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Author Archives: Ivana Pejović

International Summer/Winter School at the University of Alcala 2021/2022

The University of Alcala has created the International Summer and Winter School for both national and international university and preuniversity students who want to have a multicultural experience.

The School offers an intensive, fully accredited international academic program through which students can develop their intercultural competences and gain a stimulating and rewarding experience. To that end, our intensive program uses innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online cooperation. In this atmosphere, transnational and transdisciplinary teams of faculty and students work together to tackle current societal challenges.

The School sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks, from June to Septemmer (Summer School) and January March (Winter School), and courses are granted either 6 ECTS or 3 ECTS.

For more information plese visit the website (https://eivi.uah.es) or download the brochure:

Contact: eivi@uah.es.


Ukoliko niste bili u mogućnosti da ispratite jučerašnju Zoom prezentaciju aktuelnog konkursa UNS-a za Erazmus+ stipendiranu mobilnost studenata, možete pogledati snimak:

Prezentaciju možete preuzeti u .pdf formatu :

Za sva dodatna pitanja i nedoumice, studenti PMF-a mogu zakazati online konsultacije sa Kancelarijom za međunarodnu saradnju PMF putem e-adrese: erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs

Želimo vam puno uspeha na konkursu! 🙂


Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisao je drugi javni Erazmus+ poziv za prijavu studenata za odlaznu mobilnost prema partnerskoj zemlji Ukrajini.

Poziv je namenjen studentima osnovnih studija iz oblasti informatike.

Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je sreda, 12. maj 2021.

Svi detalji poziva dostupni su na sajtu UNS-a: JAVNI POZIV

Informacije o Erazmus+ KA107 partnerskom univezitetu u Ukrajini: National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute

Za podršku tokom procesa prijavljivanja možete se obratiti vašem departmanskom akademskom koordinatoru, kao i Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a na adresu erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs.

Erasmus+ chat: Kako otići na razmenu sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta?

Erasmus studentska mreža iz Novog Sada (ESN NS) organizuje Erasmus+ Chat koji će se održati na zvaničnoj ESN Facebook stranici 28.04. 2021. sa početkom u 15:30 časova.

Događaj je namenjen studentima Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta koji će imati priliku da čuju iskustva i praktične saveta od studenata sa njihovog fakulteta koji su već učestvovali u Erazmus plus programu akademske mobilnosti i da im postave sva pitanja u vezi sa razmenom putem Google forme.

Gosti Erasmus+ Chat-a su studenti Filip Galečić i Ksenija Cerović.

Online predavanje prof. dr. Mersihe Suljkanović sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Tuzli

Zadovoljstvo nam je da studente Deparmtana za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine i sve zainteresovane pozovemo na online predavanje profesorke Mersihe Suljkanović sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Tuzli, koja na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu boravi preko CEEPUS network projekta “Education of Modern Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods” u cilju nastavne mobilnosti.

Predavanje na temu “Mogućnosti upotrebe alternativnih rastvarača u ekstrakcijskim tehnikama” će se održati u utorak, 20. aprila 2021. u 13h putem aplikacije Microsoft Teams.

Pristup predavanju

Sažetak predavanja


ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na ‘Etveš Lorand’ Univerzitetu u Budimpešti (ELTE), Mađarska

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na ‘Etveš Lorand’ Univerzitetu u Budimpešti (ELTE), Mađarska.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente UNS-a na nivou masterskih i doktorskih studija iz oblasti:

0610 – Information Technology
Broj stipendija: 2

Trajanje stipendija: 5 meseci

Realizacija mobilnosti:  letnji semestar 2020/21

Trajanje konkursa: do 25. januara 2021. godine

Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS.

Za dodatne informacije obratiti se Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a: outgoing.erasmus@uns.ac.rs

Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Valensiji, Španija

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Valensiji, Španija.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente PMF-a na nivou osnovnih studija iz oblasti:

  • 0531 – Chemistry
  • 061 – ICTs
  • 0512 – Biochemistry
  • 1015 – Tourism
  • 0541 – Mathematics
  • 0533 – Physics
  • 0521 – Environmental Sciences

Trajanje stipendije: 5 meseci

Realizacija mobilnosti: letnji semestar 2020/2021 godine

Trajanje konkursa: od 2. do 10. novembra 2020. godine

Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS.

Onlajn prezentacije DAAD stipendija za školsku 2021/2022. godinu

DAAD Informativni centar Beograd će u narednom periodu organizovati onlajn prezentacije koje imaju za cilj da svim zainteresovanima približe ovogodišnji program DAAD stipendija i pruže detaljnije informacije o tome koji sve programi stipendija postoje, koje su njihove specifičnosti kao i informacije o pronalaženju adekvatnog master ili doktorskog programa.

Prezentacije će se odvijati preko Zoom platforme, a svi zainteresovani treba da se obrate DAAD Informativnom centru Beograd putem mejla info@daad.rs kako bi dobili pristupne podatke.

Prezentacije koje će biti održane u narednom periodu su:

  • 30.09.2020. u 12:00h prezentacija master stipendija za sve naučne discipline i letnje kurseve jezika
  • 07.10.2020. u 12:00h prezentacija DAAD ponuda za istraživačke stipendije.

Više informacija o prezentacijama mogu se pronaći na sajtu DAAD Informativnog centra Beograd: https://www.daad.rs/sr/2020/09/14/serija-onjaln-prezentacija/  kao i na FB stranici: https://www.facebook.com/DAAD.Srbija/photos/a.390475474043/10158730613079044


Opportunity for internship at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand

The Faculty of Science, PSU is pleased to offer the opportunity for an internship to Master of Science students. 

Interested students are invited to PSU Hat Yai campus to take part in one of the various research areas. They will conduct hands-on research under the supervision of our enthusiastic and experienced researchers. 

To support and welcome the interns, the faculty provides free accommodation and facilities. The program is not only designed to enhance scientific knowledge and skills during lab work but also to have cultural exchange with Thai students during a trip to the ancient coastal town Songkhla. The application period ends by 15 October 2020.

Application form: online application form LINK 

International Relations Office website: https://sites.google.com/psu.ac.th/sci-ir/coming-to-thailand

PSU video presentation:  https://youtu.be/kN8fKTgiqhs

COVID-19 Announcements and Information: http://interaffairs.psu.ac.th/covid19-announcements

For more detailed information on living costs and facilities please visit https://en.psu.ac.th/students/campus-life

For any inquiries, please contact sci-inter@group.psu.ac.th

6 PhD Student Scholarships at the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence of the University of Cyprus


The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) announces 6 full-time PhD Student Scholarships. The KIOS CoE operates within the University of Cyprus, in collaboration with Imperial College London.



The selected students will be enrolled in either the Electrical Engineering or the Computer Engineering PhD program of the University of Cyprus and they will conduct their research at the facilities of the KIOS Center of Excellence.


  • Bachelor`s or Master’s in Engineering (Electrical, Computer, or Mechanical Engineering) or Computer Science or Mathematics or a related field from an accredited institution.
  • Previous research experience will be considered an advantage.

Scholarship Terms:
The scholarship will be for one year and may be renewed annually, based on performance, for 3-5 years. It includes the University tuition fees and a monthly salary between €1000-€1700 depending on the candidate’s qualifications and expertise. The 13th salary bonus is incorporated in the monthly salary. Maternity leave will be granted based on Social Insurance Laws from 1980 until 2012.

The successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct fundamental or applied research in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies with an emphasis on the Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems.

Interested candidates should submit the following items online through the link: https://applications.ucy.ac.cy/recruitment


The applications should be submitted as soon as possible, but not later than Friday, 2 October 2020 at 5 pm. The evaluation of the applications will begin immediately. For more information please contact the KIOS Center of Excellence, by phone at +357 22893460 or via e-mail at kioshiring@ucy.ac.cy 

More detailed information about the call can be found HERE