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Category Archives: News and Opportunities

Application for ITN “Comparative Genomics of Non-Model Invertebrates” (IGNITE)

Application for a PhD/Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN)

“Comparative Genomics of Non-Model Invertebrates” (IGNITE) 


Konkurs za stipendije „Hungarikum programa“ 2018/2019. godine

Otvoren je Konkurs za stipendije „Hungarikum programa“ za osnovne, master i doktorske studije, pripremni kurs na mađarskom jeziku i ostale pripremne i specijalističke kurseve za akademsku 2018/2019. godinu. (more…)

Konkurs za stipendiranje najboljih studenata u Republici Srbija – Dositeja

Otvoren je konkurs Fonda za mlade talente za stipendiranje do 900 najboljih studenata završne godine osnovnih akademskih studija i do 400 studenata završne godine master akademskih studija sa visokoškolskih ustanova čiji je osnivač Republika Srbija.


The International School on Nuclear Methods for Environmental and Life Sciences, Budva, Montenegro

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is running an International School on Nuclear Methods for Environmental and Life Sciences that will take place on 22-28 April 2018 in Montenegro, Budva, Becici.


The International School of Marine Conservation Science (isMCS) in Koper, Slovenia

The lack of professionals trained in integrated and interdisciplinary evidence-based conservation has been identified as one of the key problems in the field of marine conservation science.
Therefore, three institutions from Europe and USA – the University of Primorska, Oregon State University and Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation – have come together and launched the International School of Marine Conservation Science, isMCS . The School will be held in Koper, Slovenia (EU), 21-30 June 2018. Our goal is to enhance education and capacity building in the field of marine conservation by training a new generation of conservation scientists.


PhD Scholarship in Experimental Plankton Ecology at the Centre for Ocean Life, Technical University of Denmark

Centre for Ocean Life offers two 3-year PhD fellowships in experimental plankton ecology within the general topic of trait-based Marine Ecology. The fellows will be employed at DTU Aqua (The National Institute for Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark).


Frankfurt Summer School 2018

Frankfurt Summer School is organized by Goethe University. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research support Frankfurt Summer School. This year it is going to take place from 16 July to 10 August 2018.


Konkurs za dodelu stipendija Republike Slovenije za 2018/2019.

Centar Republike Slovenije za mobilnost i evropske programe obrazovanja i obuke (CMEPIUS) je objavio konkurs za dodelu do 18 stipendija Republike Slovenije za školsku 2018/2019. godinu studentima iz Republike Srbije, na osnovu člana 3 Protokola o saradnji između Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije i Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i sporta Republike Slovenije o saradnji u oblasti obrazovanja.


AIESEC Global Talent prakse


Summer internship opportunity for biology students – Aeolian Archipelago, Italy

Filicudi WildLife Conservation is a non-profit association involved in the research and conservation of cetacean species (bottlenose dolphin, striped dolphin and sperm whale) and the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Aeolian Archipelago (Southern Thyrrenian Sea, Italy). Filicudi WildLife Conservation also manages a First Aid for Sea Turtles (Turtle Point Filicudi) located in Filicudi island. During summer Filicudi WildLife Conservation organizes research camps for students and volunteers to participate at the monitoring sessions for different research projects on cetaceans and sea turtles. In addition, in this period, naturalistic excursion, snorkeling and educational activities are performed with the tourists in the area. In the Turtle Point, an educational area is also open to the public in order to provide information on the marine biology and nature of the islands.
