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Author Archives: Ivana Pejović
Letnja škola hemije – akademski most između Graca i Novog Sada
U periodu od 1. jula do 31. avgusta 2023. godine, u okviru dugogodišnje bilateralne saradnje, Tehnološki univerzitet u Gracu i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (Prirodno-matematički fakultet), uz podršku Erazmus+ programa akademske mobilnosti, su uspešno organizovali Letnju školu hemije. Ova dva ugledna univerziteta su ponovno dokazala svoju predanost internacionalizaciji i obrazovanju budućih lidera iz oblasti hemije.

Poziv za mlade koji žele da unaprede život u zajednici – RISE
Konkurs za Regionalni inkubator za socijalne preduzetnike (RISE), program koji mladima pruža stručnu i finansijsku podršku da razviju biznis koji će da donese društvene promene, otvoren je do 30. septembra. Poziv je otvoren za mlade od 18 do 35 godina koji imaju ideju kako da reše neki društveni ili ekološki problem, kao i motivaciju da tu ideju razviju u biznis tokom četiri meseca trajanja programa.

U okviru EUGLOH konzorcijuma, u toku su prijave na kurs „Mikrobni bioaktivni metaboliti“ (Microbial bioactive metabolites). Prijave su otvorene za studente master akademskih studija, sa devet partnerskih univerziteta – Univerzitet Pari-Sakle (Francuska), Univerzitet u Lundu (Švedska), Univerzitet „Ludvig Maksimilijan“ u Minhenu (Nemačka), Univerzitet u Portu (Portugalija), Univerzitet u Segedinu (Mađarska), Univerzitet u Alkali (Španija), Univerzitet u Hamburgu (Nemačka), Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (Republika Srbija) i Arktički univerzitet Norveške u Tromzu (Norveška).
Kurs Mikrobni bioaktivni metaboliti će studentima pružiti opšte karakteristike biologije mikroba kao najvažnijih proizvođača prirodnih bioaktivnih jedinjenja (pigmenti: β-karoten, likopen, vitamini, ß-beta glukani itd.) koji se mogu dalje koristiti u biotehnologiji, korišćenjem postojećih tehnike mikrobiološke kulture. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena razumevanju metaboličkih puteva (primarni i sekundarni metabolizam) za proizvodnju bioaktivnih metabolita koji igraju ključnu ulogu u savremenoj zdravstvu, kao prvi tretman za mnoge bolesti.
Studenti će naučiti i uvežbati razumevanje sekundarnih metaboličkih proizvoda mikrobnog porekla (antibiotici, pigmenti, hormoni rasta, helatna jedinjenja, antitumorski agensi, toksini) uz razvijanje veština za vođenje jednostavnih biotehnoloških procesa proizvodnje biološki aktivnih jedinjenja mikroorganizama.
Rok za prijavu zainteresovanih studenata je 9. septembar 2023. godine, a kurs će biti održan u periodu od 4. novembra do 13 decembra 2023. godine na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu.
Detaljnije informacije, preliminarni program i registracioni formular nalaze se na sledećem linku.

U okviru EUGLOH konzorcijuma, u toku su prijave na kurs „Da li umeš da napišeš naučni rad?“ (Can you write a scientific paper?). Prijave su otvorene za studente master akademskih i doktorskih akademskih studija, sa devet partnerskih univerziteta – Univerzitet Pari-Sakle (Francuska), Univerzitet u Lundu (Švedska), Univerzitet „Ludvig Maksimilijan“ u Minhenu (Nemačka), Univerzitet u Portu (Portugalija), Univerzitet u Segedinu (Mađarska), Univerzitet u Alkali (Španija), Univerzitet u Hamburgu (Nemačka), Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (Republika Srbija) i Arktički univerzitet Norveške u Tromzu (Norveška).
Kurs “Da li umeš da napišeš naučni rad?” posvećen je umetnosti pisanja naučnih radova. Uz pomoć eminentnih predavača, primenom interaktivnog pristupa, pažnja studenata biće upućena na praktične aspekte procesa pisanja naučnih radova.
Predavači će na početku dati glavne smernice za pisanje naučnih radova, kroz usmeno i vizuelno izlaganje, koje podstiče diskusiju i razmenu iskustava studenata iz različitih oblasti. Studenti će biti podeljeni u grupe i dobiće kratak projektni zadatak, koji će zajedno uraditi.
Prilikom prijavljivanja, studenti će se opredeliti da li će kurs pratiti on-line ili „uživo“. Rok za prijavu zainteresovanih studenata, koji žele kurs da prate „uživo“, je 17. avgust 2023. godine. Za studente, koji kurs žele da prate on-line, rok za prijavu je 14. septembar 2023. godine. Kurs će biti održan 12. i 13. oktobra 2023. godine na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu.
Detaljnije informacije, preliminarni program i registracioni formular nalaze se na sledećem linku.

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu poziva studente osnovnih i master akademskih studija na fakultetima UNS da se prijave za pohađanje EUGLOH kursa – Preduzetničke veštine (Entrepreneurial Skills), koji će biti realizovan od 16. oktobra do 20. decembra 2023. godine.
Kurs se sastoji od 4 onlajn modula, sa 2 onlajn predavanja. Onlajn moduli podrazumevaju individualni rad studenata, uz postavljene rokove. Na kraju kursa, studenti će biti u prilici da posete Univerzitet u Lundu i prisustvuju dvodnevnom hakatonu, gde će u timovima raditi na rešavanju zadataka.
Na osnovu prijave i motivacionog pisma, za učešće na kursu biće odabrano po 5 studenata sa svakog od devet univerziteta u okviru EUGLOH alijanse, među kojima je i Univerzitet u Novom Sadu.
Organizator kursa je Univerzitet u Lundu (Švedska), član EUGLOH alijanse. Rok za prijavu je 15. septembar 2023.
Detaljnije informacije, preliminarni program i registracioni formular nalaze se na sledećem linku.
GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT summer semester 2024 – call open now!
Go Styria is open for master and doctoral students as well as Post Docs interested in a short term research stayin the context of their master, doctoral thesis or Post-Doc research.
- Target region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey.
- Research period: max. 4 months in summer semester 2024, earliest possible start = February 2024
Candidates selected for the program will be given the opportunity for a research period at the University of Graz in order to then continue and conclude their studies / research at their home universities.
WHO can apply?
- who are enrolled at an accredited university in the target region currently as well as in 2023/24
- already working on their master or doctoral thesis
- who are academic staff members at an accredited university in the target region
- the completion of the doctorate should not be older than 1 year at time of application
Details on the program call are available on the program website
Your steps to becoming a grantee:
- check the program website to see if you are eligible to apply and for all other information
- master/PhD students: provide the relevant information for access to the application tool by 25 October 2023
- join us for an online info-session on 6 October 2023 or 17 October 2023, 1pm CET
Program coordinator Master/PhD: Mag. Christa Grassauer, Tel. 0316/380-1254, incoming.exchange@uni-graz.at
Program coordinator Post Docs: Mediha Ohranovic BA MA, Tel 0316/380-2214, staffmobility@uni-graz.at
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1 November 2023, 1pm CET
Otvoren konkurs za prijave CEEPUS freemover kandidata za akademsku 2023/24. godinu
Kandidati zainteresovani da u okviru akademske 2023/24. godine realizuju razmenu putem CEEPUS programa, a koji se prijavljuju izvan odobrenih CEEPUS mreža, mogu aplicirati za mobilnost u kategoriji freemover. Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je 30. novembar 2023. godine.
Iako se mobilnosti u CEEPUS programu prvenstveno odvijaju u okviru mreža, odnosno ustanovljenih partnerstava visokoškolskih ustanova iz država članica CEEPUS programa, program omogućava i dodatnu opciju vanmrežnih mobilnosti. Ove tzv. freemover mobilnosti odnose se na mobilnosti između visokoškolskih ustanova koje imaju pravo učešća u CEEPUS programu, a u situaciji kada pojedinačna matična ustanova (npr. određeni fakultet, smer, departman…) ne pripada istoj mreži kao i željena ustanova domaćin.
Pravo učešća u CEEPUS programu imaju studenti i nastavno osoblje s državnih visokoškolskih ustanova Republike Srbije.
Detaljne informacije o konkursu i načinu prijave nalaze se na zvaničnoj stranici Tempus Fondacije.
2023 IAEA Marie-Curie Scholarship Programme
Master studije
IAEA Marie-Curie Scholarship Programme provides scholarships for up to 100 selected applicants annually, to help enhance the pool of qualified young women in the nuclear field.
It also aims to support an inclusive workforce of both men and women for the future, contributing to global scientific and technological innovation from all over the world as diversity gives opportunity to greater creativity and productivity.
Scholarship Summary
- Host Country: Austria
- Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships
- Eligible Countries: All Countries
- Reward: Full Scholarship | €40,000 for tuition costs & living costs
- Deadline: September 30, 2023
Fondacija Tempus – vebinari za studente u toku jula 2023
Informativni centar Fondacije Tempus (Beograd, Terazije 39, I sprat), u sklopu svog mesečnog programa aktivnosti tokom jula 2023. godine organizuje događaj za studente:
Četvrtak, 20. jul
Vebinar: Kako da se prijavite za CEEPUS razmenu?
Info centar organizuje vebinar namenjen studentima i predavačima na državnim visokoškolskim ustanovama u Srbiji zainteresovanim za odlazak na razmene u okviru CEEPUS programa u akademskoj 2023/24. godini. Osim opštih informacija o programu, na vebinaru će, korak po korak, biti demonstrirano kako se podnose prijave za CEEPUS mobilnosti.
CEEPUS je srednjovropski program univerzitetske razmene koji studentima i akademskom osoblju sa državnih visokoškolskih ustanova iz Srbije omogućava akademske boravke u zemljama srednje i jugoistočne Evrope.
Vebinar se održava u četvrtak, 20. jula u 15.30 časova, a za prijavu učešća potrebno je popuniti kratak prijavni formular, najkasnije do 20. jula u 12 časova.
International Academy Fellowships, Trieste, Italy
Dear students,
We are pleased to inform you that applications are now open for the Trieste Next International Academy fellowships, a 3-day intensive program that will take place in Trieste on September 22-24, 2023, on the occasion of the 2023 Edition of the Festival of Scientific Research, promoted by the Municipality of Trieste, the University of Trieste and ItalyPost.
The Academy Program is specifically designed for BA, MA and PhD students and offers the possibility to attend the 12th Edition of Trieste Next, thus granting access to:
- over 60 talks, conferences, workshops with renowned scientists, researchers and professionals
- 3 special sessions on artificial intelligence/robotics, medical sciences and biotechnologies
- guided tours and visits to renowned science research centres based in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
- full board accommodation with bus transfers throughout the duration of the event
The Trieste Next International Academy is open to international English-speaking students and will take place from September 22 (Friday) to September 24 (Sunday). All activities will be held in English.
Italian-speaking students may apply for the Trieste Next Academy, a different program which will be taking place on September 22-24: click here to discover the set of activities and apply.
Final deadline to submit your application: 2 July 2023
Read moreFellowships for the Trieste Next International Academy
We are currently working on the calendar of events for the 2023 Edition of Trieste Next. The official program will be available online on this website.
THE 12th EDITION: “A NEW WORLD. SCIENCE, CULTURE AND INNOVATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”. Since its first edition in 2012, Trieste Next has aimed at addressing key issues of the scientific and cultural debate: from food resources to water management, from energy to sustainability. The 2023 Edition will offer the chance to outline the scientific agenda for the coming years and propose far-reaching reflections on the new frontiers of research and innovation with a focus on sustainability. Trieste Next will thus be an opportunity to promote a fruitful dialogue between STEM disciplines, humanities and social sciences, with a calendar of over 100 events and the participation of over 300 speakers.
THEMATIC SESSIONS. Selected students for the Trieste Next International Academy will have unlimited access to three special sessions on robotics/artificial intelligence, medical sciences and biotechnologies. Each session will kick off with a guided visit to a research centre of international renown and will be followed by a program of 5-6 seminars over the course of 3 days.
PAST INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS. Edvard Moser, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine; Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Laureate for Chemistry; Helga Nowotny, professor emerita of Science and Technology Studies Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, former chairwoman European Research Council; Tahar Ben Jelloun, writer and essayist; Chris Smith, clinical lecturer in Virology University of Cambridge; Rama Gheerawo, director Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art London; Peter Wadhams, professor emeritus of Ocean Physics, head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group University of Cambridge; Uday Kishore, senior lecturer in Immunobiology and Medical Microbiology Brunel University London; Jan Olof Lundqvist, senior researcher SIWI-Stockholm International Water Institute; Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, professor of Internet Governance and Regulation Oxford Internet Institute; Roger Beachy, professor emeritus in Biology Washington University, former Executive director World Food Center University of California; Cameron Neylon, professor of Research Communication Centre for Culture and Technology Curtin University; Julian Nida-Rümelin, philosopher and professor of Philosophy and Political theory Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, former Minister of Culture Federal Republic of Germany; Segenet Kelemu, director general International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology; Jos de Blok, founder and CEO Buurtzorg; Steve Chan, senior fellow Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership; Kathleen Richardson, professor of Ethics and Culture of Robots and AI De Montfort University; Miguel Benasayag, philosopher and psychoanalyst; Thierry Pedrazzini, director of Experimental Cardiology Unit University Hospital in Lausanne; Dominick Salvatore, distinguished professor of Economics Fordham University.
OPEN-AIR LABS IN THE “CITY OF KNOWLEDGE”. As in previous editions, for the entire duration of the Festival Piazza Unità d’Italia (the main square in Trieste) will host the “City of Knowledge” Science Village. Visitors will thus be able to join over 150 activities and open-air labs curated by the whole network of science centres based in Trieste.
Benefits for selected students
Since 2012, more than 10,000 BA, MA and PhD students have attended our Academy Program. Through our initiative, we offer the unique opportunity to meet and discuss with internationally-renowned scientists and professionals, as well as to join a network of international students sharing similar educational and professional backgrounds.
Our fellowship program grants:
- access to special thematic sessions with selected speakers (robotics/artificial intelligence, biotechnologies, medical sciences) and reserved seats to all events
- full board accommodation in 3-4 bed rooms for the entire duration of the stay (from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 September); single or double-room accommodation is available at an additional cost.
- bus transfers (if required to reach the hotel/event venue)
Our fellowship program covers 50% of the participation fees. Upon selection of the application, in order to confirm participation to the Academy Program, selected students are required to pay a participation fee of 240 Euro.
The Academy Program does not cover travel expenses to/from the city of residence.
How to apply
Prospective students may apply to our fellowship program by clicking here. Deadline to apply: 2 July 2023
Following deadlines: 30 July 2023, 27 August 2023.
In order to successfully complete the Academy Program and obtain the final certificate, selected students are required to attend the program of events and actively contribute to the activities defined by the organizing committee of Trieste Next.
Applications will be selected on a weekly basis following criteria such as resume, course of study/research project, motivation letter.
Our team will provide selected students with all information regarding calendar of activities, accommodation, meals, as well as details to pay participation fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
For any information, please refer to our FAQ page: click here
Contact information:
Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm:
Ph. +390490991240
Whatsapp +393517913960