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KU Call for applications – Transformation Summer Camp 2025
In September 2025, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt organizes a transformation summer camp on the topic “Human Well-being & Planetary Health”. We would like to invite your graduate students (those who are completing their Master’s degree at the moment or have already completed it) to apply with their ideas and become part of the one-week research camp at our University.
Please note that we offer full scholarships (covering travel, accommodation and meals) for those who are accepted.
Please find more information attached and here: http://www.ku.de/tsc
The application deadline is April 21, 2025.
Job Openings in Experimental Plant Biology in Poland!
The Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdańsk & Medical University of Gdańsk is seeking candidates for multiple positions.
1. PhD Student – Clathrin-Mediated Trafficking
Start: October 2025 | Funding: Doctoral School Scholarship
Your Role
- Conduct PhD research in plant molecular and cell biology using Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Study clathrin-mediated trafficking and ARF small GTPase regulators.
Your Profile
- MSc in Biotechnology, Biology, or related field.
- Strong motivation, knowledge of cell biology, genetics, and genetic engineering.
- Proficiency in English for academic writing and communication.
We Offer
- 4-year PhD position with expert training in advanced live imaging and plant molecular biology.
- Supervision by a dedicated PI with an international research track record.
- Opportunity to apply for a National Science Centre PRELUDIUM grant.
2. PhD Student – Intracellular Trafficking & Auxin Regulation
Start: October 2025 | Funding: National Science Centre SONATA BIS 14 Grant
Your Role
- Conduct PhD research on GNOM ARF-GEF, a key regulator of intracellular trafficking and auxin-regulated plant body patterning (Arabidopsis thaliana model).
Your Profile
- MSc in Biotechnology, Biology, or related field.
- Interest in fundamental plant biology, cell biology, genetics, and genetic engineering.
- Strong organizational skills and English proficiency.
We Offer
- 4-year PhD studentship with top-tier research training and professional development.
- Fully funded position under a prestigious SONATA BIS 14 grant.
3. Research Assistant (BSc/MSc/PhD) – Molecular & Cell Biology
Start: September 2025 | Funding: National Science Centre SONATA BIS 14 Grant
Your Role
- Assist in molecular cloning, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis, genotyping, and in vitro cultures.
- Support the lab with media preparation and plant care.
Your Profile
- BSc, MSc, or PhD in a relevant field with hands-on molecular biology experience.
- Strong organizational skills and basic English communication skills.
We Offer
- 5-year full-time research position with advanced experimental training.
- Potential for co-authorship on publications.
Application Process
Submit your CV, motivation letter (English/Polish), and referee contact(s) to Maciek Adamowski (maciej.adamowski@ug.edu.pl).
Deadline: April 28, 2025
Please include: “I consent to the processing of my personal data for recruitment purposes.”
Detailed info can be found here
Opportunity for Students: International Quant Championship 2025
Brain Bar team, which has been organizing Europe’s biggest festival on future for the past 11 years, invites you check out the partner WorldQuant’s International Quant Championship (IQC) – a competition for STEM, Finance and Computer Science students and put your quantitative skills to the test and build financial forecasting models.
Top-performing teams’ universities will have the opportunity to be featured on the prestigious Global IQC University Rankings TOP 100 list. Students might enjoy rewards such as a potential journey to the Singapore finals, cash prizes or career opportunities.
Why participate in the IQC?
- Contestants have the chance to travel to Singapore and represent their country in the global finals.
- They can win up to $100,000 in prizes.
- Become part of a global STEM community.
- Participate in free webinars to get help with the competition.
Who can apply?
- University students, professors, or alumni.
- Participants can compete individually or in teams (maximum 4 members). However, all team members must be from the same university.
Apply at this link.
Thank you for your attention to the development of the next generation. We hope to welcome many talented participants from your students in the competition.
Best regards,
Community Manager | BRAIN BAR

COST Open Call 2025 – otvorene prijave!
COST Open Call 2025 je zvanično otvoren!
📅 Rok za podnošenje prijava: 21. oktobar 2025. u 12:00 (podne) CEST
Istraživači i inovatori koji planiraju da podnesu predlog za COST Action treba da se upoznaju sa:
– Vodičem za podnosioce predloga
– Zvaničnim pozivom, dostupnim na stranici Documents and Guidelines
🔔 Važno: Uveden je novi obrazac Technical Annex, te je obavezno koristiti ažurirani template za podnošenje prijava.
📌 Za opšta pitanja u vezi sa Open Call-om, obratite se vašem COST Nacionalnom koordinatoru:
Dr Zoran Mijić
Associate Research Professor, University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics
📞 +381 11 3713134
✉️ ncc-serbia@ipb.ac.rs
📌 Za tehnička pitanja kontaktirajte:
✉️ opencall@cost.eu
Studenti PMF-a učestvovali u NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program 2025
Studenti Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu su od 2-14. marta 2025. učestvovali u programu NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program na Državnom univerzitetu Tajvana u Tajpeju.
Luka Divjaković, student računarskih nauka, Andrej Rajkov, student informacionih tehnologija, Pavle Tepavčević i Mihailo Milenković, studenti master programa veštačke inteligencije, imali su priliku da steknu dragoceno iskustvo u oblasti mikroprocesora, veštačke inteligencije i robotike.
Učešće naših studenata u ovom programu rezultat je saradnje Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta i tajvanskog partnera, što je našim studentima omogućilo da uče od vodećih svetskih stručnjaka u industriji mikroprocesora.

Tajvan je globalni lider u proizvodnji mikroprocesora i poluprovodnika, a njegova ekonomija u velikoj meri zavisi od ove industrije. Više od 60% svetske proizvodnje čipova dolazi upravo iz Tajvana, zahvaljujući kompanijama kao što su TSMC i Mediatek, koje snabdevaju najveće tehnološke gigante širom sveta.
Tokom programa, studenti su prisustvovali predavanjima uglednih profesora i stručnjaka iz oblasti mikroprocesora, veštačke inteligencije i robotike. Takođe su imali priliku da posete vodeće tehnološke kompanije kao što su ST Microelectronics, TSMC, Mediatek i Delta, gde su iz prve ruke mogli da se upoznaju sa najnovijim dostignućima u industriji čipova. U Istraživačkom centru Univerziteta studenti su imali priliku da rade sa silicijumskim pločicama, osnovnim materijalom za proizvodnju mikroprocesora.
Pored akademskih aktivnosti, učesnici su istražili i bogatu kulturnu baštinu Tajvana, uključujući i posetu muzejima u Tajpeju.
Posebnu zahvalnost dugujemo kompaniji Sixsentix i platformi za učenje SixCube University, koji su svojim sponzorstvom pokrili veći deo troškova puta do Tajpeja, omogućivši našim studentima da budu deo ovog programa.
Luka, Pavle, Mihailo i Andrej su jednoglasni u preporuci budućim generacijama da iskoriste ovakve prilike, jer će stečena znanja i kontakti biti neprocenljivi za njihov dalji akademski, profesionalni i lični razvoj.
2025 Global Environment Solutions Challenge (GESC) – Second-Round Announcement
Organizers: Tongji University, UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development, The Executive Committee of Demonstration Zone of Green and Integrated Ecological Development of the Yangtze River Delta
Timeline: From now until June 9, 2025
Challenge Theme: Innovative Solutions to Plastic Pollution
Students worldwide are invited to form teams and contribute to tackling plastic pollution through one of the following topics:
- Climate Action: Addressing plastic pollution’s impact on climate change.
- Health Guardians: Innovative solutions to mitigate human health risks caused by plastic pollution.
- Zero-Waste Cities: Strategies to minimize plastic waste in urban environments.
- Automotive and Electronics Recycling: Advancing design, materials, and recycling processes.
Who Can Participate?
The challenge is open to all university students worldwide, regardless of nationality or academic level.
How to Participate?
There are two ways to join:
- As a Participant: Form a team (2-4 members) and compete for awards and scholarships.
- As an Observer: Vote for teams and apply to attend the final as a spectator.
Key Deadlines:
- April 15, 2025: Registration deadline for participants.
- June 8, 2025: Registration deadline for observers.
Awards and Scholarships:
- Champion Team: 15,000 RMB
- Second Prize: 9,000 RMB
- Third Prize: 6,000 RMB
- Special Awards and Most Popular Team Prize also available.
- Travel and accommodation scholarships provided for shortlisted teams attending the semi-finals in Shanghai.
Submission Requirements:
- Teams must submit a poster (2:1 aspect ratio, PDF format, 300 dpi resolution) clearly presenting their solution.
- The content must be in English and visually appealing.
- All submissions must be original.
For more details and registration, visit: https://isces.tongji.edu.cn/
Ph.D. Opportunity in Experimental Solid-State Materials Science at Jožef Stefan Institute
The Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics (K5) at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia is looking for a motivated Master’s graduate to pursue a Ph.D. in experimental solid-state materials science, physics, or chemistry. The research focuses on materials with exotic electrical properties, such as ferroics.
- Synthesis of advanced materials
- Structural analysis
- Investigation of physical properties
The Ph.D. will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Tadej Rojac in collaboration with national and international research groups.
📍 Location: Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics (K5), Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Employment & Salary:
- Full-time Ph.D. position with employment at the institute
- Monthly net salary: €1200–1300
If you have completed (or are close to completing) your Master’s degree and are interested in a Ph.D. at Jožef Stefan Institute, please contact hana.ursic@ijs.si.
Scholarship opportunities for full degree: M.Sc. and Ph.D. – Prince Songkla University Thailand
Scholarship opportunities for full degree studies 2025
- 4 Full Scholarships for Master’s degree Scholarship supports: full tuition fee waiver of 56,000 THB/per semester (up to 4 semesters) + a monthly stipend of 8,000 THB (up to 24 months)
- 3 Master’s and 2 PhD Partial Scholarships Scholarship supports: full tuition fee waiver of 56,000 THB/per semester (up to 4 semesters for Master’s degree or up to 6 semesters for Doctoral degree) + a basic rent coverage for a shared double room in a PSU dormitory (7,500 THB/semester)
Application deadline for the first round: 30 April 2025.
For more information: https://sites.google.com/psu.ac.th/sci-ir/collaborations/scholarship-2025-26 or email to Ms. Wanvisa at wanvisa.b@psu.ac.th.
Soft Skills Workshop! Collaborative Work in the 5-Helix Model: Citizens’ Engagement, Co-Creation, and RRI Experiences – 27.3.2025.
🌍 Are you ready to explore how collaboration, co-creation, and citizen engagement can drive sustainable change?
✅ Enhance Understanding of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
✅ Showcase how to Encourage Citizen Engagement Through Innovative Approaches.
✅ Strengthen Cross-Sector Collaboration in the 5-Helix Model.
💡 Why Join?
This workshop is an opportunity to learn, network, and co-create solutions that bridge research, policy, and citizen action. If you’re passionate about sustainability, climate services, or innovative engagement strategies – this is the session for you!
🌟 Don’t miss out on this engaging and inspiring session! 🌟
🚀 See you there! 🚀
🔹 Facilitators: Caterina Impastato, Paula Goltzsche, Ginevra Passiglia, CESIE, Italy
🔹 Date & Time: 27 March, 11:00 – 15:00 (including lunch break)
Meeting ID: 835 1411 5757
Passcode: 263067
LUNCHTIME TALK #7 O VEŠTAČKOJ INTELIGENCIJI održan je 4. marta 2025. na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u organizaciji Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju
Pričom o fenomenu veštačke inteligencije smo nastavili tradiciju održavanja skupova koje smo nazvali lunchtime talks, a koji su savršen način da o aktuelnim temama i uspešnim projektima čujemo iz prve ruke – od naših uspešnih profesora. Moto ovih skupova je ,,Kolege – kolegama” a cilj razvoj kulture deljenja, povezivanja i promocije nauke u okviru PMF-a.
Kolega, profesor Miloš Radovanović, redovni profesor na Departmanu za matematiku i informatiku je podelio deo svog znanja i istraživanja o veštačkoj inteligenciji i približio nam šta jeste i šta sve nije veštačka inteligencije, šta sve može, ali i ne može da uradi za nas. Tako je i naslovljeno održano predavanje: Artificial Intelligence: What It Is (Not), and What It Can (Not) Do – With Case Studies in Graph Embedding.
Prof. Radovanović je na interesantan i praktičan način predočio šta su veštačka inteligencija (AI) i mašinsko učenje (ML), kakvi su različiti tipovi AI sistema i koje su mogućnosti i slabosti najsavremenijih AI i ML tehnika. Takođe, profesor je govorio o AI metodama za ugrađivanje grafova, što nam omogućava da koristimo “klasične” AI i ML tehnike razvijene za tabelarne podatke na grafovima, otvarajući ogromne mogućnosti za izgradnju inteligentnih sistema koji rade na podacima grafikona, uključujući aplikacije za klasifikaciju, grupisanje, predviđanje veza i detekciju anomalija.
Kolega je takođe predstavio rezultate svoji uspešnih projekata finansiranih od strane Fonda za nauku: završeni projekat pod akronimom GRASP i tekući pod akronimom TIGRA (FN (FN Program za razvoj projekata iz veštačke inteligencije).
Demistifikacija veštačke inteligencije kao vruće teme je mnogima od nas dala ideju o trenutnim pristupima AI, kao i o onima koji su još daleko od „rešenih“. Jednako važno, ovim pedavanjem smo osvestili koliko je, pre svega, važno koristiti AI odgovorno, svrsishodno, etično i na dobrobit čovečanstva.
Stay tuned za najavu teme lunchtime talk #8!
Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a
Check out PMF IRO TikTok: @iro.pmf