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Tag Archives: Biology & Ecology

Globalna letnja škola Univerziteta Đao Tong u Šangaju

U organizaciji Đao Tong Univerziteta u Šangaju održava se Globalna letnja škola 2019 (Global Summer School 2019).

Globalna letnja škola 2019 pruža odličnu priliku studentima za usavršavanje i učenje o Kini putem akademskih i kulturnih impresija.

Škola nudi jedinstveno iskustvo učenja o kineskoj kulturi i istoriji kroz kombinaciju predavanja, radionica i izleta.


Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Beču, Austrija

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Beču, Austrija.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente PMF-a na nivou masterskih studija iz oblasti:

  • 0114 – Mathematics

Rok za dostavljanje prijava je nedelja, 14. april 2019.

Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS-a.
Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju vam stoji na raspolaganju za pomoć: outgoing.erasmus@uns.ac.rs

8 Short-term Early Stage Researcher positions available through the EvoCELL ITN (single cell genomics, evo-devo and science outreach)

The EvoCELL network is looking for 8 short-term Early Stage Researchers to work in the field of animal evolution from a cell-type perspective, evo-devo and scientific outreach.

EvoCELL is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that brings together 8 academic and 2 non -academic organisations from 6 European countries. The network aims at studying the evolution of cell-types and tissues in a diverse array of vertebrates and invertebrates. To do so, the labs involved in the network will use the most recent single-cell and tissue genomics techniques, merging them with more traditional disciplines. EvoCELL has an ambitious training programme, also in the non-academic sector. Scientific outreach and communication of the project results to a wider public are a fundamental part of the project and all fellows will contribute to it.


Poziv za studente PMF-a – Prezentacija o Erasmus+ stipendijama

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju održaće prezentaciju na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu o mogućnostima stipendiranih studentskih razmena preko Erasmus+ programa.

Prezentacija će se održati u ponedeljak, 1. aprila 2019. godine, s početkom u 13.30 časova, u Klubu nastavnika na Departmanu za fiziku/matematiku i informatiku (II sprat).


Call for applications under the Banach Scholarship Programme

The Banach Scholarship Programme is a joint scholarship initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), implemented under the framework of the Polish development aid. The aim of the Programme is to support the socio-economic development of the following countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as the following Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia by raising the educational status and professional qualifications of their citizens.


MSc and PhD: Fulbright Graduate Study Program and Non-Degree Research Program for Doctoral Students

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia announced the competition for two Fulbright scholarship programs: Graduate Study Program for Master Students and Non-Degree Research Program for Doctoral Students. Both competitions are open for the spring semester of 2020-2021 academic year.


TULIP Summer School 2019, the French Pyrenees

The TULIP LabEx organizes its 8th  International Summer School « Biological interactions from genes to ecosystems » (6-12 July 2019). This Summer School in Integrative Ecology and Biology is part of the training program of the LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) and takes place in the French Pyrenees. A unique occasion to meet international speakers gathered in the Occitanie region for this occasion.


Erasmus+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Groningenu, Holandija

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu je objavio ERASMUS+ konkurs za stipendiranu mobilnost studenata na Univerzitetu u Groningenu, Holandija.

Konkurs je otvoren za studente PMF-a na nivou osnovnih, masterskih i doktorskih studija iz oblasti:

051–Biological and related sciences (samo na masterskim studijama)
052 – Environment
053–Physical sciences (samo na osnovnim studijama)
0532–Earth sciences (samo na doktorskim studijama)
0541–Mathematics (samo na osnovnim i masterskim studijama)
0711–Chemical engineering

Trajanje stipendija: 1 semestar

Realizacija mobilnosti: zimski ili letnji semestar 2019/20

Trajanje konkursa: do 25. marta 2019. godine

Tekst konkursa sa uslovima možete pronaći na zvaničnom sajtu UNS.

Za dodatne informacije obratiti se Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju UNS-a: outgoing.erasmus@uns.ac.rs

Univerzitet Ca’ Foscari Venecija › Stipendije za studiranje u Veneciji 2019.

Ca’ Foscari se nalazi među najbolje rangiranih 200 univerziteta na svetu. Univerzitet nudi 100 stipendija koje pokrivaju troškove školarine i 90 stipendija u iznosu od 5.000€. Stipendije se dodeljuju na osnovu uspeha u dosadašnjem školovanju (merit based) kao i na osnovu finansijskih mogućnosti (income based). (more…)

Global Korea Scholarship 2019: Stipendija Vlade Republike Koreje za postdiplomske studije

Ambasada Republike Koreje u Republici Srbiji ima čast da vas obavesti da je Nacionalni institut za međunarodno obrazovanje, Ministarstva obrazovanja Vlade Republike Koreje, raspisao konkurs za četiri državljanina Srbije i jednog državljanina Crne Gore, da se prijave za državnu stipendiju korejske vlade za postdiplomske studije (master ili doktorske), pod nazivom 2019 Global Korea Scholarship: Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for a Graduate Degree – 2019 Graduate GKS.
