanced materials
  • Structural analysis
  • Investigation of physical properties

The Ph.D. will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Tadej Rojac in collaboration with national and international research groups.

📍 Location: Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics (K5), Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Employment & Salary:

  • Full-time Ph.D. position with employment at the institute
  • Monthly net salary: €1200–1300

If you have completed (or are close to completing) your Master’s degree and are interested in a Ph.D. at Jožef Stefan Institute, please contact hana.ursic@ijs.si.