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Category Archives: News and Opportunities

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme on the Engineering of Data-intensive Intelligent Software Systems – EDISS

EDISS is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programme jointly delivered by Åbo Akademi University, University of the Balearic Islands, University of L’Aquila and Mälardalen University.

The next application period for the EDISS programme will be from 15 November 2021 to 27 December 2021 (for studies starting in September 2022). A separate application period for self-paying students (i.e. no Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be available during this round) only will be organized in March (2 March 2022 – 11 March 2022).

Will you be our next student joining #teamEDISS?  Start preparing your application now!

After a first year providing core data science courses, EDISS offers three second-year specialization tracks:

  • Industrial Machine Learning – Software Engineering, offered by Mälardalen University, Sweden  
  • Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems, offered by University of the Balearic Islands, Spain 
  • Model Driven Machine Learning – Software Engineering, offered by University of l’Aquila, Italy 

Several EMJMD scholarships (from 35 000€to 49 000€ per student over the 2-year programme) are reserved for applicants from the Western Balkans.

More information available from:

Website: https://www.master-ediss.eu

E-mail: ediss@abo.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masterediss

Instagramme: https://www.instagram.com/edissprogramme/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MasterEDISS

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ediss-masters-programme/

International Competition of Student Research Papers-Black Sea Science 2022

Odessa National Technological University invites students to take part in the International competition of student research papers Black Sea Science 2022.

The aim of the competition is to expand international relations and attract students to cooperation in scientific research. Participation in the competition is free. The competition is held by the Odessa National Technological University (ONTU, Ukraine) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the international organization Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN).

Participation in the competition is remote; participants present their works using modern computer programs for teleconferences (for example, ZOOM). To take part in Black Sea Science 2022, students must prepare and send to the organizers a work in English (no more than 15 pages) by February 1, 2022.

Detailed information are on the official website: http://isc.onaft.edu.ua/reviews/?lang=en.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee by e-mail autoblacksea@gmail.com.

Studirajte na jednom od najprestižnijih svetskih univerziteta – POLITECNICO DI MILANO

Politecnico di Milano nalazi se među prvih 20 na rang listi svetskih univerziteta u sva tri područja specijalizacije:

  • 17 u inženjeringu
  • 9 u arhitekturi
  • 5 u dizajnu

QS World University rangira najbolje univerzitete širom sveta, pozicionirajući Politecnico di Milano visoko u konkurenciji istorijskih Oksforda, Harvarda, Kembridža i MIT.

Najboljim studentima Politecnico di Milano dodeljuje PLATINUM stipendije u iznosu od 13. 886€ godišnje. Studenti koji dobiju GOLD stipendiju u iznosu od 8.886€ godišnje imaju pokrivene troškove smeštaja u studentskom kampusu, kao i plaćenu školarinu. SILVER stipendija pokriva troškove školarine. STIPENDIJE su namenjene studentima koji dolaze iz zemalja van Evropske unije. Za dodelu stipendije nije potrebno posebno aplicirati, svi kandidati prijavljeni za upis na Master studije su automatski uzeti u obzir i za dodelu stipendije.

Prijave za upis na prvi semestar, na kom nastava počinje u septembru 2022. primaće se do 18. novembra 2021.

Naknada za prijavu iznosi 50€, a pre slanja dokumenata potrebno je obratiti se na adresu polimi@studije.info radi registracije kandidata (možete pisati na svom maternjem jeziku). Sva dokumenta se šalju isključivo online.

Prof. Ivan Mangov je predstavnik univerziteta Politecnico di Milano za Srbiju, Crnu Goru i BiH. Za dodatne informacije o stipendijama i asistenciju prilikom konkurisanja, kao i obaveznu registraciju kandidata, pišite na adresu polimi@studije.info.

Više informacija na linku Startuj.com.

Online Winter School about The Cultural Heritage of Europe

The University of Pécs in Hungary will organize an online winter school about The Cultural Heritage of Europe between February 7-18, 2022.

Students may participate in a virtual mobility program to learn about current challenges and opportunities in Europe. The classes will be facilitated by internationally renowned professors from the University of Pécs. Students can earn credits for completing the program as they study together with students from across Europe. In addition to the classes, engaging social programs will be organized to create an intercultural community for the participants.

Date: February 7 – 18, 2022

Earned credits: 4 ECTS credits

Language of Instruction: English

Class schedule: Monday-Friday, 7.45-10.45 pm (Central European Time)

Social programs: 12.00-14.00 pm (Central European Time)

Fee: 520 EUR

Application: APPLY HERE

Deadline for application: December 13, 2021

Certificate: Transcript of Records 

The aim of the winter school is to give students a detailed understanding of political, historical, economic and social aspects of European societies. You will learn together with students from many different European and Asian countries for two weeks to broaden your views and integrate European cultural aspects to your thinking. During the program you will develop an in-depth understanding of the major interests, institutions and ideas that shape the politics and economics of societies in Europe. The classes will be taught by internationally renowned professors. In addition to the engaging classes, the program will include various online social activities to provide the participants with a unique and enriching intercultural community experience.

The University of Pécs, the oldest university in Hungary, was founded in 1367. Today it is one of the largest Institutions of Higher Education in the country and offers a wide spectrum of courses to 20,000 students in approximately 500 different study programs. The University of Pécs provides a truly international learning environment. The university has been offering degree programs in English for more than 30 years and it has become one of the most internationalized universities in Hungary. We are proud to host 5,000 international students each year from more than 110 countries across the globe. In addition to the growing number of international degrees, the University of Pécs regularly organizes successful summer and winter courses in different areas of study for students from all over the world.

KAUST Visiting Student Research Program Internship – Webinar

The Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) is a unique internship program for 3 to 6 months, that offers students the chance to conduct innovative research at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Learn more about Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) at one of upcoming informational webinars. Hosted by current students and faculty, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn
more about the program.

When: November 8 – 11

Register: https://bit.ly/3GySXI6

Contact: vsrp@kaust.edu.sa

G-Research Algorithmic Finance Challenge

Masters and PhD students from Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Computer Science are invited to join online a virtual Quantitative Finance Algorithmic Challenge on Wednesday 10th November at 6pm CEST.

Attendees will be able to take part in an algorithmic trading game that will give them insight into the world of quantitative finance outside of the traditional company presentation. The event will be run by our Quantitative Researchers and Machine Learning Specialists, who will share their knowledge about the industry and how a mathematical skill set can be transferred into other areas outside of academia. 

The game is great fun, yet informative and there is the opportunity to win 200 Euros in Amazon vouchers for every member of the winning team!

Registration form

Click here for the full poster: PDF Poster

KAUST Visiting Student Research Program Internship

The Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) is a unique internship program for 3 to 6 months, that offers students the chance to conduct innovative research at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Through this fully-funded internship, talented students in Bachelors or Masters degrees can undertake experimental study in their area of scientific discipline. With research opportunities that span the breadth of the scientific and engineering fields, driven students can gain unparalleled opportunities to pursue their research questions under the guidance and support of KAUST faculty mentors.

Visit the website to know more and apply!

Program stipendija nemačke privrede Zoran Đinđić – otvoren poziv za aplikacije sa rokom do 16. novembra 2021!

Fodacija Dr Zoran Đinđić već više od 18 godina nudi studentima plaćene prakse iz brojnih oblasti u najboljim kompanijama u Nemačkoj, nakon čega studenti stečeno znanje mogu da primene u zemljama regiona.

Otvoren je konkurs za aplikacije i svi zainteresovani studenti mogu da se informišu na linku: https://www.djindjic-stipendienprogramm.de/applicants#applicants-new

ROK za prijavljivanje je 16. novembar 2021. putem online aplikacije.

Fondacija će održati 2 online promocije programa:

19. oktobra 2021 u 12h putem linka:


Meeting-ID: 957 8883 7316
Kenncode: 482096

i 27. oktobra u 19h putem linka:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81818065661? pwd=bEp5cGdyQlU1a0pwSkJQbGppOURXZ z09
Meeting ID: 818 1806 5661
Passcode: 910984

Više informacija o programu u prilozima:

DAAD info sesije za studente Univerziteta u Novom Sadu

DAAD Informativni centar u Beogradu organizuje Onlajn informativne sesije za studente Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Sesije će se održati 13. i 20. oktobra u 12 h sa fokusom na master programe za sve naučne discipline, ali i za master program za ekonomiste i letnje kurseve nemačkog jezika.

Prijavu za učešće je potrebno popuniti do 12.10.21. u 17 h preko sledećeg linka: https://bit.ly

Nakon isteka vremena za prijavu učesnici će dobiti link priključenja sesijama.

Post Doctoral Position at the Electronic Ceramids Department, »Jožef Stefan« Institute, Slovenia

The Electronic Ceramids Department ( ” Jožef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana) has opened a position for a post-doc candidate in experimental solid-state materials science/physics/chemistry to work on materials with exotic electrical and magnetic properties such as multicaloric materials. Activities will include the syntheses, structural determination, and physical properties investigation.

The work will take place at the Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics, K5 (http://www-k5.ijs.si/en/), Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

If you are interested in a post-doc position and employment at the institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, please contact: hana.ursic@ijs.si.