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Category Archives: News and Opportunities

Opportunities at Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University in Thailand: scholarship for full degree and research internship grant

Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla university in Thailand is glad to announce the possibility for International students below:

  1. Full-degree scholarship provided by the Faculty of Science, application deadline: 31 July 2024

Click for more information https://sites.google.com/…/collaborations/scholarship

2. Research Internship Grant for collaborative graduate research works, application deadline: 31 July 2024

Click for more information https://sites.google.com/psu.ac.th/sci-ir/collaborations/research-internship

Vebinar Kako da odeš na studentsku razmenu kroz Erazmus+ i CEEPUS program?

Info centar Fondacije Tempus organizuje vebinar, namenjen studentima državnih i privatnih visokoškolskih ustanova u Srbiji, zainteresovanim za odlazak na razmene u okviru Erazmus+CEEPUS programa u akademskoj 2024/25. godini.

Učesnicima vebinara biće predstavljeni uslovi prijave i učešća u razmenama, visina i obuhvat stipendija. 

Vebinar se održava u četvrtak, 18. jula od 16 do 17 časova, a prijava se vrši popunjavanjem elektronskog formulara, najkasnije do 18. jula u 12 časova.   

Elektronski formular je dostupan na ovom linku.  

Ostale aktivnosti u toku maja 2024. informativnog centra Fondacije Tempus

BGI college opportunities

Founded in 1999, BGI is one of the world’s leading life science and genomics organizations (https://en.genomics.cn/). With businesses in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, BGI has established cooperation and partnerships with thousands of different organizations across multi-disciplinary research areas including medical health, resource conservation and judicial services. BGI provides equipment, technical support and solutions for the needs of national economies and people’s livelihoods, such as precision medicine and precision health.
BGI College provides innovative joint training opportunities for top-tier life sciences researchers and industry professionals. BGI College has developed a talent training model that keeps pace with the evolution of genomic science.


Predavanje i promocija BGI koledža kroz 2024 UNS – BGI JOINT TALENT TRAINING PROGRAMS

Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u novom Sadu je u ponedeljak 17. juna 2024. imao čast da ugosti predstavnice BGI koledža Minfeng Xiao i Zhe Chen na svečanom potpisivanju sporazuma o saradnji i prezentaciji programa akademske mobilnosti i stručnih praksi za studentekroz BGI JOINT TALENT TRAINING PROGRAMS.
Delegaciju je srdačno dočekalo rukovodstvo i Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a.

Nakon predstavljanja obe institucije, svečano je potpisan sporazum o saradnji koji otvara put za buduću naučnu saradnju i akademsku mobilnost studenata iz Srbije na BGI koledžu, koji je vodeći u oblasti biotehnologije, sekvenciranja genoma i bioinformatike.

Drugi deo posete je bio fokusiran na istraživače, studente masterskih i doktorskih studija, kojima su predstavljene mogućnosti za naučno-istraživačku saradnju i akademsku mobilnost.

Ova poseta predstavlja važan korak ka uspostavljanju i jačanju međunarodne saradnje između našeg fakulteta i BGI, globalnog igrača u oblasti genomike i alata za sekvenciranje.

Poziv na predavanje Dr Radeta Drmanac /KONKURS ZA DODELU STUDENTSKIH „MGI_Complete Genomics – Dr Rade Drmanac”


Kompanija MGI/Complete Genomics, u saradnji sa Fondacijom Ana i Vlade Divac, objavljuje konkurs za dodelu stipendija studentima.

Konkurs je otvoren od 15. maja do 15. juna 2024. godine.

Više informacija o konkursu možete pročitati OVDE.

Dr Radoje Drmanac, CSO BGI and donor of the MGI-Complete Genomics DR Rade Drmanac scholarship, will hold an online lecture on 7/6/2024 at 2 pm:

„Continuing innovations in massively parallel sequencing: towards molecular health monitoring and disease prevention.“

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 811 0486 2922

Password: 703685

University of Ljubljana Summer school courses 2024

Looking to expand your horizons this summer? University of Ljubljana offers over 40 summer school courses spanning diverse disciplines—from cultural heritage tourism to comparative genomics and applied statistics—there’s something for everyone.

Explore the vibrant city of Ljubljana and immerse yourself in Slovenia’s rich culture while gaining valuable academic insights. Whether you’re a primary school student, undergraduate, graduate, researcher, or professor, there’s a summer school course tailored to your interests and needs.

Discover more and apply at https://study.uni-lj.si/study/summerschools/.

KAUST Global Fellowship Program

Are you a talented young investigator bursting with groundbreaking ideas? Or perhaps you’re a seasoned PhD holder eager to dive into independent research? Whether you’re at the cusp of your postdoctoral journey or ready to take the leap, we have an exciting opportunity for you!

The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is thrilled to announce that applications are now open on a rolling basis for the prestigious KAUST Global Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Spearheaded by the Office of the Vice President for Research, this fellowship aims to nurture the next generation of scientific leaders who are poised to make a lasting impact on the world.

So, what are you waiting for? Seize this opportunity to unlock your full potential and contribute to meaningful change. Share this invitation with your network, spread the word on social media, and join us in building a brighter tomorrow.

Apply now for the KAUST Global Postdoctoral Fellowship Program and let your journey begin!

For further information or clarifications, check the program’s website or contact KAUST team at: kgfp@kaust.edu.sa

Transformation Summer Camp – Catholic University of Eichstätt Ingolstadt

Are you a graduate student with innovative ideas about diversity and transformation? This September 2024, the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, KU) is hosting a unique transformation summer camp focused on the theme “Diversity & Transformation”.

KU is excited to invite graduate students to participate in this opportunity! If you are currently completing your Master’s degree or have recently completed it, this is a fantastic chance to join a one-week research camp at their esteemed university. And here’s the best part – they are offering full scholarships for all accepted applicants, covering travel, accommodation, and meals.

For more detailed information, please visit their transformation summer camp page. We encourage you to read through the details and consider applying to be part of this transformative experience.

Important Dates:

  • Application Deadline: June 7, 2024

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Thomas Metten, at thomas.metten@ku.de.

Don’t miss this chance to engage with like-minded peers and experts on crucial issues of diversity and transformation. Apply now and take a step towards making a meaningful impact!

CEEPUS razmene i mogućnosti – vebinar

Fondacija Tempus − Nacionalna CEEPUS kancelarija organizuje vebinar povodom otvaranja konkursnog roka za podnošenje prijava mrežnih kandidata za učešće u akademskoj razmeni u okviru CEEPUS programa. Vebinar je namenjen studentima i predavačima sa visokoškolskih ustanova u Srbiji, koji su zainteresovani za realizovanje mobilnosti tokom akademske 2024/25. godine.

Učesnici vebinara će imati priliku da se bliže upoznaju sa CEEPUS programom i načinom njegovog sprovođenja, mogućnostima koje program pruža i uslovima za učešće.

Vebinar se održava u petak, 17. maja, od 16 do 17 časova, a prijava se vrši popunjavanjem elektronskog formulara, najkasnije do 17. maja u 12 časova.

Elektronski formular je dostupan na ovom linku.

Ostale aktivnosti u toku maja 2024. informativnog centra Fondacije Tempus možete pronaći OVDE.

Job Opportunity: Post-Doctoral Position in Experimental Solid-State Materials Science/Physics/Chemistry – Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia

🔬 Research Focus: We are seeking a motivated post-doctoral researcher to join our team at the Laboratory of Electronic Ceramics, K5, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia. The focus of this position is on the exploration of ferroic materials, particularly in the synthesis, structure determination, and investigation of physical properties.
