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Poziv za učešće u studentskom takmičenju za najbolji video – BUILDING BRIDGES

U okviru alijanse evropskih univerziteta EUGLOH otvoren je poziv za učešće u studentskom takmičenju za najbolji video: Building Bridges – Video Competition.

Studenti imaju zadatak da kreiraju “video pitch” u kojem treba da pokažu kako su veštine koje su do sada naučili u okviru svojih studija na univerzitetu doprineli nekoj pozitivnoj promeni. Pitanje koje učesnici konkursa treba da imaju u fokusu prilikom kreiranja rada je: “What is the most important skill you have learned so far at university and how have you used it to make a positive impact?”

Takmičenje organizuje Univerzitet u Lundu, Švedska, koji je jedan od partnera u EUGLOH alijansi. Dozvoljene su samo individualne prijave. Troje izabranih finalista biće pozvani da prisustvuju Godišnjem samitu alijanse u Lundu (13-14. jun 2023) kako bi predstavili svoj rad. Rok za prijavu je 23. april 2023. godine.

Na konkursu mogu učestvovati i studenti Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, s obzirom da je UNS takođe član alijanse EUGLOH.

Detaljnije informacije (tekst konkursa, video template i priručnik) : https://www.eugloh.eu/events/building-bridges-video-competition

Open Ph.D. position Marie Curie – deadline 16th April

React4Life in Genoa (Italy) is offering a PhD position.

Title "Development of organ on chip technology for NoV infection screening"

Required education level:

Biological sciences: Master Degree or equivalent
Biotechnology: Master Degree or equivalent
Pharmacology sciences: Master Degree or equivalent
Pharmacy sciences: Master Degree or equivalent
Biophysics: Master Degree or equivalent
Biomedical Engineering: Master Degree or equivalent

Interested candidates can apply by clicking here

Please note that the application deadline is fast approaching, with the
deadline 16th of April.

British Council Women in STEM scholarship – Cranfield University

Are you a woman with a degree in a STEM subject and passionate about your study? You could receive a scholarship to study a master’s degree in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics programme at a leading UK university. 

The British Council Women in STEM scholarship represents a fantastic opportunity to support women from disadvantaged backgrounds to study one of our eligible Master programmes with a comprehensive funding package (covering tuition fees, living costs, visa and health coverage).

Cranfield University is one of the potential host universities in UK and it has been awarded five Women in STEM scholarships from the British Council.

More details about this opporunity can be found on the British Council and Cranfield University webpages.

International Forster Summer School 2023

This year, Forster Summer School, hosted annually by the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz explores – urban climate. Adaptation, development and sustainable transformation.

Global climate change and its associated impacts, such as weather extremes, represent one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century. Due to the relatively high population density in urban areas, cities are the main cause and the main victims of climate change. Therefore, the Forster Summer School 2023 is dedicated to scientific findings and controversies on urban climate, the influence of vegetation, changing human-air relations as well as green and smart city designs.

When? July 21st – August 4th 2023

Where? Campus of JGU Mainz – Excursions to the surroundings

Arrangement included? Course fees, materials, lunch fees during the lecture program, accommodation with breakfast, excursions. Travel, insurance and visa must be organized and paid independently

The participation fees? 150 €

Who may apply? Students enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD study program

Application: https://nullneun.uni-mainz.de/fuer-studierende/international/forster-summer-school/forster-summer-school-2023-explores-urban-climate/application/

Application Deadline: 15th April 2023, 00:00 CET

Please note:

  • The whole program is held in English and places are limited. A maximum of 30 students can participate in the Forster Summer School. After the application deadline, a selection committee decides on the allocation of places.
  • For application you will find a fillable PDF on this link. Please submit your complete application documents with a letter of motivation, CV, certificate of study and language certificates (if available) until 15th of April 2023

Poseta delegacije sa Univerziteta Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)

Delegacija sa Fakulteta za nauku i tehnologiju, Univerziteta Paris-Est Créteil je posetila Prirodno-matematički fakultet (PMF) u ponedeljak, 20. marta 2023. U sastavu delegacije bili su prof. Amine Nait Ali, prodekan za međunarodnu saradnju, Sanae Fukuma, šef Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju i Davy-Louis VERSACE, profesor iz oblasti hemije polimera i fotohemije.

Prijem je organizovan u Klubu nastavnika na PMF-u, a delegaciju su dočekali prof. Srđan Rončević, prodekan za nauku, međunarodnu saradnju i razvoj, prof. Tatjana Đaković Sekulić, pomoćnik direktora Departmana za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine, prof. Marijana Kragulj Isakovski, prof. Đurđa Kerkez, Gordana Vlahović, šef Kancelarije za međunarodnu saradnju i Ivana Pejović, stručni saradnik za međunarodnu saradnju.

Cilj ove posete je bio proširenje aktivnosti postojeće međunarodne saradnje i partnerstva, uspostavljanje zajedničkih studijskih programa, zajedničko učešće u naučno-istraživačkim projektima i unapređenje koordinacije i protoka akademske mobilnosti između fakulteta.


U okviru ciklusa „Study in France, work in Serbia“ Francuski institut u Srbiji u saradnji sa Tempus kancelarijom organizuje panel diskusije posvećene radu privrednih i strateških sektora u Srbiji.  Svaka debata okuplja predstavnike francuskih visokoškolskih ustanova i preduzeća koja posluju u Srbiji, sa ciljem da ohrabre studente iz Srbije da jednu godinu specijalističkih studija prate u Francuskoj, a da se potom vrate u Srbiju i zaposle  u sektorima koji doprinose dinamici njenog razvoja.

Panel diskusija “JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CYBERSECURITY SECTOR IN SERBIA” će se organizovati u sredu 15. mart 2023, od 10.00 do 14.30 u Rektorau Univerziteta u Novom Sadu (Zorana Ðinđića 1).


Cédric Grousset, Western Balkans capacity center

Vincent Guiltat, Univerzitet Bretagne Sud, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CYBERUS

Aurélien Francillon, inženjerska škola EURECOM Francuska.

Darko Ćalasan, Atos Serbia

Imre Lendak, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu

Nicolas Rabrenović, French Tech Beograd

Diskusija će biti na engleskom jeziku, bez prevoda na srpski jezik.

Održana promocija o Erazmus+ konkursu za Letnju školu hemije u Gracu

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta je u četvrtak, 9. marta 2023. organizovala promociju Erazmus+ konkursa za Letnju školu hemije u Gracu.

U toku događaja, studenti hemije i biohemije sa PMF-a su upoznati sa uslovima konkursa, sa procesom prijave i kriterijumima za rangiranje, a takođe su čuli i bitne informacije koji se tiču same organizacije i aktivnosti u okviru Letnje škole. Prof. Nataša Simin je objasnila koji su benefiti učešća u školi i na koji način ih ovo iskustvo može obogatiti u profesionalnom životu.

Takođe, svoje doživljaje sa prošlogodišnje Letnje škole u Gracu su podelili i Milica Bogdanović, David Nedeljković i Stefan Vidović.

Milica, David i Stefan su prezentovali projekte i istraživačke grupe u koje su bili uključeni, zatim koje laboratorijske metode i tehnike su savladali i kako su iskusili dva meseca života u Gracu u toku leta. Takođe, podelili su sa prisutnima svoje profesionalne planove za budućnost, koji su podstaknuti učešćem u Letnjoj školi hemije.

Studenti koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da prisustvuju događaju mogu da preuzmu održanu prezentaciju ovde:

Kancelariju za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a svakog radnog dana ima rezervisan termin za konsultacije sa studentima od 9 -10h. Individualne konsultacije (online ili uživo) van pomenutog termina se mogu zakazati putem mejla: erasmus@pmf.unc.ac.rs.

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju se nalazi u Dekanatu na prizemlju, soba br. 6.

Svim studentima PMF-a želimo puno uspeha na Konkursu za Letnju školu hemije!

The Banach Scholarship Programme

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in a coperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a call for applicants in the Banach Scholarship Programme. The objective of the Programme is to promote socio-economic progress of developing countries by raising the level of knowledge and education of their citizens.

The programme offers scholarships for second-degree studies in Polish or in English at Polish universities supervised by the Minister of Education and Science in the field of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences.

NAWA scholarships are open to applicants who:

  • at the time of submitting an application to the programme are students in the final year of first-cycle studies or hold a bachelor’s degree from a programme country, in eligible fields;
  • are students who plan to begin their second-cycle studies in English or Polish or a preparatory course in the academic year 2023/24.
  • are citizens of the following countries: Albania, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Palestine, Peru, the Philippines, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
  • in addition, the citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan can complete second-degree studies in the fields of humanities and social sciences under the Programme, with the exception of philological studies in the field of the beneficiary’s native language.

The call for applications for the programme will run until 31 March 2023, until 3.00 p.m.

Details on the call for the Banach NAWA programme can be found HERE.

“Hack the Gender Gap: AI for All“ – HTEC Idea Marathon

HTEC Group tokom marta organizuje seriju događaja sa fokusom na žene, izazove sa kojima se suočavaju i pitanja kako najsavremenije tehnologije oblikuju njihovu realnost.

Centralni događaju biće panel diskusija „Hack the Gender Gap: AI for All”, koja će biti održana 15. marta od 16 časova, i u kojoj će učestvovati liderke sa velikim iskustvom u tech industriji, kao i HTEC Idea Marathon, koji počinje istog dana i trajaće 42 sata. 

Pozivaju se sve studentkinje da se prijave za Idea Marathon i iskoriste ovu izuzetnu priliku za učenje, razvoj i sticanje dragocenih praktičnih znanja kroz interakciju sa predavačima i iskusnim profesionalcima iz HTEC-a, kao i međunarodnim liderkama iz tech industrije.

Za učešće u hakatonu studentkinje mogu da se prijave prijaviti putem ovog linka, a takođe, pozivaju se svi zainteresovani i da se prijave za panel diskusiju na sledećem linku.   

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education | EUGLOH

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship in HEIs (INVENTHEI) and European University Alliance for Global Health are delighted to invite you to an exciting entrepreneurship knowledge and experience-sharing event, taking place at the Faculty of Engineering of the U.Porto at 10h00 GMT / 11h00 CET in Anfiteatro B032, on the 10th of March 2023.

After a year and a half of learning, implementing activities and collaborating with multiple European partners, INVENTHEI has gathered its good practices regarding Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education institutions and now intends to transfer this knowledge to other relevant actors.

The main focus of this session is to stimulate growth in the community, empowering more institutions and organizations, so that they can implement the good practices in their ecosystem and promote the training of Entrepreneurs and Innovators! To this end, INVENTHEI and EUGLOH projects joint efforts to exchange and disseminate best practices and innovative entrepreneurship training methods within international contexts.

This event will be a fantastic opportunity for the community to network and learn about these ongoing projects of the University of Porto, as well as current challenges and trends.

We truly believe that this event will be a valuable experience for anyone interested in entrepreneurship and look forward to your participation.

Note: the event will be live streamed (link will be shared with participants who register for online participation).

Please register here.

In case of questions, please contact: eugloh@uporto.pt