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Author Archives: Gordana Vlahović

Riga Technical University (Latvia) Summer Schools 2017

Riga Technical University (RTU) would like to inform you about our upcoming Summer Schools taking place in Latvia in August 2017. We would highly appreciate if you would share the message with your students or forward it to anyone who would be interested in spreading the news. Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions about the summer schools or you have any offers you would like to share with our students or staff.

1)      Summer School «Nonlinear Life»:

We are pleased to invite your students to participate in our summer school «Nonlinear Life» which will be held from August 20 till August 31 August, 2017 in the capital of Latvia – Riga and in the largest city of Latgale (one of the four regions of Latvia) – Daugavpils, where the biggest affiliation of RTU is situated.

Journey within this summer school will lead students through mathematics, medical physics, mechanics, medical engineering dealing with nonlinear systems of objects.

Students will attend lectures of scientists in the fields of dynamics of nonlinear systems, medical engineering and physics. Seminars will cover topics such as preparation of scientific publications, computer simulation of nonlinear dynamic systems and will be organized in the research facilities of RTU.

Participation fee is EUR 700. The deadline for submitting the application is 5 May 2017.

The application form can be downloaded at http://www.rtu.lv/writable/public_files/RTU_application_form_2017nonlinear_life.doc



Poštovani studenti i profesori PMF-a,

U cilju ostvarivanja vašeg prava na akademsku mobilnost kroz Erazmus+ program, molimo vas da se upoznate sa Pravilnikom o učešću Univerziteta u Novom sadu u E+ programu (KA1 – kreditna mobilnost).

Želeli bismo da skrenemo pažnju na maksimalno dozvoljeno trajanje mobilnosti za studente (pogotovo na nivou master studija u odnosu na trajanje studijskog programa), kao i na frekventivnost razmene kod nastavnog/naučnog/administrativnog osobllja (poštovanje preporuke u Praviniku).

Pravilnik možete skinuti sa linka:


Služba za međunarodnu saradnju – Prirodno-matematički fakultet



LETNJA INŽENJERSKA AKADEMIJA ZA STUDENTKINJE – International Summer Academy in Engineering for Women (ISAE4W) in July 2017, AUSTRIA

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria announces the call for the

fourth International Summer Academy in Engineering for Women (ISAE4W) in July 2017!

IMPORTANT: participants from partner universities may apply for a travel scholarship of up to € 200.


4th International Summer Academy in Engineering for Women – ISAE4W takes place from July 11th – July 26th, 2017

The International Summer Academy for Women in Engineering (ISAE4W) offers an ideal opportunity for a selected group of highly-motivated and talented women (high school, college or undergraduate students) to experience top-class and challenging university-level coursework.

The Academy’s intensive, two and a half week programme combines sophisticated theory with hands-on practical experience in engineering, informatics and natural sciences. In addition to knowledge transfer in these fields, social, cross-cultural and gender aspects are covered and discussed during lectures and workshops. Each participant can choose from one of three specializations:

Natural Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Computer Science and Informatics

A team of highly qualified academic staff from our university as well as from other universities and organisations will provide scientific and technical background on workshop topics and information about the role of women in science and their opportunities in scientific careers.

Why participate?
– Broaden technical and scientific knowledge
– Earn academic credit (4 ECTS)
– Improve language and intercultural skills
– International contacts
– Creativity, fun and experience

Target group: women from 18 to 25

Language of instruction: English

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
School of Engineering
Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels, Austria / Europe

€ 780,- including tuition fees,  room for the entire stay, meals on weekdays (weekends are free for individual activities), numerous excursions

Online from now until April 30th, 2017. Applicants will be notified about the outcome of the review and selection-process by May 8th, 2017.

Please note that due to limited capacities a maximum of two students per specialization and a total of four students per institution can be accepted. Acceptance decisions will be made exclusively based on the students’ qualifications and the fit with the offered specialization. Competitive entry!


For further questions please see the attached brochure,

visit http://www.fh-ooe.at/isae4w,

join us on facebook www.facebook.com/ISAE4W

or contact isae4w@fh-ooe.at


ERAZMUS + KONKURS za stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na Univerzitetu u VARŠAVI, Poljska

Sa nivoa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, otvoren je novi konkurs za Erazmus+ studentsku mobilnost na masterskim i doktorskim studijama
na Univerzitetu u VARŠAVI, Poljska.

Više informacija o konkursu možete pogledati na sajtu UNS-a:

Mobilnost studenata:

Rok za dostavljanje prijava je 1. mart 2017.


Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2017


New scholarship offers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses in 2017. The scholarships include tuition fees, accommodation and meals.

Students and young academics of all disciplines with a basic knowledge of German (at least A2-level) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine can apply for BAYHOST summer course scholarships.

At the time of application students need to have completed the first year of study (this applies only to the first degree, usually a Bachelor’s degree).


STUDENTSKA KONFERENCIJA IZ OBLASTI MOLEKULARNIH NAUKA- Belgrade International Molecular Life Science Conference for Students (BIMLS)


Od 4. do 7. aprila 2017. godine u Privrednoj komori Srbije (Terazije 23/II, velika sala) biće održan treći po redu skup „Belgrade International Molecular Life Science Conference for Students (BIMLS)“. Organizatori su Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo Univerziteta u Beogradu, Regionalni centar za talente Beograd 2 i Srpsko društvo za molekularnu biologiju.

Ova studentska konferencija okuplja studente osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija sa fakulteta i iz instituta koji se bave istraživanjima u oblasti molekularnih nauka, a program skupa obuhvata predavanja, radionice i usmene i poster prezentacije studentskih radova.

Rok za predaju apstrakata je 1. mart 2017. godine, a rok za registraciju za učešće je 20. mart 2017.

Više informacija može se naći na sajtu www.bimls.bg.ac.rs

BIMLS 2017

ERASMUS + KONKURS za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu NOVA u Lisabonu, Portugal

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio konkurs za stipenduranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu NOVA u Lisabonu, Portugal.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente osnovnih, masterskih i doktorskih studija, a za studente PMF-a je otvorena oblast 05 – Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics.

Svi uslovi konkursa se nalaze na veb sajtu UNS-a:




Vlada Republike Turske je objavila konkurs za stipendije na master i doktorskim studijama.

Detaljne informacije možete naći u priloženoj brošuri i na linku:


Stipendije_Vlada Republike Turske

KONKURS Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja – za studente

Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije je raspisalo Javni poziv za sufinansiranje 17 programskih aktivnosti, među kojima su i stipendiranje studenata, sufinansiranje učešća na naučnim skupovima i drugo. Tekst poziva je u prilogu a sve informacije možete naći na adresi:


ERASMUS + KONKURS za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Aristotelovom univerzitetu u Solunu, Grčka

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio novi konkurs za stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na Aristotelovom univerzitetu u Solunu, Grčka.

Informacije o konkursu možete da nađete na UNS veb sajtu:

STUDENTI: http://www.uns.ac.rs/index.php/konkursi-c-2/erazmus/mobilnost-studenata/2728-erazmus-solun2