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[DMI] Special Scientist Position at FOSS Research Centre, University of Cyprus

The PV Technology Laboratory of FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus, announces one (1) vacancy for a full or part- time Special Scientist position to work on research projects at FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy.

Ideally, the position should be combined with an application for a PhD at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus and the research work that will be carried out will be the subject of the doctoral thesis.

First Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or Physics, with at least a 2.1 class or equivalent. Also, high academic performance and interest in research are considered important qualifications.

Prior experience in any of the following fields will be beneficial:
• Power Systems.
• Smart Grids.
• Artificial Neural Networks, expert systems and applications to the field of energy.
• ICT applications in the field of energy.
• Programming in Python, especially for energy related applications.

The Special Scientist will be conducting research according to the needs of the research projects of the Photovoltaic Technology Laboratory in the field of Solar Energy and specifically, Photovoltaic Technology. The duties, apart from the research activity, will include the following:• Writing Reports and research publications.
• Research Proposal Preparation.
• Support in writing Research Proposals.
• Supervision of research projects conducted by bachelor (final year students) and postgraduate students.
• Support in research project management.
• Contribution to the dissemination of results and in educational activities.

Application deadline: Friday, 29th of January 2021

Further details of the position and application procedure can be found HERE.

Tongji University (China) is calling for master and doctoral applications for 2021 entry

Tongji University, one of China’s earliest national key universities, is a prestigious institution of higher education, which has grown into a comprehensive and research-intensive university with distinctive features and an international reputation.

According to 2019 Global Universities Rankings by US News & World Report, Tongji University ranks 11th in Country Rank of China and 35th in Best Global Universities in Asia. The University was among the 36 Class A universities in the list of Double First Class University Plan released by the central government of China in 2017.

As a comprehensive university, Tongji University provides a variety of majors and disciplines to meet your academic interests and needs. Many of these are featured by QS or Global and Financial Times in the top rankings in the world, such as Environmental Science and Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Engineering, Art and Design, and Economics and Management, just to name a few. More information can be found in our brochure as attached.

The online application system will be open from 18 Jan. 2021 to 30 April 2021.

Interested applicants can apply via: http://study-info.tongji.edu.cn.

Meanwhile, full/partial scholarships are offered for excellent candidates and please refer to http://www.campuschina.org for more details.

Fulbright Graduate Study Program Competition 2022-2023

Application Deadline: APRIL 5, 2021

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Graduate Study Program competition for the 2022-2023 academic year.  The Fulbright Graduate Study Program enables young professionals from Serbia to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue a Master’s level of study in the following fields: 

Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism / Media, Studies, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Mathematics , Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics.

Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition.  This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare.

For more info visit: https://rs.usembassy.gov/fulbright-graduate-study-program-competition-2022-2023/

Stipendije Vlade Francuske

U želji da podstakne mobilnost studenata, Ambasada Francuske i Francuski institut u Srbiji raspisuju novi konkurs za dodelu stipendija za 2021-2022. godinu za studente iz Srbije koji žele da nastave školovanje u Francuskoj.

Konkurs je raspisan za master studije i doktorate u komentorstvu, kao i za kofinansiranje dobitnika stipendije Dositeja koji planiraju da nastave školovanje u Francuskoj.

Krajnji rok za slanje prijava je 29. mart 2021. godine.

Detaljne informacije o konkursu možete pronaći u pratećoj brošuri, kao i na sajtu Francuskog instituta u Srbiji.

Job Opportunities for Early Stage Researchers in INFLANET

INFLANET is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission Horizon2020 programme and focused on the training of European experts of inflammation.

The INFLANET network will employ 15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs/PhD students) in 6 European countries. Research topics, host institutes and responsible supervisors (who can be contacted for further information) are listed HERE. The ESRs will be offered an interdisciplinary education programme that includes a PhD trajectory with training-through-research in individual projects, secondments at research groups of other network partners, and a variety of local and network-wide courses and workshops.

All ESRs are to be recruited by September 2021. Applications – in English – should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates of examination results, and two reference letters, which are all to be submitted through an on-line application system at https://inflanet.application.systems where further details of the projects can also be found.

British Scholarship Trust grants for short-term research stays in the UK

If you are a MSc or PhD student considering undertaking research related to your studies abroad or need to spend a month at a university library in the UK reading books and journals related to your research, apply to the British Scholarship Trust for funding.

Applicants from any university in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia should be under 30 years of age on September 30th of the academic year for which they are applying, Please see the British Scholarships Fund page for further details of eligibility and the application form.


Rok za slanje prijava: 1. mart 2021. godine

Adresa za slanje: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Nemanjina 22-26, Sektor za visoko obrazovanje, krilo C, 6. sprat , kancelarija br. 24, sa naznakom: Za konkurs „The British Scholarship Trust“.

Kontakt adresa u MPNTR: jelena.pazun@mpn.gov.rs

Novi Erazmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitet “Sofija Antipoli” u Nici, Francuska

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisao je konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitet “Sofija Antipoli” u Nici, Francuska.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente doktorskih studija u sledećim oblastima:

Social sciences and languages

Oblasti u okviru kojih kandidati takođe mogu da podnesu prijavu:

  • Main research laboratories: https://www.ed-despeg-unice.fr/node/68
  • Law, Political Sciences, Economics and Management Sciences. http://www.ed-despeg-unice.fr/
  • Fundamental and Applied Sciences: http://www.unice.fr/EDSFA/
  • Life and health sciences: https://www.ipmc.cnrs.fr/cgi-bin/site.cgi
  • Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication http://edstic.i3s.unice.fr/
  • Societies, Humanities, Arts and Letters. http://edshal.unice.fr/

Rok za podnošenje prijava: ponedeljak, 21. decembar 2020. godine

Svi ostali detalji konkursa dostupni su na sledećem linku: Универзитет у Новом Саду – Универзитет “Софија Антиполи” у Ници, Француска – УНС (рок: 21. децембар 2020.) (uns.ac.rs)

Stipendije vlade NR Kine za 2021/2022 godinu

Vlada Narodne Republike Kine raspisuje konkurs za dodelu stipendija za osnovne, master, doktorske i postdoktorske studije, kao i opšte naučne programe i programe za starije naučnike.

Rok za apliciranje je 10. februar 2021. godine. Celokupnu dokumentaciju potrebno je dostaviti i na sledeću adresu: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Nemanjina 22-26, Sektor za visoko obrazovanje, krilo C, 6. sprat, kancelarija br. 24, sa naznakom: Za konkurs „Stipendije Vlade NR Kine za akademsku 2021/2022. godinu“.

Kontakt mejl adresa u Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja: jelena.pazun@mpn.gov.rs

Propozicije konkursa

Medicinski formular

Home_留学中国 (campuschina.org)

Stipendije vlade republike Rumunije za 2021/2022 godinu

Vlada Rumunije raspisala je konkurs za dodelu stipendija studentima osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija. Nastava osnovnih i master studija odvija se isključivo na rumunskom jeziku, a nastava doktorskih studija na rumunskom jeziku ili na stranom jeziku koji je u ponudi na fakultetu. Za kandidate koji ne govore rumunski jezik, obezbeđeno je učenje rumunskog jezika u trajanju od godinu dana pre početka studija, uz izuzetak doktorskih stipendista koji su se opredelili za studije na stranom jeziku na kom je organizovana doktorska škola.

Stipendija se sastoji od besplatne školarine i smeštaja u studentskim domovima, kao i mesečne stipendije isplaćene u rumunskoj valuti u iznosu od 65 evra za studente osnovnih studija, 75 evra za studente master studija i specijalizacije i 85 evra za studente postdiplomskih studija. Stipendije ne pokrivaju međunarodni i lokalni prevoz. Kandidati moraju biti spremni da lično podrže sve druge dodatne troškove.

Prijavne formulare kao i prateću dokumentaciju poslati na adresu: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Beograd, 6. sprat, krilo C, kancelarija 24 – sa naznakom „Za stipendije Vlade Rumunije za 2021/2022. godinu“.

Rok za dostavljanje prijava na konkurs je 16.04.2021. godine.

Kontakt mejl adresa u Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja: jelena.pazun@mpn.gov.rs

Detaljne propozicije

Aplikacioni formular

Dodatne informacije

Stipendije za postdiplomske studije univerziteta Xi’an Jiaotong iz Kine

Univerzitet Xi’an Jiaotong University, NR Kina, raspisao je konkurs za dodelu stipendija na postdiplomskim studijama u 2021. godini u okviru međunarodnih programa.

Kineska vladina stipendija za univerzitetski program obezbeđuje školarinu, besplatan smeštaj u studentskom domu u kampusu, mesečni dodatak za život i sveobuhvatno medicinsko osiguranje za međunarodne studente u Kini. Međunarodna studentska stipendija XJTU Siyuan kao i Međunarodna studentska stipendija gradske vlade XJTU-Xi’an „Pojas i put“ obezbeđuju školarinu i mesečnu naknadu za život.

Rok za dostavljanje prijava je 15. mart 2021. godine.