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Author Archives: Gordana Vlahović
Obaveštavamo studente PMF-a da će se sutra 1. marta 2017. na Filozofskom fakultetu (sala 114) sa početkom u 10 sati održati prezentacija stipendija za studiranje u Republici Koreji.
Najavu i dodatne informacije možete pogledati na ovom linku: http://www.ff.uns.ac.rs/vesti/aktuelno/2017/Studiranje%20u%20Koreji.htm
ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Valensiji, Španija
Univerzitet u Novom Saduje je objavio konkurs za Erazmus+ stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na nivou osnovnih studija na Univerzitetu u Valensiji, Španija.
Za studente PMF-a, otvorene su oblasti:
- 0531Chemistry
- 061 ICTs
- 0512 Biochemistry
- 1015 Tourism
- 0541 Mathematics
- 0533 Physics
- 0521 Environmental Sciences
Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na Univerzitetu u Bolonji, Italija
Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na Univerzitetu u Bolonji, na nivou osnovnih i masterskih studija.
Svi detalji se nalaze u tekstu konkursa na linku:
Krajnji rok za prijavu: 21. april 2017. godine
Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Alba Juliji, Rumunija
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je otvorio Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata osnovnih i masterskih studija na Univerzitetu u Alba Juliji, Rumunija.
Erasmus+ stipendirana mobilnost za studente doktorskih studija na Univerzitetu Radboud u Holandiji
Erazmus+ stipendirana mobilnost doktoranata i osoblja na Univerzitetu Radboud, Holandija
Više informacija o konkursu možete videti na sajtu UNS-a:
Rok za dostavljanje prijava je 13. mart 2017.
Ambasada Republike Koreje – obaveštenje o konkursu za postdiplomske studije u Koreji
Ambasada Republike Koreje u Republici Srbiji obaveštava da je Nacionalni institut za medjunarodno obrazovanje, Ministarstva obrazovanja Vlade Republike Koreje, raspisao konkurs za tri državljanina Srbije i jednog državljanina Crne Gore, da se prijave za državnu stipendiju korejske vlade za postiplomske studije (master ili doktorske), pod nazivom 2017 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Degrees.
SKINITE KORISNU BROŠURU! Student Guidebook: Studying and Training Abroad
Student Guidebook: Studying and Training Abroad
The Student Guidebook will help to ensure that you make the most of your Erasmus experience! It will explain to you the different opportunities to go abroad and your rights and obligations as an Erasmus student. It will also give you guidance on what and when you need to prepare to get full recognition of your studies abroad!
STUDIRAJTE U MAĐARSKOJ – Stipendium Hungaricum stipendije za osnovne i doktorske studije
Stipendium Hungaricum provides scholarships for students who want to conduct their undergraduate or PhD studies in Hungary.
You may find more information on the following link: http://www.tka.hu/international-programmes/3687/information-for-applicants
The deadline for submitting the complete application package:
5th March 2017 (until 23:59 Central European Time)
Riga Technical University (Latvia) Summer Schools 2017
Riga Technical University (RTU) would like to inform you about our upcoming Summer Schools taking place in Latvia in August 2017. We would highly appreciate if you would share the message with your students or forward it to anyone who would be interested in spreading the news. Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions about the summer schools or you have any offers you would like to share with our students or staff.
1) Summer School «Nonlinear Life»:
We are pleased to invite your students to participate in our summer school «Nonlinear Life» which will be held from August 20 till August 31 August, 2017 in the capital of Latvia – Riga and in the largest city of Latgale (one of the four regions of Latvia) – Daugavpils, where the biggest affiliation of RTU is situated.
Journey within this summer school will lead students through mathematics, medical physics, mechanics, medical engineering dealing with nonlinear systems of objects.
Students will attend lectures of scientists in the fields of dynamics of nonlinear systems, medical engineering and physics. Seminars will cover topics such as preparation of scientific publications, computer simulation of nonlinear dynamic systems and will be organized in the research facilities of RTU.
Participation fee is EUR 700. The deadline for submitting the application is 5 May 2017.
The application form can be downloaded at http://www.rtu.lv/writable/public_files/RTU_application_form_2017nonlinear_life.doc