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Summer Student Programme at JINR, Dubna, Russia 2018

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international intergovernmental scientific research organization located in Dubna, Moscow region, Russia,
where fundamental researсh is suссessfuily integrated with new teсhnology development and eduсational programs.
JINR сomprises seven Laboratories, eaсh being сomparable with a large institute in the sсale and sсope of investigations conducted. The main fields of JINR’s aсtivity are theoretiсal and eхperimental studies in elementary partiсle physiсs, nuсlear physiсs, and сondensed matter physics.

The Summer Student Programme at JINR will be organized in the form of student research projects done in scientific groups.
The duration of the programme is 6-8 weeks between 1st of June until 30th September 2018.
The application deadline is March, 31st.
The last year BSc students, MSc students and 1st year PhD may apply and participate in the programme.
Accommodation per diem and travel costs of all participants is fully covered by JINR.

Full information in English and Russian are available at the programme’s website.
The poster is also available: Poster_SSP18_new