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Category Archives: News and Opportunities

2024 Stipendium Hungarian Scholarships for International Students

Stipendium Hungarian Scholarships offers a wide range of courses for high-achieving international students with an excellent academic track record.

The Hungarian Government established the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme to promote the internationalisation of Hungarian higher education and to attract top international students from all around the world who can establish personal and professional links to Hungary while enjoying high-quality education in the heart of Europe.

Scholarship Summary

  • Host Country: Hungary
  • Category: Undergraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships 
  • Eligible Countries: All Countries
  • Reward: Full Scholarship | Accommodation | Monthly Stipends | Medical Insurance 
  • Deadline: January 15, 2024

More information about thes opportunity could be found in this link.

International Competition of Student Scientific Works “Black Sea Science 2024”

Odessa National University of Technology invites the students of higher education institutions to participate in the International Competition of Students Scientific Works ” Black Sea Science 2024″,

The competition is held in the following fields:

– Food science and technologies;

– Economics and administration;

– Information technologies, automation and robotics;

– Power engineering and energy efficiency;

– Ecology and environmental protection;

– Tourism, hotel and restaurant business.

The works (in English, no more than 15 pages) should be sent to the organizers by February 1, 2024.

The authors of the best scientific works will be invited to participate in the final web-seminar to present and discuss their work. Participation is free of charge.

More detailed information in could be found on the official web-site.

UGRAD program – otvoren poziv za studentsku razmenu u SAD (2024/2025)

Biro za obrazovanje i kulturu Ministarstva spoljnih poslova SAD objavio je konkurs za stipendirane jednosemestralne studentske razmene na univerzitetima i koledžima u SAD u akademskoj 2024/2025. godini kroz program Global Undergraduate Exchange Programme – Global UGRAD. Prijave su otvorene za studente osnovnih studija iz Srbije, a rok za prijavu je 15. decembar 2023.

Detalje o programu i konkursu možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu Ambasade SAD u Srbiji.

Za dodatne informacije, slobodno se obratite na e-mail adresu: BelgradeG-UGRAD@state.gov.

Ponosno ističemo da je Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu dugogodišnji učesnik u ovom prestižnom programu i redovno ima stipendiste UGRAD programa. Trenutno, na studentskoj razmeni na Državnom univerzitetu Vejn (Wayne State University), Anđela Milošević, studentkinja osnovnih studija geografije sa PMF-a, aktivno učestvuje u programu i stiče vredno iskustvo.

Best of South-East – Scholarship for an exchange year (TU Graz)

Graz University of Technology offers three Best of South-East scholarships for students for an exchange year at TU Graz.

The Steiermärkische Sparkasse (Styrian Bank) initiated Best of South-East“, an advancement and continuing education programme for talented and dedicated students from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. 
The aim of the programme is to offer international education, work experience and training opportunities, as well as facilitate your entry into professional life via an internship.

The scholarship programme lasts 12 months (from September 2024 to the end of August 2025) and includes at TU Graz:


Poziv na konferenciju „Kako do veće zapošljivosti mladih – izazovi i prilike 2023.“

Kancelarija za mlade Grada Novog Sada poziva studente da prisustvuju konferenciji „Kako do veće zapošljivosti mladih – izazovi i prilike 2023.“ u cilju razvijanja mehanizama koji pospešuju preduzetnički duh, zapošljivost i zaposlenost mladih.

Konferencija će se održati 17. novembra 2023. godine od 12.00 časova u Amfiteatru Rektorata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Na teme u vezi sa izazovima i prilikama za veću zapošljivost mladih govoriće predstavnici institucija i istaknuti privrednici i preduzetnici.

Prijave na konferenciju vrše se onlajn popunjavanjem Google obrasca.

Više informacija može se pronaći na sajtu Kancelarije za mlade Grada Novog Sada.

Poziv na Konferenciju – Međunarodni dan studenata/OPENS

Omladinski savez udruženja OPENS poziva studente na Međunarodni dan studenata, dan posvećen studentskoj zajednici i njihovim doprinosima društvu! Studenti će imati priliku da 17. novembra od 13:30 – 18:00 časova razgovaraju o svojim pravima, izazovima i potrebama u Omladinskom centru OPENS (Belevar despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad).


Winter School “Thinking and Teaching in a Changing World”, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Palacký University Olomouc is excited to announce the upcoming Winter School, “Thinking and Teaching in a Changing World to be held in Olomouc, Czech Republic, from January 21 to February 4, 2024. This unique academic event promises not only a rich educational experience but also an opportunity for students to explore the historic cities of Olomouc, Prague, and Vienna, savor delicious local cuisine, immerse themselves in new cultures, make friends from around the world, and much more!


Aktivnosti Informativnog centra Fondacije Tempus u novembru 2023. godine

Informativni centar Fondacije Tempus (Beograd, Terazije 39, I sprat), u okviru mesečnog programa aktivnosti tokom novembra 2023. godine, organizuje sledeće događaje:

Vebinar Eurodesk – prilike za mobilnost mladih u Evropi (7. novembar, 16.00–17.00 časova);

Vebinar ‒  Prepoznaj svoje veštine i interesovanja (15. novembar, 30–13.15 časova);
Vebinar ‒ Studiraj u Srbiji (20. novembar, 16‒17 časova);
Vebinar ‒  Upoznaj zanimanja (22. novembar, 12.30–13.15 časova);
Vebinar ‒ Europass dokument o mobilnosti – šta, kako i zbog čega? (23. novembar, 16–17 časova);
Radionica ‒ Kako da uspešno kreirate novi Europass CV? (27. novembar, 15–17 časova);

Vebinar ‒ Kako da pronađete partnere za Erazmus+ projekte? (30. novembar, 16–17 časova).

Detaljne informacije o događajima i registraciji na vebinare se nalaze na zvaničnoj vebstranici Fondacije tempus i možete pristupiti putem ovog LINK-u.

UniHack – Hackaton Free Event in Timisoara

Are you passionate about programming and want to contribute to solving a civic issue in your community?
Participate in UniHack, a free hackathon designed for high school and college students, focusing on solving civic problems. It will take place from November 17-19 in Timișoara, România (European Capital of Culture 2023). You can form a team of 2-5 people and choose from 5 different tracks to code for. The best projects will win prizes worth 5000 euros.
In addition to the hackathon, you can also attend the UniHack Conference on Thursday, November 16. This conference aims to explore how Artificial Intelligence influences key society domains, such as education, governance, and legislation, among others. Sign up by following this link and become a UniHacker.
Registrations are open until 5th of November 2023.
Free meals and accommodation are provided for every participant.
To find more about tracks, the venue, the offcial run of show and other details, follow this link.



Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je raspisao jedinstveni poziv za prijavu studenata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost u svrhu studiranja prema trećim zemljama koje ne učestvuju punopravno u programu (Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora i Tajland).

TRAJANjE JAVNOG POZIVA (KONKURSA): 17. oktobar 2023. – 6. novembar 2023. godine

ROK ZA PODNOŠENjE PRIJAVA: ponedeljak, 6. novembar 2023. godine do 23.59 časova

PERIOD REALIZACIJE MOBILNOSTI: letnji semestar 2023/24

PREDVIĐENO TRAJANjE MOBILNOSTI: za Crnu Gori i Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1 semestar (5 meseci) i 3 meseca za Tajland

STIPENDIJE: predviđena je 1 stipendija za Crnu Goru, 1 stipendija za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i 3 stipendije za Tajland

NAPOMENA: na osnovu odobrenog projekta za Tajland koji se nalazi u sklopu instrumenta DCI (Development Co-operation Instrument) važe dodatna pravila za ovu zemlju po kojima su moguće samo odlazne mobilnosti studenata na doktorskim studijama.

Prijava (precizno imenovana dokumenta u pdf-u) šalje se Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a na imejl iro@uns.ac.rs

Detaljne informacije o konkursu i o načinu prijave možete pronaći putem LINKA na zvaničnoj stranici UNS-a.