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Author Archives: Ivana Pejović

Stipendije Jagelonskog univerziteta u Krakovu

U cilju jačanja bilateralne saradnje sa Univerzitetom u Novom Sadu, Jagelonski univerzitet u Krakovu će omogućiti studentima doktorskih studija Univerziteta u Novom Sadu da realizuju kratke istraživačke boravke, u trajanju od 2 nedelje, u periodu od 12. novembra do 20. decembra 2019. godine.

Jagelonski univerzitet će pokriti troškove smeštaja i dnevnica u iznosu od 82 PLN za odabrane studente. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu će za odabrane kandidate pokriti putne troškove (u iznosu i na način definisan od strane rukovodstva UNS-a), kao i troškove zdravstvenog osiguranja u toku istraživačkog boravka na Jagelonskom univerzitetu u Krakovu.

Detaljne informacije o pozivu i procesu prijave se nalaze na zvaničnom vebsajtu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Rok za prijavu je petak, 16. septembar 2019.

Summer School at West University of Timisoara, Romania

West University of Timisoara is organizing its first ever (Late) Summer School (August 31st – September 13th 2019), a multi- and inter-disciplinary event aiming to offer Bachelor or Master students the opportunity to participate in a two-weeks study/training programme, taking place in the future cultural capital of Europe (Timisoara2021), with the possibility of choosing from a variety of courses that mirror the comprehensive character of our university.

West University of Timisoara Summer School courses:

  •     The Right to Environment and the Value of Environment: An Integrated Approach to Environmental Law
  •     History of the Universe and Cosmology
  •     Machine Learning
  •     Design Thinking, your path to innovation!
  •     Thriving at work in the 21st century: Skills to master
  •     Visual Communication
  •     Storytelling
  •     Debugging English
  •     New generation of leaders
  •     Body Language Skills
  •     Geography using Information Technology

Participation fee (50 EURO): accommodation in WUT dormitories, lunches and a registration kit.

Application deadline: August 18th 2019

More information about applying to WUT (late) summer school at:  http://ri.uvt.ro/west-university-of-timisoara-late-summer-school/

Brochure: West University of Timișoara (Late) Summer School

Call for students – Master Programme in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Tongji, Shanghai, China

The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) is offering the very best scholarship for young talents to study in UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) 

The Master Programme in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development is offered by Tongji and sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM). This degree program is designed to foster high-end business officials and managerial personnel for the recipient countries. It offers a two-year master program for the purpose of educating high-end and inter-disciplinary experts working in the applied fields of government, trade, foreign affairs, agriculture, technology, education, culture and health. The program aims to build intellectual capacity and facilitate the economic and social development of the recipient countries.

About the Programme:

²Language: English

²Duration: 2 years, from Sept. 2019 to Jul. 2021; (1 year for courses and 1 year for research)

Scholarship Coverage:

²Tuition of 12000 USD waiver;

²One-off resettlement fee: 3000RMB;

²On-campus accommodation;

²Stipend: 3000RMB per month;

²Medical insurance in China

²Two round-trips international airfare

Career Prospects:

IESD alumni are currently active in international organizations such as, the World Bank, UNDP, ESCAP; national government agencies such as the Chinese Ministry of Ecology Environment, the Turkish Environment and Urban Planning Ministry, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Zambia, Egypt Ministry of Agriculture, Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ministry of Environment of Romania, Ministry of Economy and Trade of Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture of Zimbabwe, Ministry of Energy of Liberia, Ministry of Environment of Ethiopia; NGOs such as WWF; academic institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Wisconsin, University of Missouri; corporate departments such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bank of China, Michelin tires; and many other industries.

For more information, dowload the Brochure:  MOFCOM FLYER

Deadline: July 12, 2019

If any further information is required, please feel free to contact via unep_tongji@tongji.edu.cn or shenjiaqi@tongji.edu.cn.

Stipendije Swiss Education group za 2019/20.

Institucija Swiss Education group dodeljuje stipendije u iznosu od 10.000 švajcarskih franaka za školsku godinu 2019/2020.

Za školsku godinu 2019/2020. univerzitet nudi stipendije do 10.000 švajcarskih franaka koje se dodeljuju na osnovu profila kandidata i intervjua. Kandidati-studenti čije porodice rade u hotelijerskoj i turističkoj branši mogu da se prijave za stipendije koje pokrivaju do 15% školarine.


Najava serije vebinara “Research in Germany”, 24-27 jun 2019.

 „Research in Germany“ će od 24. do 27. juna obaviti čitav niz vebinara za strane mlade istraživače.

Ciljna grupa su studenti na master studijama, doktorandi i mlađi istraživači-postdocs.

U vebinarima učestvuju vrsni profesionalci, profesori iz prestižnih istraživačkih institucija iz Nemačke.

Za više informacija i za registraciju za učešće na vebinarima pogledajte:  www.research-in-germany.org/webinarseries2019


Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu Minjo, Portugalija

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio drugi poziv za ERASMUS+ stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu Minjo, Portugalija.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente PMF-a na osnovnim, masterskim i doktorskim studijama iz oblasti:

  • 061 Information and Communication Technologies
  • 0511 Biology
  • 0532 Earth Sciences
  • 0521 Environmental Sciences
  • 0531 Chemistry
  • 0512 Biochemistry
  • 0541 Mathematics (samo na masterskom nivou)
  • 0533 Physics
Trajanje stipendije: 5 meseci
Realizacija mobilnosti: Zimski semestar 2019/20
Broj stipendija: koliko partnerski univerzitet odobri
Trajanje konkursa: do 23. maja 2019.
Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS-a.
Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju vam stoji na raspolaganju za pomoć: erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs

Poziv za stipendirani master program “Fizika kondenzovane materije na MEGA naučnim objektima”, Univerzitet St. Petersburg

Univerzitet u St. Petersburgu poziva studente iz Srbije da se prijave za program master studija “Fizika kondenzovane materije na MEGA naučnim objektima” koji se izvodi na engleskom jeziku. Stipendije koje uključuju pokrivene troškove školarine su na raspolaganju za 10 studenata.

Rok za prijavu na program je 6. jun 2019.

Procedure i spisak dokumentacije za prijavu se nalaze na sledećem linku: http://english.spbu.ru/application-procedure

Opis programa:

Akademski kalendar

Akademski plan programa

ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu studentsku mobilnost na Univerzitetu Johana Keplera u Lincu, Austrija

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu Johana Keplera u Lincu, Austrija.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente UNS-a na nivou osnovnih i masterskih studija iz oblasti:


Trajanje stipendija: 1 semestar ili cela akademska godina

Realizacija mobilnosti: akademska godina 2019/2020

Trajanje konkursa: do 10. maja 2019.

Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS.

Za dodatne informacije obratiti se Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a: erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs


Ambasada Japana obaveštava sve zainteresovane kandidate u Republici Srbiji i u Crnoj Gori da od ponedeljka,

22. aprila 2019. godine počinje konkurs za MEXT (Ministarstvo obrazovanja, sporta, nauke i tehnologije Vlade Japana)

stipendije za 2020. godinu za studente iz Republike Srbije i studente iz Crne Gore.



Detaljne informacije o stipendijama i formulare možete preuzeti na: https://www.studyjapan.go.jp/jp/smap_stopj-applications_undergraduate.html


Detaljne informacije o stipendijama i formulare možete preuzeti na: https://www.studyjapan.go.jp/jp/smap_stopj-applications_research.html


Za dodatne informacije kontaktirati Ambasadu mejlom: culture@s1.mofa.go.jp

Call for Falling Walls Lab Belgrade 2019

Falling Walls Lab Belgrade 9 June 2019

Win a trip to Berlin. Great minds, 3 minutes, 1 day.

What is the Lab?

The Falling Walls Lab is an international forum for the next generation of outstanding innovators and creative thinkers. Its aim is to promote exceptional ideas and to connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all fields on a global level. Participants get the opportunity to present their research work, business model, or initiative to peers, a high-calibre jury made up of experts from academia and business, and the general public – in 3 minutes each.


Each year, academic institutions are invited to host their own Falling Walls Lab and to showcase the quality, diversity, and passion of their region’s most innovative minds. The most intriguing presenters of the locally hosted Falling Walls Labs travel to the Lab Finale in Berlin, Germany on 8 November. 100 Finalists present their work in front of a distinguished jury and showcase their solutions for today’s pressing challenges. All finalists win a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Conference where they meet the world’s movers and shakers of science, business, and policy-making. The three winners of the Lab Finale in Berlin are awarded the “Falling Walls Young Innovator of the Year” title, prize money, and get to pitch their idea once again on the grand stage of the Falling Walls Conference.


The international network of Falling Walls Labs includes renowned academic institutions from more than 60 countries. Stanford University, the ETH Zurich, and the University of Tokyo are only a few of the universities that have participated in the Falling Walls Lab programme.
