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Category Archives: News and Opportunities


“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia organizes,  September 20 – 24, 2021, INNOVATION FOR NEXTGEN EU: AUTUMN SCHOOL, SECOND EDITION.

Please register for one or more courses accessing the link below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=FP4cB14uv0-CkZzj_jibNjmk_Ugm3aNDgM3s1bk76GVUNE9PNlFINUw5T1RHWVRZMFRDQ1ZJUlpNRi4u




Poziv na virtuelni sajam – Study in Germany

Dragi studenti,

ovim putem Vas pozivamo na učešće na predstojeći virtuelni sajam sa fokusom na održivost i životnu sredinu. Ovo dešavanje 23. septembra organizuje Study in Germany . Na virtuelnom sajamu  će učestvovati mnoge renomirane institucije visokog obrazovanja.

Budite sa nama, poslušajte saradnike sa nemačkih univerziteta i postavite pitanja.

Registracija za pristup događaju:


Pogledajte bliže informacije o institucijama:


APPLY NOW! Brunel University London (UK) offers attractive master study programmes for academic 2021-2022.

Lightweight Structures and Impact Engineering MSc

Structural Integrity (Asset Reliability Management) MSc

Oil and Gas Engineering MSc

Napomena potencijalnim zainteresovanima: APLICIRAJTE ŠTO PRE! Iako na linkovima piše da su rokovi za apliciranje istekli, ignorišite to i slobodno pišite direktno koordinatorima ovih master programa:

Kevin Hughes PhD, Senior Lecturer in Structural Integrity / MSc Course Director: Kevin.Hughes@brunel.ac.uk

Dr Nenad Djordjevic, Senior Lecturer in Structural Integrity: nenad.djordjevic@brunel.ac.uk

Catherine Wells BA (Hons), Theme Administrator Structural Integrity, Brunel University, London: Catherine.wells@brunel.ac.uk & International-admissions@brunel.ac.uk

Shanghai Jiao Tong Global Virtual Classroom

As the pandemic made international travel difficult or even impossible, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has launched Jiao◦Tong Global Virtual Classroom (Jiao◦Tong GVC) initiative recently. This initiative encourages virtual student exchange and online teaching collaboration between SJTU and partner universities across the globe. As virtual exchanges allow for convenient and valuable international experiences, this initiative will therefore enable students from different countries to exchange ideas and get inspired by one another in a same global virtual classroom. 

For Fall Semester 2021, a total of 20 SJTU courses are offered to international students from partner universities. UNS students are highly welcomed to participate as virtual exchange students.

More details of Jiao◦Tong GVC initiative and courses available in 2021 Fall can be found at Jiao◦Tong GVC Website.

Applications are NOW OPEN until September 4, 2021.

Contact person: Lina Tao, Program Coordinator, nalitao0504@sjtu.edu.cn

Vebinar “Kako da uspešno kreirate novi Europass CV?”

Fondacija Tempus će održati vebinar koji je namenjen studentima, učenicima, mladima, nastavnicima, zaposlenim osobama i tražiocima posla, kao i svim osobama koje žele da saznaju kako se koristi inovirana Europass platforma. Tokom vebinara će biti demonstrirano kako se registruje na platformu, kako se na njoj kreiraju, čuvaju, dele i sa nje izvoze Europass profil (portfolio), radna biografija (CV) i propratno pismo, kao i koje dodatne funkcionalnosti u svrhu obrazovanja i zapošljavanja su na raspolaganju.

Vebinar se održava u utorak, 24. avgusta, sa početkom u 16 časova, a za prijavu učešća potrebno je popuniti kratak prijavni formular, najkasnije do 23. avgusta u 15 časova.

Pristup ka prijavnom formularu možete pronaći ovde.

Vebinar “Kako na studentsku razmenu kroz programe Erazmus+ i CEEPUS”?

Fondacija Tempus će održati vebinar koji je namenjen aktuelnim i budućim studentima osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija na visokoškolskim ustanovama u Srbiji koji su zainteresovani da jedan deo svojih studija provedu na stipendiranoj studentskoj razmeni u inostranstvu kroz programe Erazmus+ i CEEPUS. Na vebinaru će biti reči o aktuelnim mogućnostima za prijavu, uslovima učešća, visini i obuhvatu stipendija, potrebnoj dokumentaciji i načinu prijave.

Vebinar se održava u utorak, 17. avgusta u 16 časova, a za prijavu učešća potrebno je popuniti kratak prijavni formular, najkasnije do 16. avgusta u 15 časova.

Više informacija o vebinaru i pristup ka prijavnom formularu možete pronaći ovde.

International OPEN Day@WUT Event 2021

The West University of Timișoara, Romania is organizing its first International OPEN Day@WUT on Friday July 9th, 2021, online.

At this online event, international students from all around the world can discover more information about the academic offer of the West University of Timișoara (e.g. study programmesadmission processacademic opportunities etc) and can meet the responsible staff to answer all of their questions. A specific focus shall be directed towards the degree programmes taught in English, French and German and towards the Romanian Language Preparatory Programme.

International OPEN Day@WUT is free and available on 9.07.2021, from 12:00 (UCT/GMT + 3 hours), Bucharest time at the following link: https://fb.me/e/4Mm5I0gsB

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS TO PROM Program – International Scholarship Exchange of PhD candidates and Academic Staff, financing short forms of international education

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland invites PhD students and academic staff (up to 40 years old) to take part in call for incoming applicants in the frame of the PROM Program – International Scholarship Exchange of PhD candidates and Academic Staff, financing short forms of international education.

Information about the call:

  1. Offer: funding (subsistence allowance 14 days (12 working days + 2 travel days)– 7780 PLN; travel grant – flat rate based on distance between place of residence and location of stay) to conduct a short-term internship at SGGW
  2. Internship period: academic year 2020/2021 (internship must be completed until 30September 2021)
  3. Internship topic: closely related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation (PhD students) or activity (Teachers)
  4. Eligible candidates: PhD students, Teachers
  5. Application deadline: 21 July 2021
  6. Application submission: via email – prom@sggw.edu.pl
  7. Application documents: application form (attached), confirmation of PhD student status / confirmation of a teacher employment, letter of acceptance (attached), internship agreement (attached), reference letter – application for an internship require finding an academic supervisor at SGGW (https://bw.sggw.edu.pl/index.seam?lang=en&cid=40788) and preparing a research plan to increase competences, skills and knowledge related to PhD dissertation/teacher’s activity
  8. Available no. of scholarships: up to 4 PhD students, 1 Academic staff (up to 40 years old)

Description of PROM Program’s terms and conditions – Regulations (attached).

More information about the PROM Program: https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/home/collaboration-and-services/international-cooperation/other-exchange-programs/employee-phd-student/prom/

In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact us: prom@sggw.edu.pl

Call for applications: BAYHOST grants for summer schools in Bavaria and in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in 2021

In 2021 BAYHOST offers grants for students and young researchers who would like to participate in a summer school in Bavaria or Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe respectively (online or offline).

Students and early-stage researchers from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CEE/SEE) or Bavaria have the possibility to apply for grants for a summer school conducted by Bavarian or Eastern Europe higher education institutions (except language courses).

Eligible Countries in CEE / SEE:
Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine.

The scholarship program is open to all disciplines and covers the course fee (including additional modules, excursions, etc.) for participation in specialized courses at higher education institutions in Bavaria or in CEE / SEE. A subsidy for accommodation is also possible (if not included in the course fee).

Applications may be submitted for any summer school taking place in 2021 (also ex-post). The call is open to students and early-stage researchers who register individually for one of the courses and participate as self-payers.

Deadline for applications: continuously possible
(subject to the exhaustion of subsidies)

Please find all the documents for the application here:

Further information regarding the application process is available on our website and on our BAYHOST facebook profile.

ZA STUDENTE – Volontiraj na Međunarodnoj studentskoj nedelji u Beogradu!

Svetski omladinski talas  poziva volontere da učestvuju u njihovom najvećem projektu i najvećem studentskom festivalu u jugoistočnoj Evropi – ISWiB.

Međunarodna studentska nedelja u Beogradu  (International Student Week in Belgrade) održaće se ove godine u periodu od 6. do 13. avgusta.

Prijave za volontere traju do 11. juna.

Za sve dodatne informacije, obratite se putem mejla ili društvenih mreža @iswib_ i @sot_org

Festival ISWiB, jedan od najvećih studentskih festivala u jugoistočnoj Evropi, otvorio je prijave za svoje volontere koji će u periodu od 6. do 13. avgusta učestvovati u realizaciji istog. Konkurs je sačinjen iz dva kruga. Prvi krug je forma koju treba popuniti do 11. juna, a drugi krug je intervju uživo.

Volonteri su podeljeni u četiri grupe:

  1. Group Guide – vodiči
  2. Logistika
  3. Info&Host
  4. Media volonteri (potrebno je imati svoj fotoaparat).

Pre samog festivala biće organizavne radionice za sve volontere kako bi se upoznali sa svojim zaduženjima. Predznanje i iskustvo nije od presudnog značaja za odabir, osim za Media volontere za koje je potrebno da znaju da koriste fotoaparat. Smeštaj nije obezbeđen, tako da je neophodno da u periodu radionica i festivala volonteri imaju svoj smeštaj u Beogradu.

S obzirom da je bezbednost na festivalu prioritet, uslov za volontiranje je obavezna vakcinacija (2 doze do samog festivala) ili Serološki test (test na antitela). Vakcinacija i antitela znatno smanjuju rizik širenja virusa.

Na zvaničnim profilima na društvenim mrežama nalaze se dodatne informacije, kao i iskustva dosadašnjih volontera koji su pokušali da na najbolji način približe volontiranje na ISWiB-u.

Međunarodna studentska nedelja u Beogradu (International Student Week in Belgrade) zasniva se na konceptu „mladi za mlade”, pružajući mladim ljudima priliku da steknu neophodno teorijsko, ali i praktično iskustvo iz različitih oblasti. Značajan broj, kako učesnika, tako i volontera, priključuju se festivalu svake godine i doprinose njegovoj realizaciji svojim entuzijazmom i posvećenošću. Ovogodišnja tema festivala je mentalno zdravlje, čime želimo da podstaknemo mlade da u svakom trenutku treba da cene sebe.

#IappreciateMe #CenimSebe