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Category Archives: News and Opportunities
Online Erasmus+ info dan (KA107 Tajland)
Erazmus+ info dan Univerziteta u Novom Sadu posvećen aktuelnom pozivu za prijavu kandidata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost sa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu prema Erazmus+ partnerskoj zemlji – Kraljevini Tajland biće održan u onlajn formatu u petak, 14. maja 2021. godine, s početkom u 13 časova.
Na info danu će biti predstavljene mogućnosti prijavljivanja za stipendije u okviru Javnog poziva za prijavu kandidata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost studenata i osoblja sa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu (KA107, Tajland).
Svi zainteresovani mogu pristupiti onlajn prezentaciji putem linka.
Erazmus+ KA107 program mobilnosti – otvoren javni poziv za mobilnost osoblja i studenata na PSU univerzitetu, Tajland
Napomena: broj stipendija za studente: 2
Svi uslovi konkursa, relevantni pravilnici, dokumenta za download, se nalaze na zvaničnom veb satu UNS-a:
Rok za podnošenje prijava: 28. maj 2021.
New Call for GSSI PhD Applications 2021/22 now open – 7 PhD Fellowships in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in November 2021
This is to announce the opening for 7 PhD Fellowships in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) starting in November 2021.
The application must be submitted through the online form available at https://applications.gssi.it/phd/
by 14 June 2021 at 5 pm (Italian time zone).
The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation, free luncheon vouchers and use of the canteen.
The official language for the PhD course is English.
The PhD programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences at GSSI identifies its priority in mathematical modeling, both towards the traditional areas of application, such as Physics or Engineering, and towards emerging issues in Biology and in the Social Sciences.
Students and researchers in Mathematics at GSSI are encouraged to interact with other scientific communities. At GSSI, we believe that the interdisciplinary endeavor is the most effective way to do science and benefit society. Mathematical models are ubiquitous in physics, engineering, information theory, social and life sciences, as they provide a formidable framework to describe the time evolution of deterministic, stochastic and complex systems, which is one of the main goals at GSSI.
GSSI mathematics researchers are interested in tackling many problems with complementary perspectives and methods. The area of Mathematics is characterized by four large macro-sectors: Applied Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Analysis, Numerical methods and Continuum Mechanics modeling. Within these sectors there is a shared interest in problems related to fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and also its applications to data science. Important ideas of classical analysis, probability theory, mathematical physics and theoretical physics are used also for less traditional applications. Numerical linear algebra and numerical optimization help to design new models and accompanying numerical algorithms for applications in data mining, machine learning and network science. Continuum mechanics models, computational methods in fluid dynamics are used not only in their traditional field at the boundary between applied mathematics and theoretical engineering, but also in nonconventional problems like modeling the full heart function.
See Also: https://mathhire.org/jobs/1192
Turku Åbo Summer School (Finland) goes online: Second round for applications open!
Turku Åbo Summer School goes online – Second round for applications now open! Due to the uncertainties related to Covid-19 and traveling restrictions, the Turku Åbo Summer School will be organised fully online in 2021. We hope that a stress-free online execution will allow all interested to take part in Finnish world-class education from a safe distance. There are still a few spots open for the fully credited online courses. If you haven’t applied yet, see the course selection and apply before 19 May! |
Free Social Program We may be online, but we’re not out of reach! All participants are welcome to join a fun social program free of charge. You’ll get a glimpse of Finnish culture and get to know your fellow students around the world. The new social programme will be updated on the website during June. |
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#Study in Turku Turku is home to 40,000 students and six higher education institutions. #Study in Finland Finland’s world-leading higher education system offers more than 400 English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in 13 universities and 22 universities of applied sciences (UAS). turkusummerschool.fi CONTACT US: summerschool@utu.fi |
HERCULES specialized course (May 31st – June 9th, 2021)
“The multi-technique approach of CERIC-ERIC as a tool for Nanoscience”
Kurs je namenjen pre svega mlađim istraživačima, doktorandima i post-doktorandima, iz oblasti fizike, hemije i biologije, kao i drugih disciplina. Istraživači iz Srbije se kvalifikuju za CEI grant.
The event is offering the possibility to the researchers to gain analytical knowledge about synchrotron, neutron methods and more during both theoretical and practical online sessions. Support from the Central European Initiative as well as from CALIPSOplus-ESUO will be available for the participants in order to cover their registration fees. More details about the event can be found here: https://www.ceric-eric.eu/events/hercules-specialized-course-2021-the-multi-technique-approach-of-ceric-eric-as-a-tool-f or-nanoscience/ .
The registration deadline is on May 3rd, 2021.
Konkurs za istraživačke stipendije “One Health”
Ministarstvo za Evropu i spoljne poslove Republike Francuske (MEAE) u saradnji sa Ministarstvom za visoko obrazovanje, istraživanje i inovacije Republike Francuske (MESRI) pokrenulo je program stipendija namenjen mladim naučnicima koji žele da borave u Francuskoj u okviru multidisciplinarnih istraživanja iz oblasti « One Health ». Krajnji rok za konkurisanje: 10 maj. 2021. |
Dodatne informacije i link za konkurisanje: Visiting Fellowship Program for Young Researchers (MOPGA 4) | Campus France |
International Summer/Winter School at the University of Alcala 2021/2022
The University of Alcala has created the International Summer and Winter School for both national and international university and preuniversity students who want to have a multicultural experience.
The School offers an intensive, fully accredited international academic program through which students can develop their intercultural competences and gain a stimulating and rewarding experience. To that end, our intensive program uses innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online cooperation. In this atmosphere, transnational and transdisciplinary teams of faculty and students work together to tackle current societal challenges.
The School sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks, from June to Septemmer (Summer School) and January March (Winter School), and courses are granted either 6 ECTS or 3 ECTS.
For more information plese visit the website (https://eivi.uah.es) or download the brochure:
Contact: eivi@uah.es.
Ukoliko niste bili u mogućnosti da ispratite jučerašnju Zoom prezentaciju aktuelnog konkursa UNS-a za Erazmus+ stipendiranu mobilnost studenata, možete pogledati snimak:
Prezentaciju možete preuzeti u .pdf formatu :
Za sva dodatna pitanja i nedoumice, studenti PMF-a mogu zakazati online konsultacije sa Kancelarijom za međunarodnu saradnju PMF putem e-adrese: erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs
Želimo vam puno uspeha na konkursu! 🙂
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisao je drugi javni Erazmus+ poziv za prijavu studenata za odlaznu mobilnost prema partnerskoj zemlji Ukrajini.
Poziv je namenjen studentima osnovnih studija iz oblasti informatike.
Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je sreda, 12. maj 2021.
Svi detalji poziva dostupni su na sajtu UNS-a: JAVNI POZIV
Informacije o Erazmus+ KA107 partnerskom univezitetu u Ukrajini: National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute
Za podršku tokom procesa prijavljivanja možete se obratiti vašem departmanskom akademskom koordinatoru, kao i Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a na adresu erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs.
Erasmus+ chat: Kako otići na razmenu sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta?
Erasmus studentska mreža iz Novog Sada (ESN NS) organizuje Erasmus+ Chat koji će se održati na zvaničnoj ESN Facebook stranici 28.04. 2021. sa početkom u 15:30 časova.
Događaj je namenjen studentima Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta koji će imati priliku da čuju iskustva i praktične saveta od studenata sa njihovog fakulteta koji su već učestvovali u Erazmus plus programu akademske mobilnosti i da im postave sva pitanja u vezi sa razmenom putem Google forme.
Gosti Erasmus+ Chat-a su studenti Filip Galečić i Ksenija Cerović.