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Joint Innovation Challenges Program | EUGLOH

The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) is an EU initiative focusing on education and innovation. The alliance comprises 9 prestigious higher education institutions with the primary goal to contribute to tackling global health challenges. Now is your chance to participate and spend one week in Szeged, Hungary where your traveling and living costs are covered by the EUGLOH Alliance.

We introduce you to our upcoming event: Joint Innovation Challenges

The future is hard to foresee but discovering the present increases the likelihood of predictions coming true. Joint Innovation Challenges aims to challenge you, students, to discover the present of certain topics, make your assumptions about the future, and come up with an innovative business idea as a member of a multidisciplinary, international team of 4-6.

Demola facilitators will guide you throughout the course as well as business mentors will also provide support along your journey. You will learn about different methods and tools used to broaden your views and facilitate your out-of-the-box thinking. Join us now and be part of something great!

The application period ends 11:59 AM CET, 12 March! The program starts on 17 March.

Requirements (we accept applications from any field and level of studies)

  • Good command of English
  • Commitment to the 9-week project period
  • Participation in weekly/bi-weekly meetings
  • Interest in innovation, future, global scale

The course takes 9 weeks with a final event called Demo Day that takes place in Szeged between 15 and 19 May, where you will pitch your team’s business idea to a professional jury from the EUGLOH network.

What’s in it for you?

  • 5 ECTS points
  • Certificate after completion
  • Real-life challenges
  • One week in Szeged, Hungary. Watch the video here.
  • Multidisciplinary approach
  • Improved transversal and practical skills
  • Professional facilitation
  • Networking with EUGLOH students

Learn more about the event here.

Challenges and application here. If you have more questions, sign up for our info session here.

Promocija Erazmus+ konkusa za Letnju školu hemije u Gracu 2023

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta održaće promociju o aktuelnom Erazmus+ konkursu za praksu putem učešća u Letnjoj školi hemije u Gracu (Austrija).

Promocija će se održati u četvrtak, 9. marta 2023. u 10.30h u Klubu nastavnika na Departmanu za fiziku/matematiku i informatiku i namenjena je svim zainteresovanim studentima Departmana za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine.

Studenti će imati priliku da saznaju više informacija o uslovima konkursa, pripremi prijavne dokumentacije, dostupnim projektima u TU Gracu i da čuju iskustva kolega koji su u toku prošle godine učestvovali u Letnjoj školi hemije.

Čekamo vas! 🙂


Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisuje jedinstveni Javni poziv za prijavu STUDENATA PRIRODNO-MATEMATIČKOG FAKULTETA UNS-a za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost sa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu prema Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Gracu (Austrija), u svrhu realizacije stručne prakse u okviru Letnje škole hemije.

Letnja škola hemije će se održavati u periodu od 1. jula do 1. septembra 2023. godine.

Trajanje mobilnosti: obavezno je punih 2 meseca

Više informacija o Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Gracu: http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/TU_Graz

Oblasti studentske razmene:

  • 0531 – hemija
  • 0512 – biohemija
  • 0521 – zaštita životne sredine

TRAJANjE JAVNOG POZIVA (KONKURSA): 24. ferbuara 2023. – 27. mart 2023.

ROK ZA PODNOŠENjE PRIJAVA: ponedeljak, 27. mart 2023. do 23.59 časova


Stipendija Zadužbine Janković Anđelković za 2023. godinu

Zadužbina Janković Anđelković dodeljuje stipendije za studente osnovnih studija, u cilju podrške mladima tokom njihovog fakultetskog obrazovanja.

Stipendija je nepovratna, a pored uspeha studenata, velika pažnja se obraća i na socijalni aspekt svakog kandidata, kao i na životne okolnosti.

Stipendije su usmerene ka studentima osnovnih akademskih studija, osim studenata koji se za stipendiju prijave u poslednjoj godini studija.

Konkurs je aktivan i trajaće tokom godine (u zavisnosti od broja dodeljenih stipendija).

Zadužbina Janković Anđelković je neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2016. godine i do sada je stipendirala preko 100 studenata iz svih delova Srbije. Zadužbina, takođe, teži razvitku i pokretanju zajedničkih ideja i kohezije među studentima, jer veruje da njihovo znanje i međusobna saradnja mogu mnogo doprineti, kako njihovom ličnom razvitku, tako i nekoj novoj ideji koja bi mogla unaprediti život u našoj zemlji.

Više informacija o Zadužbini možete naći ovde.

Mohamed Bin Zayed University awards in Artificial Intelligence

Awards provide students with an opportunity to be educated. So for helping students, Mohamed Bin Zayed University is providing International Scholarships for the academic session 2023-2024. The programme is available for overseas students.

The funding encourages excellent students who want to undertake a masters and PhD degree programme in the United Arab Emirates.

Established in 2021, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence is a well-known research-based academic institution in Abu Dhabi. It offers master and PhD programs in a variety of areas of AI specialization.

Why study at the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence? The university aims to help students succeed in their chosen career and leverage their acquired knowledge to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time.

Application Deadline: 30th April 2023

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
  • Department: N/A
  • Course Level: Masters and PhD
  • Awards: Full Scholarship
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in the UAE


  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities.
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Masters and PhD degree programme in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must have to meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • Must have completed a Bachelor‡s degree in the S.T.E.M field.
    • Have completed Statement of Purpose Essay (500-1,000 words).
    • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (optional).

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: In order to apply for the opportunity s, applicants must take admission in a master’s and PhD degree coursework at the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. After that, students will be automatically considered for the educational award.
  • Supporting Documents: Provide degree certificates, academic transcripts, and CV with your application.
  • Admission Requirements: A minimum CGPA of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) or equivalent or top 20% of the university‡s grading scale
  • Language Requirement: Must have an English Language Proficiency Certificate (TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 90 or IELTS Academic with a minimum overall score of 6.5).


 All admitted students on a full-time basis are granted the privilege to complete their studies with a full scholarship, including:

  • 100% tuition fees
  • Highly competitive monthly stipend
  • State-of-the-art student accommodation
  • UAE visa sponsorship
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Annual air ticket to home country

Detailed information are available in the following link: https://mbzuai.ac.ae/study/admission-process

Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2023

The Free State of Bavaria for German offers new scholarship language courses in 2023. The scholarships for courses in Bavaria include tuition fees, accommodation, and meals.

Students and young academics (with appropriate citizenship) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine with intermediate German knowledge (at least B1-level) are eligible to apply for the summer school grants for German language in Bavaria. The scholarships for courses in Bavaria include the course fee, accommodation and a food allowance at a Bavarian University.

BAYHOST provides scholarships for the following Bavarian summer courses:

Course Level**Program***
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt16.07.- 05.08.A1-C1KU Summer School (on-site course)
02.08.- 27.08.A1-C2MISU Summer German Language Course (on-site course)

* All course dates include arrival and departure dates.

** The Bavarian universities offer German language courses for different levels, but the B1-level is the minimum application requirement for a BAYHOST-scholarship.

***Additional fees for specialized courses as well as in a few cases for additional cultural programs have to be paid for by the scholarship holders, if they wish to participate in these specifically.

Important information regarding the application:

  • Application deadline: 21st of March 2023 (online applications only).
  • Please note our important information regarding the application process, the required documents and FAQsdownload
  • The online application form is available.

Complete application documents must be submitted to BAYHOST by the deadline using the online form. This is a cut-off period. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Detailed information are available in the official website.

Stipendije Vlade Republike Slovenije za akademsku 2023/2024. godinu

Ministarstvo prosvete, u saradnji sa Ambasadom Republike Srbije u Ljubljani, obaveštava zainteresovane da je Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke i sporta Republike Slovenije u saradnji sa Centrom Republike Slovenije za mobilnost i programe obrazovanja i obuke (CMEPIUS) raspisalo konkurs za dodelu stipendija za akademsku 2023/2024. godinu.

Stipendije se dodeljuju po osnovu važećih bilateralnih sporazuma, u trajanju do 18 meseci, i to za kratkoročni studijski boravak ili istraživačku posetu doktoranata.


Prijavljivanje se vrši slanjem celokupne dokumentacije (uključujući i prijavni formular i pismo prihvatanja) do 17. marta 2023. godine na sledeću adresu:

Ministarstvo prosvete,
Nemanjina 22-26, Sektor za visoko obrazovanje, krilo C, 6. sprat, kancelarija br. 24
Sa naznakom: Za konkurs „Stipendije Vlade Republike Slovenije za akademsku 2023/2024. godinu“


  1. Tekst konkursa
  2. Propozicije konkursa
  3. Pismo o prihvatanju

Konkurs za nacionalne stipendije “Za žene u nauci”

Mlade žene koje se bave naučnim istraživanjima u oblasti prirodnih nauka i ove godine mogu da konkurišu za Nacionalne stipendije u okviru svetski poznatog programa L’Oréal-UNESCO “Za žene u nauci” (L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science).

Konkurs za 2023. godinu je u toku i prijave su otvorene do 31. marta ove godine.

Za stipendije „Za žene u nauci“ mogu da konkurišu naučnice koje se bave naučno-istraživačkim radom u oblasti prirodnih nauka, imaju do 35 godina i završene ili upisane doktorske studije. Sve informacije o samom programu, uslovima, kriterijumima i načinu prijavljivanja, mogu se pronaći OVDE.

Tuition Fee Waiver at Faculty of Sciences, PSU (Thailand)

The Sci.PSU Tuition Fee Waiver goes into another round for the year 2023. The Faculty of Sciences has allocated the possibility for international students to pursue their Masters or Ph.D. at the Faculty of Science, PSU without having to pay tuition fees.

More information about this opportunity and application process you may find here. 

Održana promocija o Erazmus+ programu i konkursima za studentske mobilnosti na PMF-u

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta je u utorak, 14. februara 2023. organizovala promociju Erazmus+ programa akademske mobilnosti i predstavila trenutno otvorene Erazmus+ konkurse namenjene studentima.

U toku događaja, studenti PMF-a su imali priliku da saznaju o benefitima učešća u stipendiranim studentskim mobilnostima koje omogućava Erazmus+ program i o detaljima trenutno aktuelnih konkursa na UNS-u: za odlaznu mobilnost studenata u svrhu studiranja i za odlaznu mobilnost studenata u svrhu obavljanja stručne prakse. Upoznati su sa uslovima konkursa, procesom prijave i potrebnom dokumentacijom, kriterijumima za evaluaciju kandidata i čuli su druge korisne smernice i savete koji se tiču same pripreme za mobilnost i boravak u inostranstvu.

Takođe, sa njima je podelio svoja iskustva Filip Božić, Erazmus+ alumnus. Filip je student doktorskih studija biologije koji je pričao o studentskoj razmeni koju je nedavno realizovao na Univerzitetu Federico II u Napulju (Italija).

Studenti koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da prisustvuju događaju mogu da preuzmu održanu prezentaciju ovde:

Kancelariju za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a svakog radnog dana ima rezervisan termin za konsultacije sa studentima od 9 -10h. Individualne konsultacije (online ili uživo) van pomenutog termina se mogu zakazati putem mejla: erasmus@pmf.unc.ac.rs.

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju se nalazi u Dekanatu na prizemlju, soba br. 6.

Svim studentima PMF-a želimo puno uspeha na Erazmus+ konkursima!

Vidimo se!