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Research stay for students and early-career researchers

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Advanced students and early-stage researchers from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe or Bavaria have the possibility to apply in cooperation with an academic supervisor from a Bavarian university for mobility grants for a research sojourn in Bavaria or Eastern Europe (travel expenses/allowance, accommodation expenses).

BAYHOST is the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe which promote academic exchange between Bavaria and countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

The program’s focus in 2025 is put on the region / countries: Western Balkan countries and Ukraine.

Maximum funding amount: 1.000 Euro

Deadline for applications: April 30, 2025 (online via our StipSys Application form only)

Please consider:

► for the application

as well as the following documents:

► for accounting and finalization of the funded project

The following documents have to be handed in to BAYHOST within four weeks after the research stay or at the latest until 28th November 2025: