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Category Archives: News and Opportunities

KAUST Visiting Student Research Program Internship – Webinar

The Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) is a unique internship program for 3 to 6 months, that offers students the chance to conduct innovative research at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Learn more about Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) at one of upcoming informational webinars. Hosted by current students and faculty, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn
more about the program.

When: November 8 – 11

Register: https://bit.ly/3GySXI6

Contact: vsrp@kaust.edu.sa

G-Research Algorithmic Finance Challenge

Masters and PhD students from Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Computer Science are invited to join online a virtual Quantitative Finance Algorithmic Challenge on Wednesday 10th November at 6pm CEST.

Attendees will be able to take part in an algorithmic trading game that will give them insight into the world of quantitative finance outside of the traditional company presentation. The event will be run by our Quantitative Researchers and Machine Learning Specialists, who will share their knowledge about the industry and how a mathematical skill set can be transferred into other areas outside of academia. 

The game is great fun, yet informative and there is the opportunity to win 200 Euros in Amazon vouchers for every member of the winning team!

Registration form

Click here for the full poster: PDF Poster

KAUST Visiting Student Research Program Internship

The Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) is a unique internship program for 3 to 6 months, that offers students the chance to conduct innovative research at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Through this fully-funded internship, talented students in Bachelors or Masters degrees can undertake experimental study in their area of scientific discipline. With research opportunities that span the breadth of the scientific and engineering fields, driven students can gain unparalleled opportunities to pursue their research questions under the guidance and support of KAUST faculty mentors.

Visit the website to know more and apply!

Program stipendija nemačke privrede Zoran Đinđić – otvoren poziv za aplikacije sa rokom do 16. novembra 2021!

Fodacija Dr Zoran Đinđić već više od 18 godina nudi studentima plaćene prakse iz brojnih oblasti u najboljim kompanijama u Nemačkoj, nakon čega studenti stečeno znanje mogu da primene u zemljama regiona.

Otvoren je konkurs za aplikacije i svi zainteresovani studenti mogu da se informišu na linku: https://www.djindjic-stipendienprogramm.de/applicants#applicants-new

ROK za prijavljivanje je 16. novembar 2021. putem online aplikacije.

Fondacija će održati 2 online promocije programa:

19. oktobra 2021 u 12h putem linka:


Meeting-ID: 957 8883 7316
Kenncode: 482096

i 27. oktobra u 19h putem linka:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81818065661? pwd=bEp5cGdyQlU1a0pwSkJQbGppOURXZ z09
Meeting ID: 818 1806 5661
Passcode: 910984

Više informacija o programu u prilozima:

DAAD info sesije za studente Univerziteta u Novom Sadu

DAAD Informativni centar u Beogradu organizuje Onlajn informativne sesije za studente Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Sesije će se održati 13. i 20. oktobra u 12 h sa fokusom na master programe za sve naučne discipline, ali i za master program za ekonomiste i letnje kurseve nemačkog jezika.

Prijavu za učešće je potrebno popuniti do 12.10.21. u 17 h preko sledećeg linka: https://bit.ly

Nakon isteka vremena za prijavu učesnici će dobiti link priključenja sesijama.

Post Doctoral Position at the Electronic Ceramids Department, »Jožef Stefan« Institute, Slovenia

The Electronic Ceramids Department ( ” Jožef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana) has opened a position for a post-doc candidate in experimental solid-state materials science/physics/chemistry to work on materials with exotic electrical and magnetic properties such as multicaloric materials. Activities will include the syntheses, structural determination, and physical properties investigation.

The work will take place at the Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics, K5 (http://www-k5.ijs.si/en/), Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

If you are interested in a post-doc position and employment at the institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, please contact: hana.ursic@ijs.si.


Ukoliko niste bili u mogućnosti da ispratite jučerašnju Zoom prezentaciju aktuelnog konkursa UNS-a za Erazmus+ stipendiranu mobilnost studenata, možete pogledati snimak:

Prezentaciju možete preuzeti u .pdf formatu na linku:

Za sva dodatna pitanja i nedoumice, studenti PMF-a mogu zakazati online konsultacije sa Kancelarijom za međunarodnu saradnju PMF putem e-adrese: erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs ili nas posetiti u svakog radnog dana u periodu od 9-10h (Dekanat PMF-a, prizemlje, kancelarija br.6).

Želimo vam puno uspeha na konkursu! 🙂

Prezentacija Erazmus+ konkursa za studente UNS-a

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu će organizovati online prezentaciju o tekućem Erazmus+ konkursu za odlaznu mobilnost studenata.

Prezentacija će se održati korišćenjem Webex platforme u utorak, 5. oktobra 2021. u 12h.

Podaci potrebni za praćenje događaja:

Meeting link: https://ppma.webex.com/ppma/j.php?MTID=mc6af5d5d5ec8eaeb436e742b821377ff

Meeting number: 2376 880 0974

Password: NoviSad2021

Online promocija konkursa za ERASMUS+ odlaznu mobilnost studenata

Kancelarija za međunarodnu saradnju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta održaće onlajn promociju javnog poziva za ERASMUS+ odlaznu mobilnost studenata.

Prezentacija će se održati korišćenjem ZOOM platforme u ponedeljak, 4. oktobra 2021. u 11h.

Podaci potrebni za praćenje događaja:

Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93029427879?pwd=R0VneW45MWVpNXVxRkpuWmxWd1lKZz09

Ivana Pejovic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Prezentacija konkursa za ERASMUS+ odlaznu mobilnost studenata
Time: Oct 4, 2021 11:00 AM Budapest

Join Zoom Meeting

Ivana Pejovic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Prezentacija konkursa za ERASMUS+ odlaznu mobilnost studenata
Time: Oct 4, 2021 11:00 AM Budapest

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 7835 5632
Passcode: da5p11


Univerzitet u Novom Sadu raspisao je Javni poziv za prijavu studenata za Erazmus+ odlaznu mobilnost sa Univerziteta u Novom Sadu prema Erazmus+ programskim zemljama.

Svi detalji poziva dostupni su na sajtu UNS-a: JAVNI POZIV

Informacije o Erazmus+ KA103 partnerskim univezitetima za studente PMF-a: PRIRODNO-MATEMATICKI FAKULTET

Krajnji rok za podnošenje prijava je petak, 15. oktobar 2021. u 23:59 časova. Neblagovremene, nepotpune i nedozvoljene prijave neće biti uzete u razmatranje!

Za podršku tokom procesa prijavljivanja možete se obratiti vašem departmanskom akademskom koordinatoru, kao i Kancelariji za međunarodnu saradnju PMF-a na adresu erasmus@pmf.uns.ac.rs.