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KU Call for applications – Bridging Sustainability and Digital Transformation

In September 2023, the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, KU) organizes a research summer camp on the topic “Bridging Sustainability & Digital Transformation”.

All graduate students (those who are completing their Master’s degree at the moment or have already completed it) are invited to apply with their ideas and become part of the one-week research camp at KU. Please note that KU offers full scholarships (covering travel, accommodation and meals) for those who are accepted. The Research Summer Camp is open to students of all disciplines and fields of study. Up to 20 students can participate.

Please find more information here. The application deadline is June 15, 2023.

Contact person for the reserch camp is Thomas Metten: thomas.metten@ku.de

Opportunity for students – LEAP Summit Conference 2023 – Zagreb, May 18-19

The LEAP Submmit will be held in Zagreb, Croatia on the 18th and 19th of May 2023. With over 60 inspirational speakers set to take the stage across four parallel tracks (main LEAP Stage, Tech&Ideas Stage, Impact Stage, and Green Stage), attendees can expect to be inspired, challenged, and energized.

Some of the prominent speakers are:

  • Andrius Bičeika – FinTech expert & partner at Revolut
  • Fredrik Haren – globally renowned creativity researcher and expert
  • Dana Muntean – greentech expert with experience in #bigtech giants Google and Meta
  • Ashwitha Anitha Mukundan – branding and communication expert at Adidas
  • Anna Vainer – Founder of global #IAmRemarkable movement
  • Nikola Djordjevic – senior regional marketing manager at Nike
  • Chiara Cocchiara – IAF Young Space Leader and MIT Under35 Innovator
  • Fabrizio Gramuglio – visionary and edge-innovator focused on the synergy of education and AI
  • Andrea Vena – Chief Sustainability Officer at European Space Agency

Participation is completely free. Applications are open at: https://leapsummit.com/apply-now/

Poziv na predavanje prof. Stanislava Knutelskog sa Jagelonskog univerziteta u Krakovu

Zadovoljstvo nam je da studente Departmana za biologiju i ekologiju i sve zainteresovane pozovemo na predavanja profesora Stanislava Knutelskog sa Fakulteta za biologiju, Jagelonskog univerziteta u Krakovu, koji na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu boravi preko Erazmus+ programa u cilju nastavne mobilnosti.

Predavanja će se održati na engleskom jeziku u petak, 12.05.2023. u Amfiteatru 2 na Departmanu za biologiju i ekologiju u 11h na temu “Jagellonian University at a glance”, a u 12h na temu “Entomology research in focus”.

EUGLOH Simpozijum – “Environment and Host Microbiomes – Functional Interactions”

Obaveštavamo vas da su u toku prijave za učešće studenata i istraživača na EUGLOH simpozijumu “Environment and Host Microbiomes – Functional Interactions”. Simpozijum organizuje Univerzitet Pariz Sakle i namenjen je studentima svih studijskih nivoa i istraživačima koji su zainteresovani za temu, a biće održan od 31. maja 2023. godine 08:30 — 17:30 (CET) u onlajn formatu. Registracija zainteresovanih studenata otvorena je do 15. maja 2023. godine.

Detaljne informacije o simpozijumu i poziv za prijavu se nalaze na EUGLOH veb sajtu.

EUGLOH online kurs – “One Health and Climate Change Course”

Obaveštavamo vas da su u toku prijave za učešće studenata na EUGLOH online kurs “One Health and Climate Change Course”. Kurs je namenjen studentima svih studijskih nivoa, a biće održan od 5. juna do 14. avgusta 2023. godine u onlajn formatu.

Registracija zainteresovanih studenata otvorena je do 22. maja 2023. godine.

Škola je namenjena studentima medicine, veterine, zaštite životne sredine i društvenih nauka. Učešće u onlajn programu otvoreno je za sve studente univerziteta članica EUGLOH mreže.

Sadržaj kursa, detalji i poziv na prijavu, nalazi se na EUGLOG stranici.

EUGLOH Letnja škola – “Immersive Media for Health and Well-being (ESSIM)”

Obaveštavamo vas da su u toku prijave za učešće studenata na EUGLOH Letnjoj školi “Immersive Media for Health and Well-being”. Letnja škola se organizuje za studente viših godina osnovnih studija (druga godina i više) i za studente master studija, a biće održana od 19. do 21. juna 2023. godine u onlajn režimu, kao i od 3. do 7. jula uživo na Univerzitetu u Hamburgu. Domaćini Škole su Univerzitet u Hamburgu, Univerzitet u Portu, Univerzitet Pariz Sakle, Univerzitet u Lundu i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu.

Registracija zainteresovanih studenata otvorena je do 12. maja 2023. godine.

Škola je namenjena studentima računarstva, računarskog inženjerstva, matematike, fizike, umetnosti i multimedije, koji žele da prošire svoja dasadašnja znanja u oblasti svog stručnog interesovanja. Učešće u onlajn programu Škole otvoreno je za sve studente univerziteta članica EUGLOH mreže, dok će po tri studenta biti odabrano da pohađa program i uživo u Hamburgu tokom jula 2023. godine.

Poziv za prijavu objavljen je na EUGLOH stranici.

EUGLOH Letnja škola – From territories to the ‘global village’: what protection for people in a globalized environment?

Obaveštavamo Vas da su u toku prijave za učešće studenata svih nivoa
studija u EUGLOH letnjoj školi "From territories to the ‘global
village’: what protection for people in a globalized environment?",
koju organizuje Univerzitet Paris Saclay (link: https://www.eugloh.eu/events/law-graduate-school-summer-school), a koja će se održati od 19. do 23. juna 2023. godine.

Prijave su otvorene za studente pravnih nauka kao i studente polja
društveno humanističkih nauka: ekonomija, geografija, istorija, psihologija,

Rok za prijavu je 19. maj 2023. godine.

Poziv za prijavu objavljen je i na EUGLOH stranici u okviru veb sajta

Fondacija Tempus: Radionice i vebinari u maju 2023

Informativni centar Fondacije Tempus (Beograd, Terazije 39, I sprat), u sklopu svog mesečnog programa aktivnosti tokom maja 2023. godine organizuje događaje:

Petak, 12. maj

Radionica: Kako napisati dobar CV?

Radionica ,,Kako napisati dobar CV?“ organizuje se 12. maja 2023. godine od ­­­­­­­­­15 do 16.30­ časova u prostorijama Info centra Fondacije Tempus (Terazije 39, Beograd).

U okviru ove teme, učenici će imati priliku da saznaju iz kojih delova se sastoji dobar CV, koji su podaci koji se navode u svakom od obaveznih delova i koja je mera u njihovom navođenju, zašto je važna samoprocena veština, koje su najčešće greške pri sastavljanju biografije i kako ih izbeći, kao i da dobiju korisne savete za izradu svoje radne biografije.

Prijave su otvorene do 10. maja u 15 časova popunjavanjem elektronskog formulara koji je dostupan na ovom linku. 


West University of Timisoara Summer School

West University of Timisoara is organizing the 5th Edition of West University of Timisoara Summer School, a multi- and inter-disciplinary event aiming to offer Bachelor and Master students the opportunity to participate in a one week or two-weeks short-term study programmes, taking place in Timisoara in June 2023. The event gives students the possibility to choose from a selection of five different courses that mirror the comprehensive character of our university. We welcome applications until May 31st 2023.

West University of Timisoara Summer School courses 2023:

  • Introduction to digital sculpting, digital painting, concept art and game engines
  • Digital Technologies for Language Research and Applications Summer School (DILARASS)
  • Urban Development and the European Capital of Culture: Debating the Tension
  • A behavioural perspective of Finance
  • International Summer School in Social Anthropology: The polycentric city of the ECC2023 Timișoara (ISSSA2023)

Participation fee: 50 EURO

More information about this event can be found on the website.

Also, if you want to know more about the West University of Timisoara Summer School, you are an international student, have studies finalized abroad or you know any international citizens interested in joining the West University of Timisoara, in Romania, we are waiting for you online at the International Global OPEN Day@WUT event on Thursday, May 11th, 2023.

At this online event, international students from all around the world can discover more information about the academic offer of the West University of Timișoara (e.g. study programmes, admission process, academic opportunities etc.) and can meet the responsible staff to answer all of their questions. A specific focus shall be directed towards the degree programmes taught in English, French and German and towards the Romanian Language Preparatory Programme.

International Global OPEN Day@WUT is free and available on 11.05.2023, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM (UCT/GMT + 3 hours), Bucharest time, at the following link: International Global Open Day@WUT.

Invitation to PSU Thai Cultural Camp 2023

Prince of Songkla University (PSU, Thailand) invites international students to participate in the PSU Thai Cultural Camp 2023, which will take place from August 6 – 19, 2023 (arrival day Sunday, 6 August and departure day Saturday, 19 August). There will be 14 days in the “Land of Smiles”, full of cultural discoveries: Thai language, Thai cooking, Thai boxing, Thai music, Thai dance, Traditional Thai Medicine, field trips and excursions to famous tourist places and more.

PSU is happy to provide big discounts from 10-25% to the participants from the University of Novi Sad. These reduced fees can apply to the Early Bird Rate if payment is completed before 31 May 2023.

The number of participants is limited and they will be accepted on the basis of “first-come, first-served”.

The organisers from PSU will provide airport pick-up (arrival) and drop-off (departure) at Hat Yai International Airport.

All program’s information is shown as the link: https://interaffairs.psu.ac.th/tcc

All interested students who are interested to participate and receive a discount on the fee need to contact the International Relations Office at the Faculty of Sciences University of Novi Sad latest until 19th of May: iro@uns.ac.rs